[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

Sorry about this question, this is my first season, im completly new to the game, if i use ancestral bond can i still debuff enemies with the orb? and if i cant, how do i do it then?

KillerAlfa wrote:
Any thoughts on talismans being useful for this build? Eyes of the Greatwolf seems great for damage but I guess it's going to be rare af.

not really. fire dmg, %life, generic dmg, quantity... ofc are potentially great implicits, but they are pretty rare with most likely mediocre stats overall (or good and expensive af).

For me the amu slot is mainly a dexterity source + life (and potentially resists, firedmg% or manaregen). You would need to cover a potential dex lost on boots or gloves... but usually amulets are cheaper since its a slot which gets identified A LOT and thus the market is full of it.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Amatsu666 wrote:
Sorry about this question, this is my first season, im completly new to the game, if i use ancestral bond can i still debuff enemies with the orb? and if i cant, how do i do it then?


Its answered in the FAQ.

You need a trapgem (ice/lightning) to debuff elemental equilibrium then which many dont like since its clunkier.

Elemental Overload and curse on hit curses still can trigger with the orb.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Amatsu666 wrote:
Sorry about this question, this is my first season, im completly new to the game, if i use ancestral bond can i still debuff enemies with the orb? and if i cant, how do i do it then?


You can't apply elemental equilibrium directly with orb of storms as you need to do damage. You would need to use a trap.
You can trigger elemental overload and curse on hit as they don't need to do damage.

Elemental Equilbrium is the most important though.

Whoops - repeated Milky's answer - must have posted at same time!

Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Mar 21, 2018, 6:50:33 AM
Brightbeak is working a treat for moving around. Even got an almost brightbeak rasa for easier gem swaps, and a damage shield to make up for loss of doryanis.

A bit Offtopic:

I am going insane with those shaper orbs. was moving elder influence for 2 hours and it got cut 3 times... it will take forever until my first uber elder try :x

In the meantime i wanted to level something else inbetween to push elder around.

Was planning a 5x Might of the Meek Abyss Varunastra Ascendant... but holy shit the budget would be high :x Didn't excpect that the meeks cost 50-70c each, then varunastra for like 100c, 2x abyssslot gloves, helmet and boots, abyss belt and chest ofc, a pure talent and then of course 10x abyss jewels (at least flexible with weapondmg types) which cost at least 20c each. Then a shaper statstick and remaining rares rings/amu on top

Will probably scrap that project, got only 12 ex and 100c left atm and will need a few chaos to buy maps for elder influence spreading.

But i also think about playing some caustic arrow trickster or... idk, there is currently nothing which excites me besides 'my' build since i played most stuff already

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Mar 21, 2018, 8:25:19 AM
Thanks for the replies, would you recommend, removing the point on ancestral bond? im lvl 60 exactly.

So far im loving the build
Amatsu666 wrote:
Thanks for the replies, would you recommend, removing the point on ancestral bond? im lvl 60 exactly.

So far im loving the build

if you finished the cruel labyrinth, yes.

AB is currently only something to min-max dps for the highest bosses and even there i dont use it ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
In what order should I take the ascendancies?

Edit: NVM, found on the guide where it says it. My bad.
Last edited by Hiwashi#5636 on Mar 21, 2018, 11:25:58 AM

Is there something I could add to that 6th socket which is not linked to support that spell totem? Also I would like to ask why not to use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Thief%27s_Torment ? It gives 50% reduced Effect of Curses on You.
Last edited by Makek93#0817 on Mar 21, 2018, 9:44:49 PM

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