[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

which ascendency priority would u recomment?

and WTF happened with laviangas ? :O
bought it for 1C .. last ladder for hmm 150?
CroDanZ wrote:
Lynerus wrote:
SwiftyOwns wrote:
I'm just a miner DPS whore :D
40k hideout gg

How are you getting 40k gc in hideout? i had all lvl 20 gems (just 20qd all by GC as i didnt want to relvl gc so i just gcped it fully :D) and another aura on and only get like 16k a couple crit nodes wont make that go to 40k (or even prob 20k) unless your counting damage as a crit?

I dont see how you can do shaper with this as the damage is just to low vs how easy you are to die if you get hit... i did yellow tier guardians and died to them and all i was doing was charging all over the place while laying 1/2 casts of mines down but i did kill them (didnt try yellow elder)

Yes they do.....u miss crit almost everywhere on ur gear (shield, dagger, amulet)....no belt of the deceiver....no helmet enchant.

In POE even small changes resolute in big numbers....thats why min/maxing is so expensive. ;)

I dont really like going crit unless i crit every hit but i respeced out of crit for now because i die way to easy so i got more life nodes (still die to easy lol)

After i hit 90 (in 40% exp if i dont die... prob will) i may spec back into crit but really getting all crit on gear and stuff gunna be a pain since i dont think i have crit on anything right now im at like 15% crit chance right now i think
Is 40% conversion on helm = 20% + 20% from 2 long winter jewels?

This mod alone is a 33% more damage and 100% more dmg if not using minefield.
Can someone explain to me why we use a Shield instead of another Dagger? Wouldnt be the dmg increase better than the little bit of defence we get from shield?

P.S. Im not using shield Charge
rotheee wrote:
which ascendency priority would u recomment?

and WTF happened with laviangas ? :O
bought it for 1C .. last ladder for hmm 150?

Ascendancy order is in first post

Last league didn't have the Nemesis mod for Zana and we didn't have the ability to craft unique flasks like we do in Bestiary, so Lavianga's was rare and expensive.
Ghoser wrote:
I don't really understand why everyone takes Explosive Expert over Born in the Shadows.

As I see it, the 20% inc area is overkill together with DS.
BitS gives you 30% inc dmg on blinded enemies, and everyone should blinded anyways around you. So, the 20% dmg increase from EE is lower than the dmg increase with BitS.
Most comments here state that we deal enough dmg and we got to focus on survivability, which we would gain alot with BitS as well.

So compared to BitS, EE gives:
+20% area
-10% dmg (20% vs 30% EE)
10% pen

Whereas BitS gives:
10% reduced dmg taken
+10% dmg (30% vs 20% EE)

So, why does everyone pick EE over BitS?

You can always take Explosives Expert and Born in the Shadows by dropping Demolitions Specialist.
muulu66 wrote:
I like the idea of going Bits and Acrobatics for red maps. What 4 notes would you guys sacrifice to get to acrobatics?

You'd probably be safe dropping the 3 nodes that make up Snowforged, that will get you down to Acro, then use the next level to take it. The full tree is done at level 93, so you'll be ok on points.
How does tooltip damage for this build relate to "real" dps on a single target?

My calculation:
- I do about 1.5 cast per second -> 3 mines /cast -> 4.5 mines /second
- Each mine hits twice due to GC overlap -> 9 hits/second
so a rule of thumb would be 9 times tooltip?
Dear Maligaro,
I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru
My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney
And I am sending my Heart to you
--- Love, Malachai
Chimerka wrote:
Alienbutter wrote:
Hello Guys,

I am playing this Build and having a lot of Fun and Finger Cramps ;)
To all you who seek a weapon to start with I can recommend:

Its cheap and a good statstick with high Attack Speed so you can Shield Charge/ Whirling Blades Faster through the game.

I am farming UberLab with it and have not had Probs in Maps (mid tier atm).

Awesome Build.


You should respec those ele nodes at shadow start for phys ones - phys ones are better for GC dmg scaling

Thank you very much for Checking my Tree!
*thumps up*
I will respecc those nodes.

Since you helped me I will return the favor and share one of my Discoveries with you all.
We all know this League is the Pokemon League. So the best thing you can do is play like a real Champ and not only Catch PKM but throw your Own Geodude aswell!

Here is the Setup: Please call it either
Alienbutter Godude PKM
or Traps are Gaylem! (This is very Important!!!)

this looks Dumb right? But it works!
The Idea is to Trigger Frostbomb on every Boss for your Full DMG Phaseskip Setup.
Frostbomb does not stack, but a few Bosses run around too much for my taste (izaro) and dont get always debuffed from 1 FB alone. So we throw 5 at them.

Now throwing traps does also give us Life Regeneration with our Pyromaniac Passive.
The reworks makes ALL traps detonate after 5 Seconds,.... think about it xD
And Mines and Traps Regeneration does stack (I believe). You can test it yourself!

Now the Final Part, we put our Golem in this Setup aswell to Throw 5 Geodude Traps!
(The interaction of Golem+Trap Support is not new, been around 2016 for Golemmancer)
This is Faster than Selfcasting, gives us more Lifereg and improves our Defense alot.
Plus it buffs our Golems DMG since he is now a Trap and get Traps DMG bonus from Tree and Gear xD


I hope you like the Setup and start Playing like the Kanto Champion that you are!
Tell Windz about this, I think he will love it ^^

Gotta catch'em All

Peace Out!
Last edited by Alienbutter on Mar 8, 2018, 3:01:57 AM

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