[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Tried ll version of this exact build. Just wanted to try a build that can actually kill time lost cavern bosses in depth 1k. First of all your items on ll version (pastebin) are just weak. But instead in ur profile they are different. What is the point missleading new people? 2. It does nothing even against normal monsters in depth 1k+.
how are you all getting endurance charges for immortal call?
werdcon wrote:
how are you all getting endurance charges for immortal call?

You don't need endurance charges for immortal call to proc.
I am blind or I can't see what stats should I prioitize in weapon/shield? And what is better to use GC or ARC? (I will go LL version I think) And why LL version is more expensive? I see Unnatural Instict is 16 ex :O
Last edited by imatty on Jan 15, 2019, 7:34:12 PM
IM just getting started on my gear and I was wondering if I should try to avoid any of the Clarity or Hatred Mods from watchers eye, I know you mentioned they are all useful. But if there are some that are just lackluster I will filter them out.

Convince me to switch GC over to my Loreweave from the helmet. I can't see why I would want to. (Disregard what's going on in the 6L at the moment.)

Glacial Cascade is able to be 22 in that helm, plus supported by 7L. Concentrated Effect could also be 22, but currently 21 due to it. Increased AoE could be considered a lost slot against bosses, but realistically I'm not switching out Increased/Conc everytime I get to a boss or something more difficult.
Last edited by serotoninzero on Jan 16, 2019, 11:29:24 AM
Only reason to switch to chest would be if the loreweave has double corrup +1/+2 gem level.
Glacial cascade with empower in such a setup reaches level 28. Beats socketing into a multilink shaper helm.

I’ve tested both scenarios, and chest with double corrupt wins.

Castablanca wrote:
Only reason to switch to chest would be if the loreweave has double corrup +1/+2 gem level.
Glacial cascade with empower in such a setup reaches level 28. Beats socketing into a multilink shaper helm.

I’ve tested both scenarios, and chest with double corrupt wins.

That's what I figured as well. I don't know if I have the baals to try double corrupting my Loreweave. I definitely don't have the currency to replace it at the moment. I have almost no problem with damage all the way up to Shaper and I'm still not sitting at all BiS, it's been my survivability that needs fixing. #forever92
I'm trying this build at the moment, and i am wondering why in the earlier levels we should use arc with mines. It feels so slow because u can't just throw it away like a trap. Would it not be easier and faster and maybe just better to use lightning trap while leveling for a while, maybe even arc with trap support?

In PoB i see we should use Lightning Spire Trap, i don't see it in the guide somewhere, but you just get 2 charges and they seem very slow and week compared to lightning trap.

Can someone explain me a bit more about why to use arc with the mine support so early?
Last edited by Floep on Jan 18, 2019, 2:44:28 AM
You can use Trap with Arc too for early game. Most of the nodes we take are trap+Mine. But once you get the Instant detonation node (forgot its name), you should stick to mines. I always found mines more smoother than traps for some reason. But its a personal preference.

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