Energy Shield and Life

deMoxE wrote:
I just geared 2 of my lvl 97 chars and maxed out hp / es on both of them, +- putting the same into dps node. Nothing too fancy gear for few exes.

I have

9k hp

all 80-100hp gear slots no kaom (kaom mean no six link for 1h builds btw)


16k es

regalia 766es, helm 350es, shield 400es, gloves boots 200es, + dsicipline literally only shit you can get for few chaos after days.

With slightly better gear ( like 20ex or so) I could get it to like 18-20k es.

While in same time there is no way i can boost my hp at all, maybe up to 10k with perfectly crafter essence gear or so.

So in a nutshell, the math proves GGG is going into right direction.

except after the change you will have 12k+ hp
while es have about the same
life based have leech
es dont
abort idea
terrible comparison
Last edited by 69wanted69 on May 18, 2017, 12:54:58 AM
What about Deafening Essence of Woe? It seems like it'll outmax the body gear +ES. Will there be changes to its numbers? If there is, will the changes retroactive or the essence have "legacy" version?
deMoxE wrote:
I just geared 2 of my lvl 97 chars and maxed out hp / es on both of them, +- putting the same into dps node. Nothing too fancy gear for few exes.

I have

9k hp

all 80-100hp gear slots no kaom (kaom mean no six link for 1h builds btw)


16k es

regalia 766es, helm 350es, shield 400es, gloves boots 200es, + dsicipline literally only shit you can get for few chaos after days.

With slightly better gear ( like 20ex or so) I could get it to like 18-20k es.

While in same time there is no way i can boost my hp at all, maybe up to 10k with perfectly crafter essence gear or so.

So in a nutshell, the math proves GGG is going into right direction.

You also have to include how many points you spent on life nodes and how many ES nodes you use (something tells me the points spent on ES nodes are much fewer, thus giving you more points to dedicate to dps).
As someone who absolutely hates ES to the point of refusing to join team Sell-out I must say...this is absolutely CRAZY! I think after re-reading this may also help life builds a great deal, assuming some of the new changes also apply to unique armor and armor/evasion equipment when 3.0 hits.

Still, ES (specifically CI) has become a blight to this game. Specifically their ability to take advantage of things like Life regen and Vaal Pact. I think just fixing these things and maybe reducing the amount of ES you get from a guardian(currently it doubles your ES) would've been enough but they went FULL nerf bat mode.

I actually feel sorry for people who've spent 100s of EX getting max ES gear just to have it all taken away from them.

Ah well, The game's been out of balance for so long that anything that looks close to balance between Life and ES looks EXTREMELY bad.

I think we should wait until the Beta to judge properly but right now it's liking like when 3.0 drops Life and Energy Shield will be close to the same level of viability...which I honestly never imagined.
VP not working with ES is just a half-measure.
Now acuities and berserker and perhaps vinktars will destroy content just as well on life-based builds.

instant leech as a defense is an absurd concept in this game, compared to what other defenses provide.
Erecpyle wrote:
deMoxE wrote:
I just geared 2 of my lvl 97 chars and maxed out hp / es on both of them, +- putting the same into dps node. Nothing too fancy gear for few exes.

I have

9k hp

all 80-100hp gear slots no kaom (kaom mean no six link for 1h builds btw)


16k es

regalia 766es, helm 350es, shield 400es, gloves boots 200es, + dsicipline literally only shit you can get for few chaos after days.

With slightly better gear ( like 20ex or so) I could get it to like 18-20k es.

While in same time there is no way i can boost my hp at all, maybe up to 10k with perfectly crafter essence gear or so.

So in a nutshell, the math proves GGG is going into right direction.

You also have to include how many points you spent on life nodes and how many ES nodes you use (something tells me the points spent on ES nodes are much fewer, thus giving you more points to dedicate to dps).

I have spend everything I could , all es nodes, all hp nodes I could get literally.
69wanted69 wrote:
bhavv wrote:
We've seen a single player on reddit reaching over 25,000 Energy Shield while still having the damage output to sufficiently complete all of the content in the game due to having a full set of perfect mirrored gear, compared with the 9,000 Life that a slightly above average Life character with a 5 link belly purchased for a few chaos orbs had, so we've decided to completely fuck up ES builds for everyone else

I fixed the OP.

wheres the upvote button

pohx had 33k es as a LL RF build. zero gear mirrored. all pretty meh gear.
69wanted69 wrote:
deMoxE wrote:
I just geared 2 of my lvl 97 chars and maxed out hp / es on both of them, +- putting the same into dps node. Nothing too fancy gear for few exes.

I have

9k hp

all 80-100hp gear slots no kaom (kaom mean no six link for 1h builds btw)


16k es

regalia 766es, helm 350es, shield 400es, gloves boots 200es, + dsicipline literally only shit you can get for few chaos after days.

With slightly better gear ( like 20ex or so) I could get it to like 18-20k es.

While in same time there is no way i can boost my hp at all, maybe up to 10k with perfectly crafter essence gear or so.

So in a nutshell, the math proves GGG is going into right direction.

except after the change you will have 12k+ hp
while es have about the same
life based have leech
es dont
abort idea
terrible comparison

Xd you just are completely not objective this is simplest comparison that shows, ES is nearly 2 times stronger than HP. You just cant maintain the same dps and MAX EHP POOL, it's simple as that. Because literally you can max out 3000+ base ES and like 700% es multi. You just can't do this with hp even if kaom had +1500life.
Last edited by deMoxE on May 18, 2017, 1:01:11 AM
tacotiklah wrote:

Or, possibly, some people are saying to stop flying off the handle and wait to see what the final changes are before losing your damn mind. Again, these are the proposed changes for the start of Beta, not the finalized changes for 3.0. Every single thing mentioned in this manifesto is subject to change. By all means, bring up your points for why you don't like the changes. But some of the QQ ragequit posts are just too over the top. Like, seriously people are dropping f bombs all over the place and vulgar insults over a game. These are grown people acting like spoiled children and throwing temper tantrums because god forbid they play a harder version of the game. Sorry I guess that people might have to try a different build now. Sincerest apologies that people might not get to keep abusing the same ES/VP/Leech/High DPS mechanic in every single build they roll.

I guess people really do love the dumbing down of D3 so much that they're willing to move to PoE and QQ to make it happen here too. And then what's next? Move to Grim Dawn and bawl their eyes out until the devs there give characters 90000000000000+ damage and eHP?
I left D3 after years of playing to get AWAY from that stupid nonsense. Yay for people trying to bring that stupidity into yet another game I enjoyed playing.

Also, anyone that didn't see this coming has to have been living under a rock. We all knew the nerfs were coming. It was just a question of when and to what degree. And it seems like devs are wanting to nuke it and them rebuild from there to fix the mechanics themselves as opposed to just putting the "buff life/damage" band aid on it like every ARPGs have done. Of course, even simple nerfs seem to have the forums and reddit in full blown babyrage mode. I guess I should have seen the universe-sized mounds of salt coming. If it's not spoon fed to people, they'll cry like children.

We comment on what we read. Nowhere did they say "we will propably increase life stats even more".
They only focused on es and what might be saved from it after the beta.
Most people are angry with life getting a possible 45 roll on chests,and that's it.
Everyone knew ES was gonna get nerfed hard,but people expected value nerfs,or some mechanics,not both to the ground.
It's now unusable even with lower values for 90% of es builds,while the alternative,life,got very minor possible buffs.
Unless they introduce es instant flasks which is not going to happen.
Of course some people will get used to whatever new data,maybe including you,but nobody is the same.
These are boat rocking changes once again.
Great idea , i do think tho that you guys should had a kaom's heart version to ES , as people could still reach 18k-20k but with a downside of no 6link on chest

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