[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps

Am I missing something, or aren't both "Collateral Damage" gems not working?
Because the upper one has only 10 dex surrounded, the lower one 30 dex, but you need 40 dex for the effect.
Am I missing something, or aren't both "Collateral Damage" gems not working?
Because the upper one has only 10 dex surrounded, the lower one 30 dex, but you need 40 dex for the effect.

Unless I'm mistaken, you just need 40 dex total to be within the jewel radius. It does not need to be touching the node, nor does it need to be allocated. (these jewels used to require the stats to be allocated in the past but it was changed) Both nodes have 40 dex within the radius so they are working.
Unless I'm mistaken, you just need 40 dex total to be within the jewel radius. It does not need to be touching the node, nor does it need to be allocated.

You are correct, you do not need to allocate the nodes in order to benefit from the jewel.

This build looks fun and interesting too, I think I'll give this one a shot.
Thanks for clarifying, was a bit confused because I thought they must be allocated.
i talked to someone about the change to the description on chin sol.

That wording just prevents double-dipping on ailments.

so the damage from the skills is still getting the bonus.

it certainly seems to be since i'm not noticing any difference in damage compared to the 2-week league.

also i'm cruising around in t3's without any trouble at all using a 4L and no deerstalker trapper boots.

i think that getting tinkerskin earlier rather than later is a very good thing.

the phasing is a huge survival boost preventing you from getting trapped.

also with the mana gain i'm not sure that EB is even that useful. im not having any problems sustaining traps and i have just about all the cooldown i'll be able to get without the addition of some shaper items.
At the end how many trap u can set up at the same time ? I got 11
still sane exile ? Nope
Decided to go with this build and i already made 3ex.
Very nice build once you get tinkerskin! All my mana is reserved and i only use es to launch traps without any problems.
Im lvl 74 and even tho i miss some life nodes, i feel squishy af with 3k hp. I will remove the trap boots once i get a 5l and hopefully i can reach 3.5k.
Will try my best to improve.
Thoughts on these gloves?
Will Shrapnel Shot work with Slower Projectiles Support?

"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
I'm just following your builds with little tweaks (mom with the es quiver) and i was wondering, can you and how do you handle breaches?
Could you use thunderfist instead of deerstalker boots? It has build in added lightning lvl 18 and it adds 1-100 lightning damage to attacks. That seems like it would be a bigger damage boost than deerstalker with a normal added lightning gem.

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