Energy Shield and Life

Well all my trap/mine builds that was relying on ES and recharge rate just got nerf , inbefore all Shadow/Witch builds must travel to Scion/Templar to get all the life nodes , great build diversity I guess.
i dont get it, why does it always feels (pre nerf ) totally op and ( after nerf ) 99,9% useless??

yeah it's needs to be changed, but you remove everthink??????????? come on... use yor damm brains

- 33% less Es
- vaal disc, still useless...
- depand on the Vaal pact/ghost reever change, you cant leech anymore...
- and the current recharge rate is crap...
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF )
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker

Last edited by KillerKrug on May 18, 2017, 12:50:56 AM
Will there be any changes to Righteous Fire alongside these ES nerfs? Reducing the max ES really hurts RF builds as it makes it harder to sustain with lower ES regen, especially hybrid/LL RF builds.
oh yea btw
you guys are running a beta for act1-10 changes, ci mostly take place after you get to 70, most people gonna stop playing after they get over the storyline
tell me how you guys will be testing this?
Seems like you have learned from your previous mistakes and now carefully considered not to hit those self found or just casual players. While balancing the top 1% you made it actually easier for the mass to play with ES.

I am proud of you. Finally you did a really great job.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
Damage should go through player defenses as follow:


on this order, damage is not reduced by armour when it hits the shield which make sense because your energy shield is not underneath your armour.

Give more Love to Armour.

All damage types except Chaos should be reduced by armour.
All elemental damage deals 200% more damage meaning 1000 (lightning/fire/cold) damage will become 3000 damage.


30k lightning damage

vs. 25k ES with 75% resist lightning

(30k * 3) * 0.25

22,500 damage

vs. 6k Life with 75% Armour and 75% resist lightning

((30k * 3) * 0.25) * 0.25

5,525 damage
Last edited by Sorbetero on May 18, 2017, 12:53:29 AM
KillerKrug wrote:
i dont get it, why does it always feels (pre nerf ) totally op and ( after nerf ) 99,9% useless??

yeah it's needs to be changed, but you remove everthink??????????? come on... use yor damm brains

- 33% less Es
- vaal disc, still useless...
- depand on the Vaal pact/ghost reever change, you cant leech anymore...
- and the current recharge rate is crap...

You know they actually have no fucking clue right
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Shav's got FUCKED again how often are you planning to fuck that poor thing?
I just geared 2 of my lvl 97 chars and maxed out hp / es on both of them, +- putting the same into dps node. Nothing too fancy gear for few exes.

I have

9k hp

all 80-100hp gear slots no kaom (kaom mean no six link for 1h builds btw)


16k es

regalia 766es, helm 350es, shield 400es, gloves boots 200es, + dsicipline literally only shit you can get for few chaos after days.

With slightly better gear ( like 20ex or so) I could get it to like 18-20k es. Easly and this is crap gear we are talking about, with mirrors included I could stay at 15k es and boost my dps where it would be impossible to match for hp builds.

There is no way i can boost my hp at all, maybe up to 10k with perfectly crafted essence gear or so.

So in a nutshell, the math proves GGG is going into right direction.
Last edited by deMoxE on May 18, 2017, 12:54:09 AM
RIP Energy Shield... Ty brainless GGG

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