[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Has anyone been able to kill the mastermind with LL GC variant?
kan3 wrote:
Has anyone been able to kill the mastermind with LL GC variant?

I've beaten the mastermind with LL GC once. Can do it again but see no point in doing that.

With this helm, should I run my 6L GC in my helm and run something else in my 6L chest? What could I run that would add value? I was thinking Arc, but it won't benefit from Hatred at all. And GC doesn't benefit from Wrath as much as Hatred, so I'm not sure.

Maybe some elaborate CWDT setup?

oh, and if i decide to quit the GC Miner, how much do you think I could get for the helm?
Last edited by Tsupa on Dec 22, 2018, 12:54:45 PM
Qaizr, I'm curious how your found dealing with syndicate encounters in maps have been?
Safe houses and mastermind have all been easy, end game content has been fine as well, but some of the random encounters have just been crazy damage I don't seem to be able to negate or get away from. Been debating dropping oh for a shield to get more life and chaos res.
Just curious how you've found them?

Also is anyone noticing how terribly gc focuses the doors on the fortification encounters?
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kan3 wrote:
Has anyone been able to kill the mastermind with LL GC variant?

I've beaten the mastermind with LL GC once. Can do it again but see no point in doing that.

even after GGG making every syndicate member drop stuff according to where they are patch?
IGN: DabrixRN
what are we looking for in a weapon? Also will this ring from an old build work or should I hock it and buy something else?
IGN: DabrixRN
Anyone got any advice for my gearing/build. I am playing SSF so limited access to buy gear.

I am currently doing t5-t10, anything higher is getting pretty hard. Using arc for clear and GC for boss.

All hail the timer!
Hoàng_Lanh wrote:

So why don't you do arc trap? I have try it and arc mine and it seem arc mine cant beat arc trap

I played before arc trap and for me the pros for arc mines are:
1. Much more higher dmg
2. You dont need mobs to trigger it, so u can place it much far to trigger
omgree wrote:
Hoàng_Lanh wrote:

So why don't you do arc trap? I have try it and arc mine and it seem arc mine cant beat arc trap

I played before arc trap and for me the pros for arc mines are:
1. Much more higher dmg
2. You dont need mobs to trigger it, so u can place it much far to trigger

I see your point. I'm currently using arc mine for maps and stuff cause i'm sick of uber elder. Trying to craft some weapon for it so i can one shot those master. I think % gain elemental as chaos and seem good in this case. I can do uber elder deathless, but those master scare the fuck out of me
Excuse me, but why isn't the Detonate Mine skill gem and the Spell Totem not on this build? Isn't it a way to easily burst down bosses?

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