Energy Shield and Life

Erecpyle wrote:
and this is aimed to people saying "Not everyone reaches 20k+ ES", "I barely reach 10k", etc, guess what?Only those top builds get hit that hard, your average-ish build won't get nerfed (that much at least), they even say it in the manifesto.

And why would I as a SSF be ok with that?
Just because my build doesnt get hit its ok to take the heavy investment away from the 10-14k guys?
they rely on reddit for their nerfs gg... ppl in the community know how to balance more than ggg....
Imaginaerum wrote:
69wanted69 wrote:
poe2407 wrote:
this is the first Beta run... thus the reason for the drastic changes and the reason why they are testing - this doesn't mean the changes are set in stone, they will change Beta testing is there for the purpose of testing the new mechanics and tuning them - you want to start off with a rather extreme setting like they have now and slowly work your way to a balance solution.

oh trust me if this becomes a patch, poe will lose more than 50% of their playerbase

Somehow I doubt that

read previous pages, all the long time players are leaving.
most of them played since beta, why? because we feel betrayed.
literally the worst way to balance, and again they showed us their capability of going full idiocy
Last edited by 69wanted69 on May 17, 2017, 11:14:39 PM
mirificel wrote:
LUL at all the noobs complaining, the game was a joke for the last year the hammer had to come down at some point. GJ GGG.

Let me guess you dont even play on SSF leafue, and think that the game should be balanced around mirrored items in standard league.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Dont understand the ghost reaver thing.

Does that mean;

you can leech ES with GR with less ES regen


You cant leech ES with GR but get more regen?

Second question how will VP change effect Atziri's Acuity?

Most PoE forumers/redditors: D3 is so damn easy! Thank god Path of Exile exists and is more of a challenge! The devs are so amazing for creating this wonderful game!

Also most PoE forumers/redditors: Goddamn it GGG, why couldn't you just keep buffing life and damage in a leap frog fashion every three months, EXACTLY like D3 did, creating a stupidly easy game due to all the power creep? Such a stupid game! I'm quitting and playing *insert name of another ARPG* from now on!

Also most PoE forumers/redditors: *still begs for beta key invites/still plays the game when the beta and eventually 3.0 comes out*
It's Beta, anything can still change.
I have an Alien pet.
LtTrog wrote:
Dont understand the ghost reaver thing.

Does that mean;

you can leech ES with GR with less ES regen


You cant leech ES with GR but get more regen?

Second question how will VP change effect Atziri's Acuity?

you cannot leech, and it gives recharge rate, you know after two second your es recharge? yea that es goes up faster, which does absolutely nothing if you dont play occultist
mirificel wrote:
LUL at all the noobs complaining, the game was a joke for the last year the hammer had to come down at some point. GJ GGG.
good job at shit balancing

Not quite 25k ES, but I can't find the video I saw recently with 25k in Legacy playing solo:

And even lower ES facetanking

Easy and cheap 10k ES:

-Credit to Deadseeds

Last edited by TenTonBlue on May 17, 2017, 11:18:06 PM
Looks like the whining babies who couldn't afford ES gear got their wish...

Nerfs are way too overboard, reducing the ES% at higher levels is one thing, but fucking with Ghost Reaver and Vaal Pact makes CI very unappealing.

It's nice to have options, whether you wanna go life, ES, evasion, or hybrid, but this nerf provides no compensation.

I have faith that this will be fixed at some point though, it's (probably) not the end of the world

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