[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

120k with the nerfs unachievable without double statstick, even with the best watcher's eye and items.You miss Hatred aura, but still 28k tooltip hmmmm, should have at least 50k, post your tree.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
For those wanting a "step by step" guide I made a PoB with points for lvl 20, 40, 60, 80, 90 and 96.

It also has 2 The princess, sabre as weapons for leveling purposes.


You can balance damage/survivability on the latest levels, if you need more life grab increased life nodes, if you want more damage and don't have money for nice daggers go for Light of Dinivinity, 20% crit chance or will of blades.

I find that you don't need that good of gear to make everything within the game. If you lack mechanics uber elder will always be hard, I guess I'll never have the same mechanics as windz on doing uber elder fight.

I'm using arc/vaal arc to do all maps, since is way faster and easier than GC.

My arc setup is (all with shaper +mine helm):

Arc, Remote Mine, Added Lightning, Increased critical Strikes, Controlled Destruction and Trap and Mine Damage + Wrath on Essence Worm

If you have 2 green slots Hypothermia will prob give you more dps than added lightning and controlled destruction

For bosses i'll run
Glacial cascade, Remote Mine, Conc Effect, Increased Critical Strikes, Controlled Destruction and Hypothermia + Hatred on Essence Worm

Hypothermia will give you low tool tip DPS but you will freeze/chill all bosses, so it's safer.

I could also swap the GC gems for other gemm (since I don't have helmet enchant) but for now there is nothing that my arc mines don't one shot.

With only flasks and arcane surge UP and my gear Ihave the following average dps on PoB:

Arc = 152k
GC = 172k

I'll prob try to recolor my loreweave to 4 blue 2 green since now I can achieve more damage with hypothermia + trap and mine damage than with controlled destruction.
Last edited by zug0 on Sep 18, 2018, 2:12:49 PM
Hello people :)
Mooginator wrote:
Well, I took this build to 39 and I have to say it's the absolute worst and most tedious character I've ever built. I have 3 L90+ characters in Delve already, and I usually have 0-2 deaths by 85. This toon had 4 deaths by 35. No defense, clunky, slow, and arduous to play. I know it can rock at end-game (heck the current delve lead is running a build similar to this), but god god's sake PLEASE write a leveling guide. For those of us who have never run a Mine build before, we really need guidance on how to do this. I had a 6L Tabula, and BiS gear for the type of build, etc (essence worm @ 38, etc). and it just ate way too much mana, had no defense (I'd get 1-2 shot by blue/purple/yellows). My guess is I'm building the skill tree in the wrong order, but I don't know what to rush and what not to rush... Because I've never built a Mine char before.

Author... please update the leveling guide. I just abandoned the build because it's just misery to level... and I have all the best leveling gear available!

Born in the shadows allow you to face tank everything. Rush volatile mine node and grab few life nodes. Then finish the big mine wheel node. Then go through witch into MoM. Make sure to use highest mana flasks.

I will try to add updated lvling section to the guide. I have one somewhere buried under “history of gc mine” section but i will try to make a new one beginner friendly.
Guys, what do you think about Tremor Rod?
Nevermind. Did a few changes and it works better.
Last edited by cfreyrun on Sep 20, 2018, 2:15:16 AM
Spacecom wrote:
120k with the nerfs unachievable without double statstick, even with the best watcher's eye and items.You miss Hatred aura, but still 28k tooltip hmmmm, should have at least 50k, post your tree.

So my current gear again:

And the tooltip is saying 28k with Hatred aura. Without I have 22.5k.
My tree:
Last edited by Meurtrier on Sep 19, 2018, 4:10:03 AM
How does the LL version handle deep delves? Thinking of making it to get the 600 depth done and wondering if this is a good choice.
Meurtrier wrote:

I have no idea what's wrong, there might be some minor improvements in tree and gear, but that wont give you the remaining 50k dps, and we practically have the same gear.First you are far more defensive, you stretch the tree all the way to the templar side so you miss some damage nodes. Should forget the mine laying speed left from "Saboteur" node and pick the one with damage at the right.ALso left from the node "Volatile mines" is a node called "additional mine" you should pick that up too.You should take the 3 node wheal that leads to "Destructive Apparatus". Also "Annihilation" and "Arcanist's Dominion" seem too good to be bypassed.
My tree aint much different from yours, but I am not expanding any further from witch area and heavily invest in damage nodes while Istill got like 8.300 es with shield.
Check it out if you like: https://pastebin.com/8kbNM0mr
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Last edited by Spacecom on Sep 19, 2018, 7:31:13 AM
any thoughts about how it'll be at deep delves (LL version)? and PoB for good survivability at good depths

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