[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

rotheee wrote:
im 86. im sure i could farm, shaper - uber atziri .. but how to reach them?

im at t10 in my Atlas .. and wont spent 100 c for a shaper set .. whats ur trick?

you pay 100C for it and get lucky or farm t14/t15 maps.
Hi i got around 20 ex for this build is it enough to get me started? i never played any miner before but i want to try this out
Gnomzy99 wrote:
Hi i got around 20 ex for this build is it enough to get me started? i never played any miner before but i want to try this out

20ex is more than enough to get yourself geared enough to easily farm shaper/guardians. Just do not pay 15ex for a dual t1 extra elemental/multi mod crafted shaper dagger. There are dual extra daggers with 55+% damage that lets you overkill everything. I managed to kill shaper 3 times with 2x Princess sabri.

Unfortunately, the more recent information of how to scale the damage lies buried in the comments between 90-130 where people discussed the details during abyss. Windz's setup in the opening post guide is more than enough to kill Uber Atziri as showcased in his videos.

Uber Elder I am yet to try however so I cannot comment on it I am afraid. Though, I am 95% positive 20ex will be enough.

ShadowGenisys I got a question for you or anyone that is using dual daggers instead of dagger/shield for the build. One thing I have noticed after switching to dual daggers is that the attack speed for whirling blades pretty slow, meaning getting around in maps is slow. Do you do anything specific to counter this? I am thinking of getting a brightbeak/shield for mapping and weapon swapping for bosses, what do you think?
Last edited by alpish on Mar 15, 2018, 1:40:19 PM
alpish wrote:
Gnomzy99 wrote:
Hi i got around 20 ex for this build is it enough to get me started? i never played any miner before but i want to try this out

20ex is more than enough to get yourself geared enough to easily farm shaper/guardians. Just do not pay 15ex for a dual t1 extra elemental/multi mod crafted shaper dagger. There are dual extra daggers with 55+% damage that lets you overkill everything. I managed to kill shaper 3 times with 2x Princes sabre.

Unfortunately, the more recent information of how to scale the damage lies buried in the comments between 90-130 where people discussed the details during abyss. Windz's setup in the opening post guide is more than enough to kill Uber Atziri as showcased in his videos.

Uber Elder I am yet to try however so I cannot comment on it I am afraid. Though, I am 95% positive 20ex will be enough.

ShadowGenisys I got a question for you or anyone that is using dual daggers instead of dagger/shield for the build. One thing I have noticed after switching to dual daggers is that the attack speed for whirling blades pretty slow, meaning getting around in maps is slow. Do you do anything specific to counter this? I am thinking of getting a brightbeak/shield for mapping and weapon swapping for bosses, what do you think?

Ah okay what about taste of haste and that jewel wich converts GC do i need use them? cuz in PoB he isnt using them
Taste of hate at low gearing (Low amount of extra elemental damage as phys) is a lot of damage, it was about 10% more for my case. Also helps with some stray physical damage.

For jewels, you have to get some kind of conversion in order to get GC fully converted. Your options are phys to lightning, 2x Long Winters, GC conversion enchant or hatred watcher's eye (Not efficient, imo). I prefer 2x long winters for better clear during maping and because its cheaper than others or more efficient than phys to lightning.
after finishing upgrading my character im 53k tooltip in hideout without any buffs is that alot or not?
zeturka wrote:
@Glaciez how is the Loreweave? I plan to buy it too, but don't have enough exs yet.
And why do you have HH? You don't kill any monsters, or it gives you mods anyway?

Yea hh works, and loreweave is amazing -max mods on maps don't matter and it's huge ele dmg mitigation while still having life+mana+dmg mods.
Can you guys gear check me ? I have 7 EX currency and i don't know what should i change or add :\
alpish wrote:
Gnomzy99 wrote:
Hi i got around 20 ex for this build is it enough to get me started? i never played any miner before but i want to try this out

20ex is more than enough to get yourself geared enough to easily farm shaper/guardians. Just do not pay 15ex for a dual t1 extra elemental/multi mod crafted shaper dagger. There are dual extra daggers with 55+% damage that lets you overkill everything. I managed to kill shaper 3 times with 2x Princess sabri.

Unfortunately, the more recent information of how to scale the damage lies buried in the comments between 90-130 where people discussed the details during abyss. Windz's setup in the opening post guide is more than enough to kill Uber Atziri as showcased in his videos.

Uber Elder I am yet to try however so I cannot comment on it I am afraid. Though, I am 95% positive 20ex will be enough.

ShadowGenisys I got a question for you or anyone that is using dual daggers instead of dagger/shield for the build. One thing I have noticed after switching to dual daggers is that the attack speed for whirling blades pretty slow, meaning getting around in maps is slow. Do you do anything specific to counter this? I am thinking of getting a brightbeak/shield for mapping and weapon swapping for bosses, what do you think?

That's the issue with dual dagger. My 3.1 Sabo had no issues at all since I was rocking a dual ias gloves.

Two things you can do:

1. Brightbreak + Shield charge combo then switch to dual dagger for bosses

2. Movement speed flask- sorry early morning, can't recall the name of that flask.

The 2nd option though, you'll end up playing it more like a Wander: Stop, Gc, Stop, GC, Stop, GC with the flasks up but you can already tell that option 1 is the fastest in that regards as GC doesn't have that much of a huge range unless you go the way I went with FB in a shaped helm.
JaegerZ wrote:
Can you guys gear check me ? I have 7 EX currency and i don't know what should i change or add :\

What I would do is, in no particular order:
1) Get a 21/0 GC gem
2) Remove dream fragments, you dont need 2x immune to freeze, its redundant with kaom's roots
3) Get the last ascendancy points asap, it makes a huge difference having pyromaniac and lotsa life regen. Also makes you immune to ignite, swap staunching to life flask and get a warding diamond.
4) Get new jewel slots, get 2x long winter. Swap helm to a shaped "Additional mine" mod.
5) Get immortal call in a CWDT setup.
6) Grab a few essence of insanity, grab a high ilvl fingerless silk gloves and craft. Aim for life and/or resists, mana
7) If you think you have enough life, switch to a yoke of suffering.
8) For more life, get a sytgian vise with life/str/resists and socket a life/elemental penetration jewel
9) Compare the dps of your weapon with a princess sabre, cheap upgrade. Your weapon might be better.
10) Get a shaped extra elemental damage dagger, preferably 35+%
11) Get a dual shaped mod extra elemental damage dagger.
12) Switch wise oak with a taste of hate. Helps with both survivability and damage.
13) Get the boot enchant "10% elemental penetration if you haven't killed recently".

I would say doing 1-6 should be easy, cheap and make the biggest difference, from there on, inspect a few people, read some abyss posts in the thread (I think pages 90-130) and you will have a better understanding of what to do next.
Last edited by alpish on Mar 15, 2018, 7:09:47 PM

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