[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

I somehow cannot see your item, but i assume its ele weakness curse effect.

Let me tell you: a lvl 20 flammability grants the same debuff as a lvl 20 - 20% ele weakness.

The reason to use flammability is that it doesnt require quality for the same effect.

in the end, the enchant will result in more dmg than none ;)

Spire of stone is a nice QoL item and adds good rf dmg, a rare jewel adds universal dmg. The stun immunity is underrated and pretty good to have, but you can play without it.

Self-flagellation 'just' requires vaaling Viridian jewels until you hit one. Its pretty common but can require something between 1-50 trys, still rng ;)
9% totemres is all you need on a jewel with the totemres nodes on the tree.

Well dude, i JUST added brightbeak in the guide before reading your post ;P

I'll take a look at the other two things, i thought i had the resist in the jewel section, but check it tomorrow

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Ok the Brightbeak one is funny ;D

Ye that was right, Ele Weakness Curse Effect it is.

Just that i understand your answere correctly:

Since im 19/0 at the moment, you would use EleWeakness instead of flammability in my position at the moment?

Vaaling worked good. 5 trys. Thanks for that one:

Is there a way to get the Spire (as easy :D) as with Self-flagellation?

Thanks again =)

First of all thank you for sharing your take on a strong starter build that utilizes the improved hierophant class Milky.

I chose to go with this build, but for some reason I feel really sqishy, and when looking at your charecter, I noticed that you only have 24 DEX, how are you able to use Swift Afliction? I am 4900 life, fully res capped with -13 chaos ress.

I hope that someone can shine some light on the reason/reasons behind this ..

Thank you all very much.
Can anyone walk me through why Doryani's catalyst is used for this build? I don't quite understand how the damage scaling is beneficial over any other scepter with % increased burning/fire damage. Thanks!
BelowMeNCSU wrote:
Can anyone walk me through why Doryani's catalyst is used for this build? I don't quite understand how the damage scaling is beneficial over any other scepter with % increased burning/fire damage. Thanks!

what don't you understand? Catalyst has up to 132% elemental damage + attack (faster shieldcharge) and castspeed (faster oos and smoothness) for a very affordable price.
Good luck finding something with similar stats in the pricerange. Dont get me wrong, rare sceptres can be stronger with a good base, t1 firedmg roll, leo dot craft and so on, but doryanis gives you the best bang for your buck.

chose to go with this build, but for some reason I feel really sqishy, and when looking at your charecter, I noticed that you only have 24 DEX, how are you able to use Swift Afliction? I am 4900 life, fully res capped with -13 chaos ress.

I hope that someone can shine some light on the reason/reasons behind this ..

For the dex...i use something calles 'gear' ;) I think i got something like 140 dex, way over what i need right now (120 for my dex based boots, 111 for swift affliction).

Kikazaru alone grants me 2x 15 dex, then some minor nodes on the tree and the biggest part on the jewel with a dex-base and dex roll. if a few points are missing you can always use a jewel with dex + other good stats or just use a +30 dex node on the tree.

Idk, but i feel anything than squishy except on more extreme mapmod combinations.

Chain maps without the chain immunity pantheon upgrade can shit on your character very heavily. I think the most dangerous thing for me atm are those arc mages from Elder-portals in tight areas which dont give a shit about the pantheon upgrade.

Since im 19/0 at the moment, you would use EleWeakness instead of flammability in my position at the moment?

Is there a way to get the Spire (as easy :D) as with Self-flagellation?

Idk, do the math or check path of building for that. I assume that a 19/0 ele weakness is a bit stronger with the enchant than a lvl 20 flammability.

I think Beastcrafting Unique jewels is your best bet for targeting farm spire. Its a rather common jewel, but obviously drops compete with many threshols jewels.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 20, 2018, 12:18:56 AM
Thanks for a great build and guide Milky.

I have never tried hardcore or ssf before and just beat Act 10 kitava with this build on HCSSF. Totems FTW :)
accept the mystery
i would like to ask isnt it better Empower then Efficacy support .. empower gives ++ lvl to SR or RF?
killerut wrote:
i would like to ask isnt it better Empower then Efficacy support .. empower gives ++ lvl to SR or RF?

level to rf do nothing since the damage is based on spelltotems level which empower doesnt increase since it is a supportgem.

For SR there are already good supports available with EF, Burning dmg, contr destr, efficacy and swift affliction which are all 40%+ more dmg multiplier.
Were talking about lvl 4 empower (which costs more than my whole char) which maybe could compete in a SR setup, havent checked the numbers. Should be at least in a good spot with a +1 level soulmantle ;)

Empower is something i consider for Decoy totem or searing bond (with an elder burning dmg gem helmet for excample). But still, too expensive to recommend for what it does

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 20, 2018, 3:28:12 PM
Last edited by trace07#5864 on Mar 21, 2018, 5:53:53 AM
Any thoughts on talismans being useful for this build? Eyes of the Greatwolf seems great for damage but I guess it's going to be rare af.
Last edited by KillerAlfa#3390 on Mar 21, 2018, 5:45:49 AM

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