[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps

Between Tinkerskin, Born in the Shadows and Pyromaniac, I am very happy with this. Dunno if I should just keep playing it actually lol. The idea has gone from a very good early league progression pusher to...skies the limit.
wiiiitth that being said. I jsut did white Elder and it was pretty damn clunky. Portals didnt get bursted down very fast, leaving me waiting on trap cooldown.

Not so sure its so hot in "end game". Could be wrong?
Elder was tough for me on yellow. Cleaver contruction might be needed for some of these fights where traps are not triggered by enemies and aoe damage destroying them. Could be wrong.
I am confused on how the shrapnel shot mechanics work. I am currently running shrapnel shot, crit strike support, cluster trap support, and elemental damage support... I also am wearing the deerstalking boots that give me a level 11 supported trap. However, whenever I fire my shrapnel shot I am not seeing any traps being thrown? Can someone please explain the mechanics of this build?! Would be greatly appreciated and thanks!
Doing an "end-game" variant of this build. Kind of glass cannon with 4.6k life but damage is insane.

Venefang, can udeal video for this gear?
What do you think the best priority for increasing gem quality is with this build?
Venefang wrote:
Doing an "end-game" variant of this build. Kind of glass cannon with 4.6k life but damage is insane.

You only have 50% conversion from phy to elem damage here. Are you sur you still sure to have more damage using tout suivre than using signal of fire ? I also know there is some gloves with phy to cold conversion. You juste nerf to have second 6L and Swap gloves.
It's a very risky build. You have to invest a lot in order to survive

and please change title '10 ex Budget' 10c instead.
martul wrote:
Venefang wrote:
Doing an "end-game" variant of this build. Kind of glass cannon with 4.6k life but damage is insane.

You only have 50% conversion from phy to elem damage here. Are you sur you still sure to have more damage using tout suivre than using signal of fire ? I also know there is some gloves with phy to cold conversion. You juste nerf to have second 6L and Swap gloves.

look on his tree
he has watchers [anger] eye with 38% conversion
so it's 88% and actually you can also pick the 20% phys->cold node in tree. but sometimes the last % of conversion aren't worth it and you're better off improving your damage by typical tree nodes

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