[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

hey guys , anyone need it for 25 ex? maybe cheaper .
pm pls
Hi i like a lot your build but i'm too squishy,what should i do or take to upgrade?My damage on boss(t10)also isn't strangely so high to oneshot and i've followed the skill and objects in the guide almost perfectly(except made for tabula rasa)
Last edited by Cryst4llak3 on Jan 21, 2018, 12:05:41 PM
Yeah, your movement gems work best in the helm due to it placing a mine for skills.

Well, what it seems to be doing is requiring all skills have a second click. First click to drop a mine then Detonate key to actually perform the skill intended. Not so great for movement. Is that not the case for a movement skill? I'll test it out I guess.

EDIT: No it doesn't.
Last edited by ExiledPoe on Jan 21, 2018, 2:50:11 PM
Yeah, movement skills seem to be the one thing that this doesn't affect, and all the support gems work as intended - at least for shield charge / whirling blades.
Last edited by 3rdEyeDeuteranopia on Jan 21, 2018, 9:44:50 PM
WINDZ, thank you so much for this build! I finally did my first Shaper kill dying once. I also finished my atlas 157/157.

I highly recommend this build for anyone looking for an amazing boss killer. Using mines isn't as clunky as people say it is.

For anyone wondering, this was the gear I used:

Random stats:
Life: 5k
mana: 1.7k
ES: 800
GC Damage per use in hideout: 53k (no flask, Hatred aura, conc)
Spell crit: 47%
Spell crit multi: 378%
Cold resist penetration: 52%
Very detailed guide. Thank you. I'm having some issues with survivability, sustain, and damage (everything lol). It looks to me like my gear is close to some of the optimal selections, but I keep coming up short sustain and health wise (damage is also low). I'm sure it's small things adding up, but I'm not sure where, it just feels lackluster at high tier maps.

TL:DR - Squishy, DPS lower than anticipated, run out of mana a lot.

If someone knowledgeable could have a look I'd be much appreciative, thanks!


I'm not using Kaom's Roots, but I have a pair with decent life rolls.

I have the following Jewels, but currently none are allocated in passive tree. I specced out of them for more raw health on the tree since I was so low on HP.

Thank you kindly for your time.

your life and mana totals are way too low , also you are reserving mana with an empowered arctic armour , not a good idea. You should probably use a shield instead of a second dagger. Also your lightning resist is not capped and you are low level. Try to aim for at least 5k life and 2k mana and if you can get a laviangas spirit for mana issues. I would suggest you replace second dagger, ring , gloves and boots with well rolled rares that have much more life + mana. Dont worry so much about damage, focus on leveling to at least lvl 90
Last edited by swaggerino123 on Jan 22, 2018, 6:25:43 AM
Reading the posts i've changed my belt for a better one but i'm too squishy in t10 and my damage isn't enough to oneshot anything,i was killed by the tyrant in colonnade map because i can barely half his life with six tries, here my equip and jewels give me an advice pls.

Cryst4llak3 wrote:
Reading the posts i've changed my belt for a better one but i'm too squishy in t10 and my damage isn't enough to oneshot anything,i was killed by the tyrant in colonnade map because i can barely half his life with six tries, here my equip and jewels give me an advice pls.

your profile is set to private so cannot view your skilltree, but at first glance fix your cwdt links
one of them casts only portal (wtf?) and detonate mines because your immortal call is too high level, the other one is way too high level but only casts frost bomb but not enfeeble..
You also need to replace your dagger , it is realy realy bad (increased phys does nothing, added lightning does nothing)
I picked up a few tweaks from other GC characters and kept Long Winter because for mapping nothing can beat it and I don't really want to switch out Jewels every time I switch between normal maps and bosses like Guardians or Shaper (other bosses are a joke for this build, including Uber Atziri and Elder).

I use Brightbeak + Rare Shield for general mapping, nothing can beat Brightbeak in terms of Shield Charge Speed (at least I didn't found sonething better, even T1 attack speed weapons pale in comparison).

In weapon swap just keep 2 of the best stat sticks you have. Switch to them when you are at a boss (no shield charge possible anymore - still have Flamedash though, but not needed anyway)


Run to him, lay totem, press all damage flasks (Atziri's Promise, Taste of Hate, Diamond), right click, done
It's just his damage output that can sometimes surprise you (blind from Sabo really helps at him), try to not have more than 1 damage mod on that map (or better none)

same, you just have to adapt if she disappears, maybe don't hit every single frost cannon bolt and don't stand in front of her

this one will be out of phase all the time. Adds die quickly thanks to cascades shooting in all directions. Probably easiest one.

In my opinion the most difficult. It is easy to avoid his own damage in the fight, but the adds and fire whirls like it to destroy the detonate totem which makes this fight a bit more annoying.
If it happens too oft (with the totem), you can also simple do the lay > detonate > move 1 inch > lay > detonate dance instead of relying on the totem.

It's just an "avoid his shi." type of game. Damage of this build is more than enough to quickly dispose of him. Once you avoid the balls or slams, it's basically "fire and forget".

Uber Atziri:
All bosses are a complete joke, they do nothing and instantly die.
The most dangerous mob in the Alluring Abyss are the ancient constructs (the vases that shoot phys/chaos projectiles), they hit really hard and from a great distance. Keep moving and avoid projectiles as much as possible (it is not a shame to e.g. stay safe behind a door for a second).
If you don't have chaos resistance on your build ... watch out for them and dispose of them as quickly as possible.

Elder Guardians:
The "garden/flower"-one can sometimes be a bit scary, as well as the fiery one (who shoots fireballs or some sort) - because they like to run away, but otherwise they die as soon as they appear.

This one is just a waiting game, and a test for your AoE. With conc effect you may not reach all the portals in the arena from the center.
Try not to take too long at the beginning. Immediately start doing dps until he goes to portal phase, after that it's just boring. Even in a 6-player-party you can immediately literally "delete" the portals before they can spawn anything!

Here's my gear.
Obviously it is very good as I really dedicated a lot of currency and time into it (as the build is really really fun AND actually pretty nice for mapping - contrary to what people think about mines).


Weapon switch for Bosses:

(forget the gems in the sceptre, they are just in there for leveling them)


(Anger in Essence Worm is only because I often map with a friend which runs a better Hatred, when solo I switch to Hatred obviously)



I really like the new support mods, making it possible to use GC in the helmet instead of body armor so we can wear a Kaom's (this really improves defense by a lot).

If someone want's a copy of it (shameful advertising here, sorry if this offends someone), here's my thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077779

Anyway, if someone finds ways to still improve, just tell me. I always like to min-max my characters even more (would have to check if more jewel sockets could be beneficial, but they are at least 3 points away).
Last edited by daish0 on Jan 22, 2018, 10:17:36 AM

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