Energy Shield and Life

ThorTX wrote:
Fellow !

Have You ever read the graphics You just put on ?!

So now you're just resorting to being condescending without even trying with your English anymore.

ThorTX wrote:
Did You notice that most of nerf games I have mentioned is missing, and these which present is perfectly matching my words ?!

"You debunked the two most famous examples, but OBVIOUSLY that means the rest must still hold true!" - You

I picked SWG and WoW because those, by FAR, had the biggest claims of being "ruined" as you claimed by rebalance, respectively by CU and MoP. I demonstrated that in both cases, the "ruining" actually SAVED their playerbase, at least for a bit.

ThorTX wrote:
Your point is still invalid. You have made none points providing any actual kind of proof against my statement.

"I'm still holding my fingers in my ears, and just making shit up because I have no evidence or data" - You

ThorTX wrote:
You just trow some old, not actual graphics which have no points, neither reasons, and laughable state against something which is perfectly the truth seems like.

Um, if you knew anything at all on the subject of MMO lifespans you'd recognize those charts immediately.

Those charts come from MMOData, recognized as the main authority on subscriber count data from the late 90s up to a few years ago. You can go check it yourself. The website includes links to verify each data point on the graphs.

You look VERY foolish ("laughable" using your word) claiming that it has "no point," when, in fact, everyone else looking can see that it's the opposite case... AND that you threw in a made-up graph of your own that was just some lines you (or more likely, someone else with just as bad ideas as you) threw on paper.

ThorTX wrote:
Nerfing is nothing but a lack of developer, management or supervisor intelligence OR a terror blackmailing upon the players in order to be deep pocketed.

Balancing is an absurd which shall never persists in PoE in any form ! It's against anything which PoE start and been like.

Again, your English is lazy as hell. I could just toss away what you're saying just on that alone.

But you're literally claiming that keeping a game balanced is bad. I'm just gonna let that sink in for a moment.

ThorTX wrote:
and yes - ES shall be boosted by 5% instead of nerfed.

"I'm no longer even trying with my English, because I'm so salty" - You

Face it; you're not that good of a player; I don't know if you have some alternate accounts, but you've BARELY reached the early endgame with just one character on your account, and have never gotten anywhere on any challenge leagues, in spite of having definitely played across a span of three years or so.

You've not even taking an ES-usable class, so I'm not even sure how you manage to claim to have any relevant authority on the issue.

Rather, it seems that you appear to just rely on copy-pasting broken (nerf-needing) meta builds. Remember this gem you posted like just a week ago?

ThorTX wrote:

Simply put: GGG are developers that at least kinda know what they're doing. You're a very inexperienced gamer who's kinda spoiled, and knows virtually nothing on how games are developed.

In short, let me put it bluntly: you have zero idea what you're talking about, and every reply you make simply makes everyone else see your words worth less and less... On any subject.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
ThorTX wrote:
lostsage wrote:

The diminishing returns idea is best... and the ES nodes behind CI should definitely go back into the game. Like many people even in live struggle to hit 10k ES so it is not very fair for GGG to balance ES thinking that every person miraculously hits 20k ES some how.

Nodes of ES actually should be increased as I mentioned before. at least 2 additional nodes by 4% should be added in order to match the convo 1 life = 2.5 ES, and the not possibility to drink potion in order to regenerate ES add to the convo.

I believe that 5% boost of ES / CI builds is fair, and additional push to leech is fair as well.

And yet - 25k ES is fine for a not playable, ultra expensive, not-fun at all build.

Thanks GGG, but the argument against ES is completely invalid.

1 life = 2.5 ES?

Where did you get that? It is actually like 1,5-2. If you are seriously and professionally trolling, hats off.

Last edited by rpdnick on Jul 3, 2017, 8:59:32 AM
What exactly that means?
##These changes will not apply to already-rolled modifiers, but will apply to existing base types. Rerolling items with an old value will update it to the new values.##?
Do they will nerf our current energy shield armour or not ?

The Holy Bible
People went ES because of the stupid one-shot mechanics that armor / evasion do nothing against and that you need a ton of life / ES for. Instead of fixing armor and evasion you just made ES suck too. 25k? Seriously? that's basically full mirrored gear. How is that even an argument? People with thousands of exalts worth of gear SHOULD steamroll the game.

And you even had to nerf Shavs, just wow.

What was the point of nerfing baseline ES values if you're already removing vaal pact? That just doesn't make sense. People can't keep up vaal disc permanently.

Sigh, looks like it's back to playing bow and offscreening things, except for the bosses where you're trapped in a tiny room playing bullet hell and each missile does 5k+ damage. I get that you wanted to stop facetank with high ES and vaal pact, but there were far more elegant solutions than just slamming all the ES gear with a nerf bat AND removing their leech. You basically made melee ES nonviable outside of some very niche builds.
Last edited by Ixoziel on Jul 6, 2017, 3:41:42 AM
Ixoziel wrote:
People went ES because of the stupid one-shot mechanics that armor / evasion do nothing against and that you need a ton of life / ES for. Instead of fixing armor and evasion you just made ES suck too. 25k? Seriously? that's basically full mirrored gear. How is that even an argument? People with thousands of exalts worth of gear SHOULD steamroll the game.

And you even had to nerf Shavs, just wow.

What was the point of nerfing baseline ES values if you're already removing vaal pact? That just doesn't make sense. People can't keep up vaal disc permanently.

Sigh, looks like it's back to playing bow and offscreening things, except for the bosses where you're trapped in a tiny room playing bullet hell and each missile does 5k+ damage. I get that you wanted to stop facetank with high ES and vaal pact, but there were far more elegant solutions than just slamming all the ES gear with a nerf bat AND removing their leech. You basically made melee ES nonviable outside of some very niche builds.

They have basically killed off 60% of all builds in one failed swoop. People's time, struggle and currency investments are gone. No rewards for work in this game, just nerfs and justifications to keep everyone weak and frustrated.

Protest by not supporting the game. I'm not supporting the game anymore. Death by a thousand cuts. GGG will only retract bad decisions if they feel the wallet pinch.

From what I am reading on the beta forums, 3.0 is going to flop hard. I'll just play my Juggernaut until it gets nerfed too and quit this game for good.
You removed flat Oak's life and call that "buff".
You added new chest life, seems to be good, but what will happen with Bringer of Rain users? It means that HC builds with BoR not viable at all since that point.
I start playing from Beyound league and there are no changes in the right side of the 'weak life nodes' tree. And that my minority report: armour nerfed, es nerfed, and life still suck.

Why remove flat OAK life bonus? Why? And new unique now looks worse as they has less life and without OAK life we will have lesser life (if use a lot uniques).

GGG life still sux, you dont change anything.
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I hope something will change here, till the release will come.

It kills build diversity :(
So what exactly is the point of going es from now on? You lose out on the defenses of armour/evasion and now you can't even leech like a life build can. Yeah you can maybe get 12k es now if your rich, but for most people they struggle to get 10k es on a build before the nerfs. The way I see it, es is dead if these nerfs go live. This sucks for witches and a few other classes as energy shield is the main way to go on the free. You either nerf the total es pool when players get 15k+ es or make Vaal pact weaker. I don't feel taking Vaal pact out for es altogether is fair at all. So basically I'm going to have to invest in a ton of es nodes to get maybe 10k es now and lose out on armor and evasion and not be able to leech instantly... gg GGG. What is that crap? Just because a few players invest thousands of exalts to reach 25k doesn't mean every es player should get a nerf. The average player probably gets about 10k es. There has to be some incentive on building es because you lose the things I mentioned; right now I'm not seeing any bonuses with these nerfs. Oh yeah I forgot life builds get life flasks also whereas es only has recharge.
Last edited by DecayingBlonde on Jul 13, 2017, 1:26:52 AM
I am sure GGG won't even read that post but i want to share my opinion with these nerfs. Not that it matters but it could help them for the future of POE. I started this game with prophecy, so i am a "new player". The first time i washed a POE gameplay i asked my friend "why would i play this game ?" i saw a guy destroying a boss with a skill ( SRS if i remember well). That was so boring i almost died, my friend then told me "the good thing with POE is that you can build your own character and play with any skill you want" so he showed me the tree, the list of skills gems, the items...
It was so hard to understand what nodes should i take, is this item good with this skill, is this skill even worth to play?
i think i played it for 4 hours non stop. My build was crap, items were crap, didn't know you can trade items with other players. To be short it was really hard. But so satisfying, so much possibilities in one little game.
After 2 months i almost lost interest because all my builds were crap, i obviously didn't know how to build properly, all my builds were Life based but none had life nodes, only DPS nodes. "I want to try one last thing before leaving for good" I tried Chaos inoculation/Discipline with magic ES items, it was ok, i did kill Malachai merciless with 4-5 deaths but it was cool ! So i stayed, tried Essence drain with Essence league, totems with breach (bad idea) and (sorry don't judge me) blade vortex with legacy. Blade vortex, ES, vaal pact and crits, i spend hours farming chaos recipes and finnaly bought Vinktar. That is it, the first build that could do T12 maps (if good mods).

Cool great story but what's the point ? The point is that my last try was a succes (kind of), i played Blade vortex for so long that i know i won't be able to kill Shaper (lack of skill, time, hope, luck, chaos orbs) but i don't mind i had fun. Now with these nerfs it probably won't get me to T8 maps.

You can make a pay to play Beta, you can nerf builds, you can add skill gems, you can "simplify the game for new players" but please TRY to play YOUR GAME, try to kill Shaper deathless with less than 5 exalts and if you do please show us how you did! ( you could even do a "first build to play with")

With extra gore bleeding heart and love <3

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