Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

Kunaak wrote:
League stones are so much more inclusive then Zana is - Zana is an extremely expensive option to maintain for the vast majority of people, and league stones put all league mods within every players reach - not just the richest players.

League stone system is not perfect - its a great idea, that needs to be further deveoped... not scrapped and ignored.

I'm a casual player since close beta, and I've never bought a Zana mod because they're too expensive.

No leaguestones tells me casual players don't matter... which is nothing new ;)

Qarl wrote:

We feel it provides too much overhead for newer players, and is something we'd like to reserve for special occasions.

ya, fuck everybody else except newer players. why make a extra map function or let them drop 60+ areas.

CMOS4 wrote:
This makes me very sad. Leaguestones really renewed my interest in the game. I loved the control over the map experience and truthfully I have never paid Zana to mod a map because I never felt it was worth it. I'm not really a power player and I just felt spending the currency for a chance at something good was not very fun. I'm actually really annoyed to hear that leaguestones won't work. I had been saving them with the idea of actually playing in standard (something I have never felt like doing). This pretty much seals the deal that I won't be playing standard at all. I wonder if the stones can be vendored in standard of if they are completely worthless.

Not that GGG will listen to one player's plea, but please reconsider the leaguestone mechanic. It was so much fun. This is the first league that I have not tired of. I've gone deeper into the game than ever before and end game is just so much better with this mechanic.

You know, this is mostly how I feel too. Leaguestones were the reason behind 95% of my deaths this league but I LOVED them.

I do think that we would lose an appreciation for all their work in 3.0 if we had leaguestones before maps but I was hoping for leaguestones as Zana's mechanic.
Qarl wrote:

Leaguestones unintentionally gave casual players access to content reserved for elite (i.e. no-lifer) players.

To correct this, leaguestones will not function in normal leagues and will no longer drop. At the beginning of 3.0.0, Zana will once again provide access to past leagues for those able to spend hours farming currency.

We are glad our players enjoyed Legacy League, and once again apologize to the 1% for allowing dirty scrubs access to your content.

There. I fixed the manifesto.
Last edited by Augusten on May 31, 2017, 12:45:48 AM
Qarl wrote:

We feel it provides too much overhead for newer players, and is something we'd like to reserve for special occasions.

ya, fuck everybody else except newer players. why make a extra map function or let them drop 60+ areas.


They are thinking only to not overhead the new players from xbox one, they are more valuable than we are :(
Last edited by vempire_ghost on May 31, 2017, 12:37:18 AM
I was thinking the best compromise would have been to merge Zana and leaguestones. Just keep the Legacy Leaguestone system intact and have Zana sell Leaguestones (at prices similar to market rates in Legacy, i.e. 4c for a normal Breach Leaguestone, much much more for Dreaming Breach Leaguestones). Remove Leaguestones from the drop table.

This way experienced players can purchase Leaguestones and play past leagues like they did with the old Zana system (actually better, since they can play 3 leagues at a time), and newer players aren't burdened with managing leaguestone drops. And of course make Leaguestones useable only in maps, removing the level-restricted leaguestones completely.

Makes everyone happy without breaking the game, no?
Last edited by XNtrysyti on May 31, 2017, 12:38:33 AM
This is crappy. I want legacy in the main game with the ability to get the old unique items. Happy breach will be added but it's dumb that they are only for maps. Your really killing the fun of the game, already killed all AoE, pretty much nerfing all damage, and now we can't even get the league specific legendaries. Wow the game is going to the trash.. rip all the fun of clearing and feeling strong and the fun of past league mechanics and uniques..
Qarl wrote:
is something we'd like to reserve for special occasions.

GGG gives us lots of reasons for not including Legacy into the core game, but I suspect this is the real main one.

One problem (that they don't mention) is that Legacy, being an amalgamation of years worth of past leagues, is pretty hard to top as a league mechanic, which makes any future temp leagues they release pale in comparison. This is already going to be a problem for older players (the old 'people keep expecting more as your performance goes up' problem). The last thing they need is for the influx on new players coming with 3.0 to see this too. So it's best for them (i.e. GGG) if they don't put it into the base game at all.

On the other hand, Legacy is also the perfect mechanic for short 'special occasions', such as filler periods between leagues or other events. It also can readily update itself with new leaguestones to cover any future temp leagues as well. The last thing GGG would want is to throw away this perfect 'special' mechanic by making it a general feature.

Not putting Legacy into the core game seems bad for players (and is, unless you didn't like it), but it is good from GGG's perspective for much the same reason a lot of balance changes are. Nerfing fun is never fun for us, but it's kinda necessary for the company. :/
Last edited by Exile009 on May 31, 2017, 12:45:04 AM
WORST IDEA since un-sliced bread.... now 3.0.0 looks significantly less attractive.
Leaguestones are phenomenal. Do they need more work? For sure. Remove the bunk stones (Talisman, Tempest, and Shrines) and remove the Legacy tab. Make then drop only in maps, allow them to be used in the map device, and reduce the drop rate by about 75% or so. Let Standard players use the ones they're left with when league ends, but put a time limit on them so their value doesn't increase over time there.

Breach already rewarded meta builds only while punishing tankier, more careful builds, and splinters are already difficult enough to accumulate as it is. Now you're going to make them ten times more rare?! It's goodbye breaches, just like it was goodbye essences. As if we needed another reason to farm Alterations.
Last edited by Nolanomicon on May 31, 2017, 12:56:06 AM
WORST IDEA since un-sliced bread.... now 3.0.0 looks significantly less attractive.
Leaguestones are phenomenal. Do they need more work? For sure. Remove the bunk stones (Talisman, Tempest, and Shrines) and remove the Legacy tab. Make then drop only in maps, allow them to be used in the map device, and reduce the drop rate by about 75% or so. Let Standard players use the ones they're left with when league ends, but put a time limit on them so their value doesn't increase over time there.

Breach already rewarded meta builds only while punishing tankier, more careful builds, and splinters are already difficult enough to accumulate as it is. Now you're going to make them ten times more rare?! It's goodbye breaches, just like it was goodbye essences.

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