Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

To me leaguestones was the things that could get me play to standard again, since I could play all the pasts leagues so I don't miss anything new by playing standard (exept the current league). It was THE FEATURE for standart, it only needed this one specific feature !!!

And 10% breach per map is less than with looting leaguestone alone...

What about reworking leaguestones so they may be more balanced and put them in standard?
Qarl wrote:

This also gave players much easier access to league-specific uniques.

Nice bait!
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Old time Zana!! Good times are ahead!
Sohala wrote:
Hrm, and here I thought they would keep legacy around so they didn't have to keep folding mechanics into the core game. All they would have to do is add a leaguestone and call it a day.

Exactly, and I was hoping they would use that mechanic to "fold out" a couple of the previous league mechanics that have been added to the game, like Torment, and maybe even Anarchy.

Prophecy would also be a good place to fold in other league mechanics, so hopefully that will see some additions at some point too.
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
Noooooooooooo! I came here to see that legacy mechanic will be rolled as a replacement for current Zana mods. Pity you'r dropping it. Hope you will reconsider this decision...
with disabling leaguestones you needlessly threw away the option to buff permanent leagues


deleted the rest of the comment after reading from charan that the real reason was the needed effort for balancing.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on May 31, 2017, 6:28:18 PM
disappointed about leaguestones... has been 1 year since ggg said they were discussing something for standard, haven't seen anything yet
So back to overly expensive Zana's mods eh?
Not happy with this, I hoped to see Zana's mods go for good.

I agree that game shouldn't be oversaturated with all kinds different things, but you got to recognize that players enjoyed easy access to league mods and chance to combine them.

You could have replaced Zana's system with leaguestones. Making this for maps will keep it away from new player's eyes.
Increase usage count on leaguestones and reduce drop rate to reduce management or ask UX devs to find other better solution.

I see that you don't mind adding league mod to sextants, you could also merge in all leaguestone mechanics into sextants, but please, for love of the universe, make those things actually drop at some rate that we can actually have reasonable amount of fun out of them (or is fun a thing intended only for rich players?).
It would consolidate the mechanics but would still miss the control.
Last edited by Azorien on May 31, 2017, 2:24:35 AM
Qarl wrote:

While we look forward to using Legacy again at some point in the future, we will not be adding it to the core game at this time.

Leaguestones will therefore not function in normal leagues and will no longer drop. At the beginning of 3.0.0, Zana will once again provide access to past leagues.

Absolutely gutted. It NEEDS to be added to the core game.

Legacy is PoE.

Get rid of Zana and keep Leaguestones.

Ugh I was really looking forward to using my excess Leaguestones in standard.

3.0 is looking more and more like a massive disappointment.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Kunaak wrote:
League stones are so much more inclusive then Zana is - Zana is an extremely expensive option to maintain for the vast majority of people, and league stones put all league mods within every players reach - not just the richest players.

League stone system is not perfect - its a great idea, that needs to be further deveoped... not scrapped and ignored.

Yepp, same here.

Zana mods far far to expensive for my taste. In short this move removes all those leagues for me.

Not happy!

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