Energy Shield and Life

Extremely disappointing. Changes to ghost reaver and Vaal pact are great. Buff to life and defenses are a good step. Nerf to ES gear is garbage. As usual, GGG looks at the very pinnacle of gear and uses that as a measurement of the overall viability of a mechanic. If perfect gear (20k+ ES) is now 15K like they say...then anybody who has "ok" gear (10-11k?) right now now has...8k or less? Seriously? 8K ES with heavily nerfed leech and probably limited mitigation? People will be dying in T2 xoph breaches. Really sad that they couldn't come up with a better solution (i.e. nerf the absurdity that is vinktar, reduce oneshot mechanics so life can compete, etc.)

Only suggestion to the balance team - next time you should probably look closer at how your changes will affect the 99% and less how it will affect the 1%. Barely anybody was reaching this 25k ES figure you tout. This change will make ES gear that is currently OK into crap tier. Extremely good ES gear will still be almost as good as long as people don't try to facetank. Life will be only marginally better. Oneshots will continue. Gap between the 1% and 99% just got larger. Really hope there are some changes to monster damage that you haven't mentioned.
bhavv wrote:
This is pure BS.

My CI characters only have 6-8k ES with mostly self found / crafted gear.

This looks like a knee jerk over nerf based on the top 1% of players as usual and level 20 discipline.

Build better.

Builds that may make you actually decent


ES Also isn't good as a starter. You also always balance a game around the top percentage of players.
For those trying to understand the changes...

Will Unique gear get adjusted life values to compete? I feel non-ES Uniques may will fall off compared to moderate rare gear if not.
nephilim1984 wrote:
ItsRay wrote:
Not being salty, but who the fuck invited the Blizzard devs to the balance team? This is overkill, why not just remove ES from the game?

Why couldn't you just buff life instead of making ES pure garbage

Overzealous nerfing is half the reason I stopped playing this game. Diablo 3 has literally seen more playtime from me in the last 2 months.

Then just stay in Diablo 3.

When I read the first quoted Post I already wanted to reply to you saying that the reason why "not just buff life" is very easily observed when taking a glance at d3 and the numbers in that game. How do you make anything useful in that game ? By giving a skill a 50000% damage multiplier. And why? Because the devs thought "why not just buff life?" "why not just buff life?" "why not just buff life?"

And then you drop the hammer that you play more d3 anyway.. Good riddance

you did not address his point tho. ES will now be garbage and the meta shifts to life builds... this is not balance. But yeah just cuz he plays that shit d3 game automatically means that his opinion is invalid..

ES will return to the niche defense that it should have been, instead of the goal of any build that can possibly utilise it.

People threatening to go play d3 because ES wont be cheating anymore > me
MeWhenum wrote:
Extremely disappointing. Changes to ghost reaver and Vaal pact are great. Buff to life and defenses are a good step. Nerf to ES gear is garbage. As usual, GGG looks at the very pinnacle of gear and uses that as a measurement of the overall viability of a mechanic. If perfect gear (20k+ ES) is now 15K like they say...then anybody who has "ok" gear (10-11k?) right now now has...8k or less? Seriously? 8K ES with heavily nerfed leech and probably limited mitigation? People will be dying in T2 xoph breaches. Really sad that they couldn't come up with a better solution (i.e. nerf the absurdity that is vinktar, reduce oneshot mechanics so life can compete, etc.)

Only suggestion to the balance team - next time you should probably look closer at how your changes will affect the 99% and less how it will affect the 1%. Barely anybody was reaching this 25k ES figure you tout. This change will make ES gear that is currently OK into crap tier. Extremely good ES gear will still be almost as good as long as people don't try to facetank. Life will be only marginally better. Oneshots will continue. Gap between the 1% and 99% just got larger. Really hope there are some changes to monster damage that you haven't mentioned.

pretty much
25,000 Energy Shield ??????????????????????????????????
where see you this? Are you retard? After 33% = 25 000 - 8250 = 16750. Are you retard?
People dont understand the concept of a BETA? Things are gonna change, this is how GGG will start. Then as the BETA unfolds they will look at how stuff seem to interact and work, and then GGG will respond to that with either buffs or nerfs etc.

This is a #1 draft of 3.0. We are gonna go through a LOT of changes through out the BETA thats for sure.

Calm your tits everybody, play the BETA, figure out the changes and give constructive responses on the BETA forum when the time comes.

Yes its drastic changes, no this isnt exactly how 3.0 will be its how the BETA will be.
Life with 5 flasks versus 2xES? Life need to nerf.

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