Energy Shield and Life

Everyone I know or knew has either quit or only shows up to look at how few choices of builds there are left, and then quit. Most builds now are garbage for end game.

Congratulations GGG, you killed the game, GREAT JOB!

What a bunch of clowns, GGG staff really need to get over themselves and learn to have fun instead of cowing the ever tightening corporate noose.
I remember when Path of Exile had:

- unlimited build choices
- none nerfing, only upping
- none balance
- relations between the gems were not limited
- were driven by real players with visions
- it was a fun slowly to pushing forward, and be sure it's for going OP one day.

This was the different game, the game for the peoples.
Currently none of this existing anymore.
This is sad. It makes me sad.
GGG please nerf Monsters and Boss damage, so there no more one shot in game, please!

And you make challenge league even more fun and interesting as listed there -
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That's not related to the topic, neither to the previous posts I believe.
Please bring back ES and boost life instead!
Not everyone plays all day long while streaming and has perfect mirrored items. I could hardly have more than 8k ES before the nerf.
1. Bringing back / restoring ES and CI as they were is not sufficient.
Previously I were advicing for ES to be boosted about 5% in order to match the needs in-game.
I were wrong. Actually under current calculations we need 7% ES boost and better leech in order to fix the game.

2. HP should took another boost. About 12% should be good.

3. We are currently having 10 acts with repeating towns which is 5 new towns.. When do we get the rest 5?

4. Selling nonstop items from the itemshop wont help much. The current profit you are making GGG is a peak of something you would never be wishing to come true. It's the peak after which comes a great fall.
If You are willing to rumble down so be it. Else - execute at once the "FIX POE" procedure as described above.

5. Consoles maters. Maybe... Eventually... but for sure for short.
Console players rarely spend a lot of time in-games, and for sure the RPG's isnt one of their favorites.
The hardcore RPG fans have their uber-top grade PCs long ago. So please move your focus toward fixing the game.

I am still believing that PoE can get a good fix. I am still believer, but unfortunately the time is passing so fast..
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
nah. Without proper leech there is no way to redo it, even if they boost ES with 50% it will again be not sufficient.

Currently the population droped from 98 000 to 16 000 in just 2 months, and it keep decreasing.
Maybe at the end there will be a party of 4 die-hard phy/HP based builds which will play around.

Good job GGG CEO. You just overdo any other MMO/RPG stupid decisions.
You've just made a history !
GZ !
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2 on Sep 27, 2017, 4:16:37 AM
SonicPLD2 wrote:
nah. Without proper leech there is no way to redo it, even if they boost ES with 50% it will again be not sufficient.

Currently the population droped from 98 000 to 16 000 in just 2 months, and it keep decreasing.
Maybe at the end there will be a party of 4 die-hard phy/HP based builds which will play around.

Good job GGG CEO. You just overdo any other MMO/RPG stupid decisions.
You've just made a history !
GZ !

Jup...before the patch I had 11k ES , after the Patch only 8k. After many changes and about 3 ex to buy new gear , i have 10k...jeah!!!

I am not the best Player and play not every day, but i can´t Facetanking Atziri , Shaper and co. I have try it ... I can´t facetank anymore :( now I am running around to restore my ES :(

I have try to build a life char with Vaal Pact , but it make not so much fun!!!!!!!
So much ES nerfs , no push , or I read (or understand) not all.

What is in POE 4.0 ??? No ES ???

I have a Chest with 915 ES 50 Int. and some resis ... going to sell it for 20 ex or 20 chaos ... in a few weeks it will only have the 50 int and the resis .... trash for 1 Alteration ??

Thanks GGG ... ES WAS so fun ... it was so Action with facetanking ... and now ?? I can´t or I´m to stupid. Diablo become more interesting now!! Sorry I write to much ;) I am ... don´t know ... GGG had killed my favourite game with 1 Patch. After i played a few Weeks i cant or i dont want this!!!

CI and ES is dead , or?

Give us the 2.6 back ... or the choice to Play 2.6 or 3.x ... I think many People will Play 2.6

P.S. Sorry for my bad english..Iam german
We sharing the same feeling Natian, I hope more peoples to join this discussion in here and share their real thoughts.

PoE is not anymore fun for me without this small single thing which were making it real different game - the ES and the way it was working, and the fun of making a character reliable on it.
Without the ES - PoE skill tree is just another messy looking skill tree which unify your character class with the rest of the classes for no reason.
ES generally is the glue on which is holding if not the whole, then at least 80% of PoE.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.

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