[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps

I am confused on how the shrapnel shot mechanics work. I am currently running shrapnel shot, crit strike support, cluster trap support, and elemental damage support... I also am wearing the deerstalking boots that give me a level 11 supported trap. However, whenever I fire my shrapnel shot I am not seeing any traps being thrown? Can someone please explain the mechanics of this build?! Would be greatly appreciated and thanks!

And you have the shrapnel shot and related gems in the boots? Once they are all in the boots you should be throwing traps that when triggered fire shrapnel shot for you.

Thanks for the build! Total noob here, just started playing poe right before abyss, having a blast with it. Think I'm at 8c spent just picking up a cheep chin sol, tinkerskin and the signal fire(most of the c). I'm really squishy but its not unmanageable, totally on me for how well I can move and dodge stuff. Still need to get much better rares and no 5 links yet so still using the boots.

Also thanks to whoever suggested adding frost wall to the cast on damage taken, its really helped with ranged attacks and the fast movers.
GornoDD wrote:
Karuna_ wrote:
Quick question, in the shaper run, it looks like you used barrage/tornado shot, but in the build you posted, you stuck with blast rain/shrapnel shot.

Any thoughts on which is superior?

Im experimenting alot. I did use the Blast Rain setup to Uber Atziri. Its better to max out on single target when your Shrapnel Traps are down. The Torando Shot Setup is better for clearing trash.

You would use Tornado-Trap-ClusterTrap-GMP-EleWithAttacks-Chain

However Tornado Shot only gets better as 6L than Shrapnel in terms of clearing. Its really not necessary to Run two 6L. Blast Rain is THE BEST secondary setup for additional damage since it run on very few links.

You just need BR-Trap-ClusterTrap-EleWithAttacks <-Already works great! then add -addedlightning-conc

Also I hope you guys saw my boot enchant! Its MASSIVE(!!!) for killing bosses. Its almost as good as running two heralds! OFC its mainly targeted at Bosskilling.

Those Enchants are acutally really easy to farm with twice enchanted in the new lab. So go for it!

Does the boot enchant work? I got rid of a "you kill" enchant because I thought the traps were doing the killing? Was I wrong?
I'm idiot. I see why it works.
ice shot-cluster-trap support-gmp-elemental damage,

Have this on a 5 link and like it better then blast rain . Much faster clearing then BR, although does not pack the same punch.(lacks complete synergy with wrath_ Would be great on a 6 but the current setup lets me get through 6-10 maps much quicker and is honestly more fun to play. Helps especially with strong boxes/breaches or other situations were you are surrounded which is the most dangerous situation for this build.
Last edited by Arrakis1 on Mar 14, 2018, 1:17:16 PM
What flask should I use? For now I use 2 heal 1 speed and 1 crit, what should be the 5th one?

Also what auras should I use?
SideEffect wrote:
What do you think the best priority for increasing gem quality is with this build?

Any advice from anyone playing this build? Newer to the game and don't want to invest poorly. TY in advance!

Here is my version with kaoms heart, still have a lot to do, getting gems to 20 quality, 6l chinsol and getting good watcher's eye....

Did t15 elder, and 2 shaper guardians so far, died few times, still doable. Without kaoms in red tier maps, maps with additional accuracy is near impossible, since almost everything one shoots you.
What ascendency I should add after uber lab? In tree there is a mistake and u added 2 points taht can;t be allocated?
I'm redoing this build. I tried it out in mayhem and it was fun, but too soft.

The buffs are dope for sab.

I think the leveling guide should be updated. I leveled up this time using desecrate, volatile dead and detonate dead and the process is way better than using fire, lightning, and ice trap.

The new fencoil fated unique gives you a 6l at level 32, volatile dead clears trash and detonate dead demolishes single target.

I enjoyed leveling with volatile dead so much I decided to try to take the build end game before respeccing for shrapnel shot.

A few things I want to try this time is getting a third skill for trash clearing. Lightning arrow, split arrow, tornado shot, or ice shot all seem like good options to try out. Two skills had serious cool down problems.

I considered barrage with volley fire but without clever construction, you cannot run reflect maps using this setup.

I enjoyed the ignomon fated unique idea. Seems very clever, however my concern are accuracy issues which may occur for further back enemies that fire projectiles and giving up an amulet slot is very expensive for this build.

Hard decisions.

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