Energy Shield and Life
Dear GGG,
I normally agree with you, however I think you may have gotten things very wrong this time. You are mistakenly comparing ES to Life. What you are forgetting about Life builds, is that they have plenty of Armour and/or Evasion to mitigate damage. ES builds do not have that because ES was originally intended to replace Armor and Evasion - not Life. Playing a Witch is not easy compared to playing a Marauder because I have zero Armour. I depend on my hit points to absorb all Physical damage and even then it's not always enough against Daresso's spinning blades. The sad truth is, characters with no Evasion or Armour need at least twice as many hit points as other characters because there is no mitigation of damage - especially Physical damage. Armour can stop up to 95% of Physical damage end game. Witches often end up having to suffer the full 100% of Physical damage. That's 20 times more damage than what a 95% physical damage reduction from Armour can achieve. Marauders usually have 50-95% physical damage reduction from Armour end game. Without any Armour or Evasion, twice as many hit points would be equivalent to the normal minimum 50% physical damage reduction which is what most Witches need. Please ask yourself if you've really taken all factors into account. You might think that this means Witches have an advantage against Elemental damage but I think if a Witch focused on getting twice as many hit points, she would have to sacrifice elemental resistance so instead of 75% resistances, she might just have 50% which means taking twice as much elemental damage as other players therefore compensating for having twice as many hit points. Please, please, please reconsider this decision you've made. I think this is going to disadvantage Witches making them less playable in Hardcore than other characters. Daniel |
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As many have said, this is massive overkill. This is a balance change that required a chisel and a steady hand, and instead they used a sledgehammer. While drunk apparently.
Since we can no longer leech ES at all, how can anyone be expected to play a melee build with ES? Answer: you can't. Let's just keep pushing the ranged/projectile meta and leave melee to rot. Low Life builds? Don't see how these will be possible anymore. So basically the only character that can reasonably expect to survive high level content as an ES character is a Occultist with Wicked Ward and massive ES regen stacking, great. Also, where did they pull these ridiculous 25k ES numbers? Are they only looking at the broken RF characters that stack ES to the ceiling and those with with more currency than god? The average ES based character falls into the range of 7-10K (even with obscene levels of wealth) and most are completely dependent on leech to survive, which is no longer possible. I'm all for a buff to life builds, and even a nerf to ES values to bring them more in line, but they just completely gutted it. Really reconsidering the purchase of an Oriath supporter pack now that many builds have been completely dismantled. Great job guys. /s |
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Ok so... Some input from me, for the little that is worth to anyone reading but, more importantly, GGG as one of their players.
I have played this game for 4 years I think (I lose track) essentially I am an avid addict, like most of the player base I appreciate the diversity and ability to change small things, reflecting in a better, or worse outcome for the character. I appreciate the games mechanics that drive me forward to create a better character. My point is that I think I have a basic understanding of the nuances of the game and any I am missing I look forward to finding out. Or at least that was the case. I see a worrying trend that is being implemented prior to Xbox arrival. THe dumbing of the game and worse yet the need to find perfect parity (to make things easier to understand?) Having read this 'Idea' and lets face it that is all it is currently, I am left numb, inert, even speechless, that this could get past an amusing chat over the urinals, ' Hey Chris could you imagine for one second if we Nerfed Es ?' ' *Chuckle* Yer Bex the players would wrap themselves up in the simplicity of Life and be more content'............. I mostly play life based builds for the record, when I do attempt an Es based build I have yet to ever get over 10k Es pool, I am not in the top 2 % of people that do. Your choice to Nerf Es is based on a few streamers godly ES pool (Please feel free to enlighten both myself and others if i am incorrect) why then am i so upset? Strictly speaking this Nerf shouldn't really effect me, however I am in the minority, ES builds allow most to actually get into the endgame fights and remain alive. 12-13k Es seems to me to be the viable pool required to get you past tier 16 fights and the endboss fights (Ignoring your Queen) Life based builds required a buff not the other way round, it's so evident to me, how can you guys be so blind. Most life base builds top out at around 7k ish if you want to do anything other than wear Koams and tickle the mobs feet. We all know 7k can still get you one shot and is not viable in HC for the endgame. You are making very poor decisions based on the few that are going to impact the many that love the game. (IF you implement this change you will kill the game for 75% of the existing players) Last edited by Weaz#4300 on May 18, 2017, 3:23:32 AM
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" As I said, you can get angry about numbers... but the absolute numbers of health exist. You can reach these kinds of health numbers in the game.... I don't care if its 5% or 5000% on the tree.... these health numbers exist in absolute terms... You are only focused on the numbers on the tree, and you still throw out insults... I am on your team... |
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while i commend you for nerfing the upper ES mod tiers, I implore you to consider the effect of removing vaal pact completely for ES close range characters. They might get completely unplayable unless you have huge amounts of ES.
Perhaps you are also nerfing monster damage? I hope you take your time in beta and really test this. The Hyperbomber for 2.6:
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" rly? i have a 92 trickster current league my items are selffound all rares with 70-90 life and resists - yes i had to pick up and ID a shitload of rares to fill the slots but NONE of it is in any way "sick" - my chestpiece and mainhand has even 0 life (relict cloak of the deceiver and eclipse solaris) i picked up like you every life node on my path and have now 6200 life. its complete evasion/dodge/spelldodge tank my life and mana+ES (eldritch battery) soak up the few random hits that come through good enough and with blasphemy cursing i HAVE to go close range. i joined mapping parties that mapped clearly too difficult t14 6 mod rare maps and i was often last man standing. i know i cant do certain content because i chose to use essence drain + contagion and this has limited dps/life regen against tough single targets but isnt poe supposed to be that way? builds can be strong in one content and fail/be weak in other content depending on gear and builds... ggg did wrong in first place allowing exploited combos that do millions of dps trivializing everything |
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" Last edited by h4lth3rr#1784 on May 18, 2017, 3:39:00 AM
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please not another batch of legacy shavs
Someday, someone will best me. But it won't be today, and it won't be you.
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"Totally agreed. CI will be unplayable for the average poe player in 3.0! Due to the current damage values in high level maps every map is basically a dice-roll when you have no efficient way to either regain your ES or have tons of it in the first place. RIP CI! |
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Hope we'll see some Hybrid builds become meta.
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