Energy Shield and Life

I'm sorry I love you guys but this isn't how to balance a game by dumpstering the thing to where it's not even playable or worth you did this with fire to chaos, VMS and now ES this is not acceptable I don't have any clue who you have working for you but they are so out of touch with the actual game it's pathetic honestly. You think bringing life up and killing off ES is a good balance just like how you nerf AOE so that none of the AOE skills feel good to play and don't compensate the base AOE of those skills, I used to love this company but honestly with each update it shows how out of tune you guys really are and I don't know how much I can keep taking of this.
ProjectPT was actually right about you, you don't know how to balance an ARPG, he even predicted yuo would make this change and it wasn't the right way to balance this you went ahead and did it anyway and now, good job it's obvious you are trying to attract casual players who play a couple hours a week and kill off your loyal play base that's been here for years. This is the Scion changes after uber lab all over again you seen a Scion lately? I haven't nice "balancing", you guys are officially clueless.
TenTonBlue wrote:
Not quite 25k ES, but I can't find the video I saw recently with 25k in Legacy playing solo:

I feel like PoE should be a game you can't be productive in while AFKing. Pretty glad to see these changes, and seeing so many people complain about a possible nerf is a good show of a (sometimes) overpowered feature getting its just adjustment
69wanted69 wrote:
TenTonBlue wrote:
MelonLord wrote:
I'd consider myself an average player, I could barely get enough Energy Shield on my gear to go CI because it's so expensive to craft yourself and so expensive to buy from other players. Considering I like to play builds that aren't meta like a Shadow Flicker Striker in particular, this is going to make it impossible to go CI and pretty much makes all builds like this literally unplayable since the Shadow's only viable health option is Energy Shield.

What are you talking about? it takes like 5c to get 6k ES.

what game have you been playing? path of no damage? path of es nodes?

Lol, what? do you really not know how easy ES is to build?

As Deadseeds said, Educate yourself:

Easy and cheap 10k ES:

Credit to Deadseeds for video link.
Brantley03 wrote:
I'm tired of all the changes. Every couple months there is a substantial rule change that requires one to more or less start over. You didn't need to nerf ES builds. If you were going to change anything, you should have just buffed life builds and left ES alone. What would really be fantastic though is for to set the rules of the game and leave them alone.

Educate yourself.

Not quite 25k ES, but I can't find the video I saw recently with 25k in Legacy playing solo:

And even lower ES facetanking

Easy and cheap 10k ES:

-Credit to Deadseeds
that is a lie, ll build only can use shav, according to the picture beg to differ
and if you're going to say you can use solaris lorica bla bla bla please save yourself the time

No,i will not say "go Lorica", i will say though that if you want the benefits of LL you should also take the risks that come with them (last league i played LL Occultist and had 12k ES,that's almost the double of an "average" Life build).I just don't think that should be playstyles that give you free rewards without having some drawbacks.

Just because my build doesnt get hit its ok to take the heavy investment away from the 10-14k guys?

I won't repeat the "It's beta so it'll be sort of balanced by the time it goes live", since even with beta testing things don't always turn out to be peachy.The thing is though, ES was never supposed to be a replacement for life, but an extra layer of defense a la Evasion/Armor, and it seems GGG wants to push for that again.
Looking good
69wanted69 wrote:
Imaginaerum wrote:

Somehow I doubt that

read previous pages, all the long time players are leaving.
most of them played since beta, why? because we feel betrayed.
literally the worst way to balance, and again they showed us their capability of going full idiocy

Ive been here since 2012, so i guess that would make me a long time player right? I love the change, so clearly your assumption is wrong, go away doomsayer.
Last edited by TenTonBlue on May 17, 2017, 11:26:55 PM
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I think most people would agree that the interaction between Ghost Reaver + Vaal Pact was broken, not the ES itself. ES should not be able to refill fast or instantly but can have high amount to compensate , the average number of ES should be 10k and with high end gears it should be 15k, if you make everyone running around end game maps with just 6k ES what's the point of it?

You don't need to run it in the Beta to see how overkill it is, nerf Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver is enough to break the meta. Nerf all the ES gears is just a lazy way to shift the meta just like when you removed ES from Vaal Discipline but didn't give it anything else to scale with levels, it's just a cheap way to balance things and make people think like it's a bandage you suddenly put into your game without any thinking.

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