Energy Shield and Life

Krelian6 wrote:
I can't understand the logic of such severe nerf. There is literally no reason to choose CI atm. It is worse in every aspect. Was this intended nerf?

As a longtime player and supporter, I remember how you "balanced" Incinerate to unplayable form. But it was just one skill and now you have butchered the whole mechanic. It was clear in the beta test that no one would use CI, you just switched one meta to another meta. Maybe it is time to remove CI from the game completely? ES body chests must be removed too, now they are useless.

I don't like to complain, but this is a really strange decision. Right now I really want to chat with somebody in charge of the nerf just to understand your motives and desired outcome :) I know there is no chance for me to chat about it, but if someday you want to hire a data scientist with a lot of experience in poe, just hit me up, I have quite a lot questions to ask about your balancing strategies :)

I am with You fellow.
But I fear that the most you will receive is the one idiotic troll with "CI was the blue health" explanation, and when you check in his characters - you will see that he never had a CI end-game build.
Just trolls and fanboys. Unfortunately this is the current protectors of the mindless nerf :|
Honestly, I think changes like these had to be done. Not by nerfing late-ES-builds by 33%, but in a considerable way.

The problem for most people is, that this game got to be so incredibly complex and the vast majority of discovered builds is not strong enough to do "all the stuff".
But people want to do all the stuff. And they hate to see their favourite op build getting stomped. Everyone hates that, to be honest.
And it's clearly not the optimal thing to do by GGG nerfing these builds/mechanics to be (considered) unplayable.

GGG made these changes to ES because it is their intention that the hardest bosses of the game cannot be outleeched with a huge ES pool and ghost reaver.

With an ES-build, you are giving up defences like armor and evasion for an incredible high (blue) life pool to compensate the lack of damage reduction. Which is fine.
But on top you were able to leech PERCENTAGES of this pool back with ghost reaver. This WAS clearly op. You could just facetank every attack from minotaur or shaper and just get it back in a second.
Now you can still go for a CI-build and do well. You just can't do that anymore before lets say lvl 85 and well-rolled gear. It is now a real endgame-option. Beforehand you can go for life/ES with MoM. And you have to dodge stuff sometimes to regen.

I am pleased that they did a change. I am NOT pleased with the 33% nerf. It could be maybe 15-20% but not more.

Just my 33 cents.

JOWH wrote:

Now you can still go for a CI-build and do well. You just can't do that anymore before lets say lvl 85 and well-rolled gear. It is now a real endgame-option.
Just my 33 cents.

Can you explain in which way CI builds can compete with Low Life builds atm? I get 200-250ES on top with CI, but I lose auras and blasphemy(curses). It is not comparable at all. No one plays CI atm (maybe 0.01% of hipsters). Go ahead, make CI build and post a video in this topic how you kill Shaper with it. CI is completely dead.

I am ok with nerfs, ES had to be nerfed, but this nerf is total overkill.
Krelian6 wrote:
JOWH wrote:

Now you can still go for a CI-build and do well. You just can't do that anymore before lets say lvl 85 and well-rolled gear. It is now a real endgame-option.
Just my 33 cents.

Can you explain in which way CI builds can compete with Low Life builds atm? I get 200-250ES on top with CI, but I lose auras and blasphemy(curses). It is not comparable at all. No one plays CI atm (maybe 0.01% of hipsters). Go ahead, make CI build and post a video in this topic how you kill Shaper with it. CI is completely dead.

I am ok with nerfs, ES had to be nerfed, but this nerf is total overkill.

Yes, CI is dead. But it has little to none to do with it's capabilities. People (including myself of course) always want the easiest way to achieve their goals and since CI (+ ghost reaver) isn't op anymore, no one plays it.
And yes, CI now only works in specific builds with specific presets and not for anything in any case like before.
And also yes, I will play a CI build later in this league to see how far it can go.
I disagree...
People don't play CI now because you can't simply effecively sustain it anymore (on top of all drawbacks of the node), not because it is not OP anymore. Even characters that played CI without VP like miners/trappers received the nerfhammer and are more safe on life+es now. I have seen a witch in beta running CI with 9K ES altought.

- The only reason anyone is playing this pointless, completely messy story-line game is to achieve Uber-OP build.

If You can't achieve Uber-OP build ( yes Uber-OP, since just OP is not enough ) - there is absolutely NO POINT of playing PoE. Absolutely NONE AT ALL !

And the stupid guy which decide CI kill and ES Uber-nerf just destroyed the fun of thousands know and unknown players. Reasons :
- Because he is a complete moron.
- Because he does not care about peoples and their fun in-game.
- Because he does not understand a bit of the reason why some peoples are playing this game.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:18:25 PM
ES with CI in 3.0

Lower ES on all armour pieces by 30%
No more ES nodes behind CI. Another nerf by 20%
Vaal Pact no longer leeching instantly

No surprises no one is going ES in league. Well, unless you have a death wish in gimping your character. You can delete the top right of the passive tree and no one would notice. Even with GG gear on standard its not easy, much less so for league players.
Last edited by DAKKONx on Aug 16, 2017, 10:23:15 PM
DAKKONx wrote:
ES with CI in 3.0

Lower ES on all armour pieces by 30%
No more ES nodes behind CI. Another nerf by 20%
Vaal Pact no longer leeching instantly

Exactly this! You can delete the top right part of the tree, you can remove ES body armors as well - no one would notice it.
I won't be surprised if they buff ES in 3.1, but if this happens, I think people who responsible for balance issues must be at least fined. They can't do the job right, even with the beta test and numbers.
SonicPLD2 wrote:
BLackocalypse wrote:

Welcome to the resistance my fellow. Let me be your guide.
We are a small collective now, because to release those things you just wrote and I am writing (constantly) it is required something which some peoples lack of - a brain.

Sure mate, count me in. My brain is yours for the cause - vivat la revolusion!

Now for real - tried about 30 builds last season and only those for ES worked except one exclusion - that was mortem morsu overleech.. Even for that the gear costed more than 20 ex and it was the cheapest from them all. My favourite one - yet incomplete before the 2.6 ended - was barrage/kinetic blast ES leech, enable to run fast uberlab. Invested about 100ex in total, yet did not complete best gearing, yet killed shaper once in 10 tries, yet died in uberlab once in 5 tries and definetely not worth the cost cause was no time to get the currency back from drop..

IDK if the guy started this thread was asked to by his employers or lacks the qualities of a gamer, informations or brain at all - but what was typed in the thread by "developers team" as a reason for ES nerf is total bullsh*t. I am patient gamer enought to start over from 0 in new league with poetry in happiness of dropping scroll of wisdom, but im not playing the game for years to only watch 20 guys of 60k people who can go highend maps..He wrote "9k life in total max" - pfff. Ever watched any video guide for lifebased endgamers? guess not.

Message for developers - you want to make game bigger challenge? make a total wipe or at least delete all so called legacy items. Your nerfs affect again only 98% of people who tried hard to go endgame and did not. This way you did, you can also delete some characters from game or all talent points for es and evasion rating - because its bloody useless..
JOWH wrote:
Krelian6 wrote:
JOWH wrote:

Now you can still go for a CI-build and do well. You just can't do that anymore before lets say lvl 85 and well-rolled gear. It is now a real endgame-option.
Just my 33 cents.

Can you explain in which way CI builds can compete with Low Life builds atm? I get 200-250ES on top with CI, but I lose auras and blasphemy(curses). It is not comparable at all. No one plays CI atm (maybe 0.01% of hipsters). Go ahead, make CI build and post a video in this topic how you kill Shaper with it. CI is completely dead.

I am ok with nerfs, ES had to be nerfed, but this nerf is total overkill.

Yes, CI is dead. But it has little to none to do with it's capabilities. People (including myself of course) always want the easiest way to achieve their goals and since CI (+ ghost reaver) isn't op anymore, no one plays it.
And yes, CI now only works in specific builds with specific presets and not for anything in any case like before.
And also yes, I will play a CI build later in this league to see how far it can go.

haha you made me laugh, no - you wont. You will wait till someone makes a build for CI that may work - just to proove your point in the case you have a pice of spine after typing here - but noone will so you wont play it either :D
The only thing you will play is armor / lifebased build if you want to go highend. Cause its the only way now. Or you can make overprised eva build to fast farm low maps - but its not satisfying after few weeks so after few weeks you finally find out what we are typing here without need of self experience, that the new nerfs are sh*t that ruined 2/3 of the game.

I dont need to be a volva or prophet to write you what you will or wont, anyone with a piece of brain would write you the same, dude.

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