Energy Shield and Life

Not bad but very specific anyway. Expect an Inquisitor nerf now XD

And gz !
Last edited by Zat0ichi on Oct 11, 2017, 6:26:33 PM
I still believe that I am Immune to Stupidity ( IS ) and Immune to Trolls ( IT ), and I cant stand this guy 1 post above me, which is just explaining how cool is he.
Dude - Your opinion lack basic consistency, and it is clearly does not reflect those 6000 peoples which is playing atm, while at the beginning of PoE 3.0 there were 98.000.
I am just soo sick of such a wanna-be-a-star guys and GGG-a*s-lickers.
I am nearly done in here.
Just to watch some 11 y old trolls destroying the game because of a stupid CEO - this is the most epic game kill in the history of the human kind.
BlazeSTX wrote:
ayashi wrote:
I won't say I subscribe to the prepubescent and adolescent virgin-rage running rampant over this nerf, though it is entertaining to see people take the changes as a personal affront, therefore making the game 'dead' to everyone else as a result of their personal slight, but I will say I've managed pretty well working around the nerf with a successful(ish) hybrid build.

Look at my profile/build for Vinruki, it's a 'test' of sorts for hybrid essence drain and so far it's pretty ridiculous. I know what changes I want to make, but as it is my ED is ticking at roughly 50k, moreso with Witchfire Brew.

Next on the agenda is to find a way to 6S/6L my Shavronne's and attempt a LL/bloodmagic type deal, but I may wait until next season since I lack the currency to fund that many jeweler's and fusings.

I'm not asking for feedback, but I am saying there are solutions if you have the damn patience and intelligence to break from your perfect build that no longer seems perfect. Some of you all need to learn to adapt, but that falls on deaf ears. Either way, I'm open to suggestions on the build too, as I'm well aware of some clumsy decisions I made thus far.

Maybe I should've posted this in a Witch build thread, but I feel this response also pertains to the ES/Life salt that is covering the forums lately.


I might be incorrect, but your account looks pretty young.
Some of us are here from well.. the very dawn of the game, and we have well.. a few tens.. some even hundreds of builds.
the main quest was in "searching for the build you love, and you would play with it, the mechanic you lack into the rest of the games, and the unique aporach toward the solving of the requirement"
A Build which will expressing the very YOU as a such kind of game player.
More or less this is PoE. At least for me. It is not a game which I definitely have to play because it offer a way to achieve something which well.. maybe close to my visions, and maybe some-to-none fun. It is a game afterall and I need to have at least great time playing it.
In order to achieve this every player have invested a ginormous amount of time and resources into the game, because we had a trust into the system of "keeping the players happy is the way", and somehow it was working well so far.
The recent events doublecrossed every bit of fun which at least I had into this game.
It turn it from a game which I would definitely play in my free time even for a few minute, and chat with peoples for a random stuff, to a game which needs to be played in order to prove myself that I can have something which is well.. not anymore funny, just as You are suggesting Ayashi.
Fellow - please understand that we - the players which is unhappy - are not as stupid as you believe, we have so many items, and builds and ready high level characters that we can spend next half year in making a random builds without a single fail.
The issue is another anyway. It is that the thing which we spend so much efforts into looking for now is dead for no reason, and our fun and trust is heavily shaked. Shaked to the very core.
It's like you just went back home to see your beloved girlfriend, which you brought from the street, help her became the queen of the beauty, spend anything you have on her, but instead you founding her into the bed involved into a very sexual event with the junk man, and she is laughing into your face.
Nope. The Trust and the Love does not works like that, and the lack of Fun is the 1st sign that they are gone.

Not a young account ^_^ note the closed beta supporter title. I understand seniority can mean a bit to people in large gaming communities, but that wasn't the focus of my post. It's the sociological phenomenon when the very idea of prestige and digital 'clout' becomes a temptation for gamers, and they tend to weave their ways towards it in some extremely volatile ways. Your point does come across though, and I completely understand your meaning--I like that you didn't force your opinion as though it were indisputable fact. I would daresay you are immune to the type of individual I described simply because you appear to have the capacity to actually reason.

Your post makes sense of the aggression otherwise classified as 'salt' because you show knowledge and some additionally amusing metaphors for your reasoning. I really have nothing to say that opposes your outlook, as it is one of the very few that actually makes a modicum of sense.

Power to you for that. Keep your fingers crossed (and toes) that this game can make a throwback towards what made you love it in the first place.

Yeah!? This answer insult my visions.
Here a nasty little screenshot into defending that ES was the thing which was making PoE unique.
Last edited by ThorTX on Oct 13, 2017, 2:03:18 PM
ayashi wrote:

Power to you for that. Keep your fingers crossed (and toes) that this game can make a throwback towards what made you love it in the first place.

First of all I believe that I have commented, predicted, charted, even show the way of the events - how they will develop toward the negative direction.
I am never wrong - fortunately or unfortunately disregarding how selfish or bastardly this sounds.
There is no need of further comments on the topic I believe from my side.
I've done trough the past years whatever I could, none ever listen.
Anyway probably I am tired now, and I will took some break.
I am not playing the game anymore since it literally betray every single thing I loved in it.
It was definitely fun, but GGG guys - You have to understand that the trust is the thing which is the most hard to gain and preserve nowadays. And peoples is happy with peoples which is preserving their trust. I believe that you have closed the page with "the trust thing" in the moment you literally expelled every single ES player out of the game for a reason literally invented by 11 years old childs which speaking complete nonsenses over twitch, and pretending to be a "gammeers" based on the mom&dad money, sticking envy toward other peoples achievements.
What's a game without possible way to achieve a great position ?!
Now nevermind this. I am giving up, since the GGG white knights would pretend the idiot CEO's decisions even when the servers is very shutdown.
My voice is always suppressed by the most unintelligent beings out there. Probably I am the stupid one which believe that increasing the population is happening by keeping the trust and happiness in-game.
Believe me - I am not anymore keeping my finger crossed. I am just starting not to care anymore.
After all most of the time I were spending teaching the other peoples how to play this game and giving away stuff, and well - arranging my hideouts for .. well .. reason unknown.. and majorly wasting my time during worktime.

The Oracle.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Oct 13, 2017, 2:17:42 PM
"As you can see, there are a lot of changes to Energy Shield, as well as item defences in general. We've gone for an approach that adjusts a wide variety of factors, so we're relying on the Beta to give us time to evaluate how this affects different aspects of Energy Shield builds. We're looking forward to seeing how these changes evolve during the Fall of Oriath development and beyond."

Yeah, great job guys, i remember you listening intently and fixing all fuck ups, 3.0 has been a blast.
DrDraids wrote:
"As you can see, there are a lot of changes to Energy Shield, as well as item defences in general. We've gone for an approach that adjusts a wide variety of factors, so we're relying on the Beta to give us time to evaluate how this affects different aspects of Energy Shield builds. We're looking forward to seeing how these changes evolve during the Fall of Oriath development and beyond."

Yeah, great job guys, i remember you listening intently and fixing all fuck ups, 3.0 has been a blast.

After all they invited they pocket deep guys into the beta, and most of these peoples were just mom&dad's 13y old trolls, which carry about no one else than themselves.

13y old troll - Look this guy invested half of his life to make an unreasonable 25k ES build and be happy with it !
11y old idiot - I can not do such build even if i live another 100 years !
13y old troll - Fu*k this guy at any cost, we are not playing this game anyway, but let's troll it all the way !
35 y old trader - I have only HP items for sale.. I believe I can really make something out of this situation..
20y old stupid forum friend - ES is a shieeet! I've never done a single ES build, but here is my negative trolling opinion based on my solo hand actions into the bathroom early this evening..
GGG CEO - I definitely have to stop eating sand for today, and help these 4 guys to live their dreams - a world without ES !

NOPE! This is not the PoE I loved.

They practically have destroyed the only thing which were making PoE different than the regularly RPG approach which involving ES kind of protection.
ES is not something new. But perfect tanking and leaching it as a main defense mechanics were a perfectly PoE thing. Something different. Something new.
Aside of this they slowly decreasing the mechanics approaches leaving the initial idea of merging every possible skill to every possible solution - they double crossed this leaving PoE a bit handicapped.

Nope. I definitely does not like what PoE start to decaying into after PoE 2.0 ( kill of Ice Spear, nerfs of all direct casters skills, kill of CwDT + Totems.. etc ).
With every major update we are seeing clearly decreasing into complexity and the relation results of skill-builds combinations.
Starting with practically unlimited combinations and "every build have his place under the sun" in PoE 1.0 we are currently end up with "there is just HP builds which can live, and there is just 2 classes which is meaningful" That's all.
I would not be surprised if in PoE 4.0 we just pick 1 ready build out of 10 into the beginning and just exp-ing trough the game, without a skill tree an gems. After all - the GGG CEO is decided what's the best for all of us - it should be all the same.. Some kind of SuperMario RPG or something.

I am still wondering if GGG hire the guy which destroy Runes of Magic, since I am witness just the same approach - decreasing the possibilities in the game, listen to the forum trolls, and expand the item shop to the outer space boundaries..
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Oct 15, 2017, 5:39:43 AM
TL;DR: We don't know how to balance our fucking game at all; and when the glaring weaknesses in our design capabilities are exposed; we wield the nerf hammer like chimps with machine guns.
icym wrote:
TL;DR: We don't know how to balance our fucking game at all; and when the glaring weaknesses in our design capabilities are exposed; we wield the nerf hammer like chimps with machine guns.

PoE must NEVER become a balanced game. The very moment it does - it will became a crappy piece of sh*t.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
so much salt

meanwhile good players are still making CI to clear everything, with ease and style

maybe it wasnt you who made your builds strong, maybe it just was CI that carried you to places where you not yet belong?

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