[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

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Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Mar 19, 2018, 5:22:48 AM

Pretty much geared up now

i can only agree ;)

Faster casting on gloves is also sweet. Grants a little bit of extra smoothness to OoS and increases the manacost a bit for 1-2 levels into arcane surge :p

Good shout, I can have a look for faster casting ones too. I'm running 2 life flasks at the moment so can always swap in a stibnite for blind. Or even a witchfire for dot damage (assuming it doesn't mess up my other curses).
Boots aren't amazing, would like totem damage, 30% ms and bit more life, but for 5c can't really complain!
I've bought a lvl 21 scorching ray now too - pretty cheap, definitely better levelling something else in off hands atm.
I'm fairly happy with build so far - especially as I didn't start until over a weeks in and have had very limited playtime. Got my gear, self found all trials by lvl 81. Atlas is a bit bare but can start buying maps if I need to (hate buying maps!). Been fairly, but not amazingly lucky (cheap 6l, got kaom's heart card of gambler and found another which funded me for a while)

I may drop a bit of damage for some more life and regen in marauder area. Could play with the self RF idea for when really need the damage.
Also - I think retribution is well worth taking for a single point. Doesn't help RF, but spell damage and cast speed help SR, plus 5% attack speed for whirling and str/int.
If it lets me drop the dex node (my amulet doesn't have much) I might even grab precision too for bit more attacck/cast/movement speed. I like things to be as smooth as possible.
Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Mar 19, 2018, 5:27:17 AM
Carlovski wrote:
Also - I think retribution is well worth taking for a single point. Doesn't help RF, but spell damage and cast speed help SR, plus 5% attack speed for whirling and str/int.
If it lets me drop the dex node (my amulet doesn't have much) I might even grab precision too for bit more attacck/cast/movement speed. I like things to be as smooth as possible.

its not a bad node for sure, even if it doesnt benefit rf/sb. Also thought about precision, but i just dont need the dex on it anymore which makes it less appealing.

What i noticed is: its pretty hard to find sceptres with 20%+ atkspeed and 80%+ burning dmg with a reasonable price.

doryanis has pretty low atkspeed, but at least very high ele dmg and some castspeed as a little bonus.

In the optimal case i would use a fast firedmg sceptre and a defensive shield for mapping and doryanis and a offensive shield for bosses

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
Carlovski wrote:
Also - I think retribution is well worth taking for a single point. Doesn't help RF, but spell damage and cast speed help SR, plus 5% attack speed for whirling and str/int.
If it lets me drop the dex node (my amulet doesn't have much) I might even grab precision too for bit more attacck/cast/movement speed. I like things to be as smooth as possible.

its not a bad node for sure, even if it doesnt benefit rf/sb. Also thought about precision, but i just dont need the dex on it anymore which makes it less appealing.

What i noticed is: its pretty hard to find sceptres with 20%+ atkspeed and 80%+ burning dmg with a reasonable price.

doryanis has pretty low atkspeed, but at least very high ele dmg and some castspeed as a little bonus.

In the optimal case i would use a fast firedmg sceptre and a defensive shield for mapping and doryanis and a offensive shield for bosses

Yeah it's only worth if you need the dex (And +20 is enough) - turns it into a 1 point node if you can drop the +30.
Real problem isn't finding the rare sceptre with the move speed and damage. It's finding one which also doesn't have added fire damage!
Good point about the gear swaps, that might have been a better idea - just go all out for a 27% attack speed one plus another pure dps one (Ideally with some speed as helps for shaper/atziri)
I keep forgetting that Leo dot damage craft is an option on top of a rare too. Might look out for craftable ones.

On saying that, we have a decent chunk of increased damage anyway, it's getting to be fairly marginal gains.

I guess if just going pure speed, might as well just go brightbeak too.
Though would seem odd, final endgame setup being main clear in a 4l and using brightbeak!
Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Mar 19, 2018, 7:20:36 AM
Brightbeak is also an option with 20/20 gems and lvl 90+ for something like ~t11 maps. The resists on it could free up resistrequirements on the shield for a high firedmg roll as well. Options are always there. You are smarkt enough to know that, but some just look at my gear and think: i have to use excactly the same stuff. Some stuff is just better than regular options depending on the situation and goals.

Aspect of the Spider is also something i would consider (without any of the related uniques since there isnt really room for that), just got no access to the craft yet and dont wanna buy the beast.

Would basically drop blasphemy enfeeble and add it in the curse on hit setup. The two free sockets could be used for a golem + cull, immortal call + arcane surge (high duration) or something completely different.

I just don't know how well it performs in practice (reliably debuffing bosses etc) so i cannot recommend it as an option. The last thing i wanna do is recommending items that can be expensive and turn out to be a waste of currency.

Blasphemy enfeeble vs temp chains is another story.

I usually prefer tempchains, but it has more downsides. Its great in open maps where you have room to dodge stuff, but worse than enfeeble in corridor maps like waste pool. Then there is one more mapmod that negates it: enemys cannot be slowed below movementspeed.
Kitava heralds for excample dont really care about temp chains if they jump on you as well.
In open maps it feels a lot safer, but enfeeble seems to be the more solid choice... but both are good ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I like TC for the offensive benefits too, mobs stay in RF for longer, easier for SR to track them.
But might start using enfeeble if I'm getting oneshot, or taking too much damage.

I haven't looked at the aspects much at all. Doesn't seem that worth without the item synergies, but could be worth a go.
Might save it for another build when I can go full spirit animal!
Hey Guys,

firstly, thanks Milky, having a blast with this build so far.=)

However, i got some questions:
I ran a few Uberlabs and got the following helm enchant:

So now my question is: Should i rather use Ele-Weakness, or Flammability?

POB tells me Ele-Weakness is some more damage, but im not pretty sure if that is true?

I dont really want to drop TempChains since some more defense is more important to me.

What would you do?
Keep Helm Enchant and go EleWeakness
Reroll Helm Enchants and go Flammability

Group Self Found btw, so getting another Helmet for rolling is no realistic option for me :)

The next question is following:
Now that i got myself the Curse combo with the robe and the rings, i need the Jewels. Do you have an good idea how to get it in GSF/SSF?

Another thing im wondering about is, that i think that i somewhere read about, that we need Totem Res on Jewels, but i just can't find how much i need. I found a pretty decent Jewel and wonder if this is enought res to be a super good jewel for me:

Other then that, i feel like i just need some rolling on my flask and be in a pretty decent state.

Some small critique points on your main thread, no offense, just want to help =)

In FAQ: EE is applied by OOS
In case my Jewel question is correct: Add the %Res we need

Optional, my Opinion: Maybe add Brightbeak for speed mapping when dmg not needed

If you actually open this and read this: You are awesome :D

Sorry if my english is bad at some parts :)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Edit: Fixed Item Links
Edit2: Nevermind, cant get them to work. I can see them in preview but not after submitting...
Last edited by Humpalum#6519 on Mar 19, 2018, 3:52:13 PM
Added Brightbeak in the Gear section.

At this state of my character there is no noticable difference between a catalyst and brightbeak for mapping. Only using catalyst for guardians, shaper and so on.

lvl 20/20 gems, a 6l, the offensive shield and so on allow it. Would recommend trying it out ;)

The only issue i encounter is that i want even more totemplacementspeed now :x Thinking about a 2nd pair of boots with placementspeed and maybe respeccing some dmg nodes into totemic zeal since i mainly run t9-15 maps right now to spread elder influence for memory fragments

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 19, 2018, 3:14:00 PM

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