Energy Shield and Life

Dunno after some testing I found my character has more HP without any investment but maybe some odd items which got life on it and 100 strength. Than mild investment into energy shield. I would say energy shield inferior to life in all ways. Except ghost reaver vaal pact >.> never liked ghost reaver really, especially the fact it worked on ranged.

Probably 250 energy shield from shade form could help me to go over the life enough to afford sucrifice, but killing Izaro for this seems almost impossible. So I would say life is better was better, and would be better, except some cornerstone cases, when look he got perfect gear after investing so much. (Think it was intent, get lots of investment and be overpowered.) Sadly I don't see how CI could be worth investment either on low level (your HP is still higher) or high level, where even if you have gear, you get lots of problems as well, and there is not enough of ES you can get.

To add insult to injury most of act 5-8 bosses have tight spaces with lots of ads, with huge HP pools. But it is different story.

Not to be fully hypocrite I think maximum value with discipline aura and ES cloth

To calrify max discipline + all es/ev cloth Energy shield with bonuses is around 1.2k max on low end. and those are best stats. And it is pretty much endgame gear, with shield I might scrape 200 extra. on lvl 57 character without strong investment(100 strength has about 1k HP) which is comparable with ES/EV best geared build, and requires far less demand on cloth.

Something like Izaro hits in around 1500 damage, some things might be more or less, at level 57 I probably could get 1500 energy shield total, but again there are not enough bonus energy shield passives. Plus something tells me that should I invest just a little bit more in life I would gain more effective health worth, than more investment in to ES.
Another thing as I said the Chaos inaculation is neither defencive option anymore nor offensive, it looks clearly just worthless option if you ask me. It changes how the game played and looks more like fun option, but provides little, synergies. There are some on full life effects, but their are not numerous enough, and chaos innoculation is just on it's own hardly tells what it could be used for, or why someone should sucrifice more than half of their Health and ability to stay topped with potions.

So giving some offensive capabilities to this keystone, might push it to different direction, something to do either with full life(which is far more volatile), or with amount of energy shield missing, or some effects when threshold is passed.

This way CI wouldn't be looked like defensive option but offensive option which should be built around in order to utilize effects chaos innoculation gives. Such as sacrifice all HP but one for this strong effect, chaos damage immunity.
Last edited by bormoth on Aug 23, 2017, 9:15:02 PM
It seems the developers have forgotten that the characters with the ES builds have neither armour nor evasion.1000 hours of play and my character became a shit.
Last edited by nykep on Aug 24, 2017, 9:04:48 AM
One shot still exist and life still weak, maybe nerf monsters and boss dmg?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on Aug 24, 2017, 10:02:25 PM
I'm not one to bitch about things but damn....this league is boring...go health or go home...I just dont want to play a fucking juggernaut.....
I cant play a witch without going to the templar or assasin side to only get hp or evation...all because I dont get enough ES from items and ES nodes are not strong enough....
PoE 3.0 is broken beyond repair.

Nothing can fix this nerf mess made up from the small minds.

Only full restore and additional boost to the ES / CI could bring the game back to life, but only supported by a big SORRY in the forum from the GGG complemented with a promised that they will never ever focking nerf a main stat this way !
i don't play long enough per league to get past lvl 65, and have only mapped some.

with that being said, i play another game, eve online, where i hear the same comments, my class of ships was nerfed, and all i invested in it and training for it... or my ship in particular.

maybe the es, ci nerf is a common type of thing that happens across the board for many games?

apologies for my uniformed observation...
YordanY1 wrote:
PoE 3.0 is broken beyond repair.

Nothing can fix this nerf mess made up from the small minds.

Only full restore and additional boost to the ES / CI could bring the game back to life, but only supported by a big SORRY in the forum from the GGG complemented with a promised that they will never ever focking nerf a main stat this way !

Wrong approach, there are still things that can fix, give good reason to take it, besides sucrifice all my HP for chaos resistance. (At least until there is way to utilize this.) Bloddrage deals physical damage. Rightious fire doesn't works. There is only one unique bow which converts damage you take to chaos partially, but it is only one thing you currently can CI use for. For some whacky chaos damage/poison arrow builds. Oh yeah and one support which gives more damage on full life.

CI can be good even without node(or intrinsic like it was before 30-40% more energy shield) it just need some synergies really, some way to sucrifice of life potions into some sort of advantage. And extra life you get(actually quite a lot with 0 investment I had like 1k on 56.) Basically as I said give way to utilize ES shield pool, like passives trigerring on threshold, while regenerating or on full life... although it could work cast on damage taken runner though still life could be better for this...
Energy Shield could be returned, they just need to modify Vaal Pact or Ghost Reaver to compensate.

Idea is keystone locking. For example, you cannot take Ghost Reaver if you have Vaal Pact and visa-versa. It's simple really, I just think they are running out of good ideas, and it's up to the community to refresh their minds with new ones.

Basic idea is if you take certain keystones, then you cannot take other keystones. I know this will probably affect an achievement or 2 but that would be a minor sacrifice to make Energy Shield viable again.
As always thank you for your time. Be well Exiles.
Last edited by Gandicar on Aug 28, 2017, 6:48:27 AM
Gandicar wrote:
Energy Shield could be returned, they just need to modify Vaal Pact or Ghost Reaver to compensate.

Idea is keystone locking. For example, you cannot take Ghost Reaver if you have Vaal Pact and visa-versa. It's simple really, I just think they are running out of good ideas, and it's up to the community to refresh their minds with new ones.

Basic idea is if you take certain keystones, then you cannot take other keystones. I know this will probably affect an achievement or 2 but that would be a minor sacrifice to make Energy Shield viable again.

Absolutely NOPE! I am sorry, but You are just repeating the current state.
The things went beyond repairable. The game is dead for the CI lovers.
As I warned many times in the past months - anything as a CI nerf is a ginormous act of stupidity exhibition.
CI actually need a push ahead. Previously it was on the border of playable.
If You are not rich - you just are not playing it, plus it was very well aligned to a character types which fit their ideology. Now - none of this is true. It's just some pointless floating nodes on the skill tree which none is interested into picking them.

I am sorry if I am sound offensive but.. I focking WARN YOU GUYS A FEW TRILLION TIMES !

PoE 3.0 is a complete dissaster and not because it's bad design or something, but because instead of welcoming a lot more peoples - it actually kicked into the faces the ones which worked for it's fame into the past 4 years.

GGG - are you lost your minds guys to listen to the market trolls and 13 y old idiots ?!

I am giving you the ultimate recipe for fixing PoE. Do it soon. ( this time for the fock sake listen me on time, but not 1 year after as You are usually do! )

1. Restore the Vaal Pact and Ghost River as they were working once before.
2. Add 1 more node fore ES regen ( + 16% would be fine )
3. Add 3 more nodes by 5% ES increasing and 1 more by 10% ES increasing. Put them on the left side of the skill tree.
4. Add Unique ring which having 5% Increased intelligence and Vaal Pact on it.
5. Add Unique ring which having 7% Strength increased and Ghost River on it.

And boom! - PoE is again playable and fun.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Aug 28, 2017, 8:42:55 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:
Gandicar wrote:
Energy Shield could be returned, they just need to modify Vaal Pact or Ghost Reaver to compensate.

Idea is keystone locking. For example, you cannot take Ghost Reaver if you have Vaal Pact and visa-versa. It's simple really, I just think they are running out of good ideas, and it's up to the community to refresh their minds with new ones.

Basic idea is if you take certain keystones, then you cannot take other keystones. I know this will probably affect an achievement or 2 but that would be a minor sacrifice to make Energy Shield viable again.

Absolutely NOPE! I am sorry, but You are just repeating the current state.
The things went beyond repairable. The game is dead for the CI lovers.
As I warned many times in the past months - anything as a CI nerf is a ginormous act of stupidity exhibition.
CI actually need a push ahead. Previously it was on the border of playable.
If You are not rich - you just are not playing it, plus it was very well aligned to a character types which fit their ideology. Now - none of this is true. It's just some pointless floating nodes on the skill tree which none is interested into picking them.

I am sorry if I am sound offensive but.. I focking WARN YOU GUYS A FEW TRILLION TIMES !

PoE 3.0 is a complete dissaster and not because it's bad design or something, but because instead of welcoming a lot more peoples - it actually kicked into the faces the ones which worked for it's fame into the past 4 years.

GGG - are you lost your minds guys to listen to the market trolls and 13 y old idiots ?!

I am giving you the ultimate recipe for fixing PoE. Do it soon. ( this time for the fock sake listen me on time, but not 1 year after as You are usually do! )

1. Restore the Vaal Pact and Ghost River as they were working once before.
2. Add 1 more node fore ES regen ( + 16% would be fine )
3. Add 3 more nodes by 5% ES increasing and 1 more by 10% ES increasing. Put them on the left side of the skill tree.
4. Add Unique ring which having 5% Increased intelligence and Vaal Pact on it.
5. Add Unique ring which having 7% Strength increased and Ghost River on it.

And boom! - PoE is again playable and fun.

Your solution is to return ES to the way it was before and make it an even higher problem. It was changed to give bosses a chance somewhat, to make content less trivial. You seem to want the ES exploit back like it was before, and I say "absolutely NOPE".
As always thank you for your time. Be well Exiles.
Last edited by Gandicar on Aug 28, 2017, 11:57:15 AM

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