Energy Shield and Life

Gandicar wrote:

Your solution is to return ES to the way it was before and make it an even higher problem. It was changed to give bosses a chance somewhat, to make content less trivial. You seem to want the ES exploit back like it was before, and I say "absolutely NOPE".

Judging on the way you thinking - I were expecting this.
It was most predictable thing, but yet I were hoping my judge to be wrong, and for some sort of change to see some progress like constructive criticism for instance. Well since it didn't happen - I would like to ask a simple question, and pleas be wild - let me read a full 10 pages essay this time for a change.
Calling something which is more than a life for a half of the population - exploit is a ginormous act of pointless profanity I believe, and You just called this peoples spend 4 years in here, money and resources - a dump, so please:

- What kind of "problem" was ES ?!
- "Problem" for whom ?!
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Aug 28, 2017, 1:48:34 PM
So this is why I can barely level up anymore and find myself refunding 11 minion passives(and most likely some others) so I can go get more defenses. Instead of fixing the game breaking thing, they just broke it in reverse. Here I was thinking I made something unsustainable despite my damage output being really consistent throughout my leveling, but no, ES is just less effective overall now because ~3.6K ES is as game breaking as 25K.. Well unless I get lucky I don't think I can do much more with this character. Sad because I really liked having my fire spells and undead legion.
BlazeSTX wrote:
Gandicar wrote:

Your solution is to return ES to the way it was before and make it an even higher problem. It was changed to give bosses a chance somewhat, to make content less trivial. You seem to want the ES exploit back like it was before, and I say "absolutely NOPE".

Judging on the way you thinking - I were expecting this.
It was most predictable thing, but yet I were hoping my judge to be wrong, and for some sort of change to see some progress like constructive criticism for instance. Well since it didn't happen - I would like to ask a simple question, and pleas be wild - let me read a full 10 pages essay this time for a change.
Calling something which is more than a life for a half of the population - exploit is a ginormous act of pointless profanity I believe, and You just called this peoples spend 4 years in here, money and resources - a dump, so please:

- What kind of "problem" was ES ?!
- "Problem" for whom ?!

the problem was with a bit investment you could run all maps you want and give a zero fuck about any boss, because you had 10k+ es and instant leech...

But with the current CI/Es changed its horrible... i dont even wanna play League, because of it... rather i play standart with the legacy gear

but even i lost ~30% es in Standart ( Same Tree/Gear ) and i dont see that i can get atleast 6-8k Es in League, so go life or dont play <3
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF )
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker

Last edited by KillerKrug on Aug 30, 2017, 6:09:52 AM
This is not the truth.
0 f*cks ?! This is false.
I was running with 9.8k ES the maps, it wasn't quite hard up to tier 13.
Tier 14 was a prety hard with less than 30% success rate against the boss.
Tier 15 maps was a big No-no.

and all of this come with more than 2 years of constant runing and trading, cost me more than 70 exalts to reach this point.

I would say that the game is just about this - it's fine, after all - we should be able to became uber killers on level 100 right ?!
- Or peoples believe that if You play ES you should be some sort of Untermensch ( sub human ) or something ?!

Life builds were all the time suppressor to the ES builds.
Life builds could easily do the same maps as the ES builds, but regenerate almost instantly by drinking a shittons of potions while sitting right in front of the mobs, which this just never were the truth for the ES builds.
Anyway it's fine with this - let it be. But it is completely false statement that ES were even for a second better builds toward the Life ones. This is a complete false.
Whatever the life builds were lack of - it could be added to them, but just destroying something which were working almost flawless in order to shut some idiot mouth - this is totally unacceptable !

As it was pointed early - ES need to be returned to the previous state, and even a bit boosted in order to match nowdays Life builds.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
You nerf Es builds to much there is no es characters in game anymore
yea, smarter and harder to rework a gameplay in the first place than merely to annihilate it by this unspeakable nerf.

Thx again and again for this wise choice. During this long period of time, we enjoy to be ineffective by being offline.

ofc, no problem, you have your new players from the new acts and this epic league... But for your old players to be considered like the remembrance of your mistakes. It's very inelegant.

PS: English not famous but you understand it.
Last edited by Zat0ichi on Sep 9, 2017, 10:36:59 AM
ES nerfed ?!
I have come from a very long rest to join again PoE.
I am stunned by this decision.

Instead of just boosting the HP - they nerfed ES ?!
But .. why ?! I am not getting it ?!
Peoples were happy with their CI and ES builds.
At least I was, even if I have never passed 7k ES, and up to T7 maps ( I was unable higher at the time of my leaving ) - it was pretty fun I could say.
I had 2 hp builds, but they had no such high HP pool, and it was a bit too much pressure at some point.. anyway
My point is that HP had to be boosted a bit, but I just came to see that it isnt, and insted ES got severe nerfed.
I really do not understand why ?!
Hello al! Very interesting indeed but old news. What did i miss from page 2 to 200. I only read the first page :)
kompaniet wrote:
Hello al! Very interesting indeed but old news. What did i miss from page 2 to 200. I only read the first page :)

Well.. Not much.
There is about 100 pages full with the GGG fanboys, HP items sellers and trolls which is "protecting" the nerf.
There is about 50 pages full of posts of real players which is complaining about this idiotic deed of GGG.
And there is about 50 pages full of blabing, fighting and speaking sh*ts peoples just to pretend that they are some mighty players.

That's it overall.

And the things overall is that PoE lost 60% of the population after the initial hype because of this nerf bull*it, and the numbers getting worse each day now - loosing approximately 1000 peoples per day.
Me, and most of my guildies and friends stoped playing the game.

It's perfectly unreasonable to play, gather, and trade since one day your investment of your lifetime, money, and other resources spend will turn into a total crap, and with this the fun will be gone.
I am sorry, but that's it. Until GGG do not officially restore the game for the ES/CI players, fix it for the HP players and put a big AF text "SORRY ABOUT OUR STUPIDITY TO LISTEN TO THE TROLLS" on their main page - I am not back to play.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2 on Sep 15, 2017, 2:35:05 AM
Last edited by Zat0ichi on Jan 16, 2019, 4:23:24 PM

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