Energy Shield and Life

A little hope from an HC beta tester:

I thought I was going to miss CI. One of my most successful builds was a 13k es witch that I'm pretty sure is now impossible.


What they have done with MOM to make life/MOM builds viable is fantastic, and arguably comparable to a strong CI build. My Witch golem summoner on beta hc is currently doing up to T15s (because no T16s have dropped yet) at lvl 88. Running with a little over 6.1k life, 2.6k unreserved mana and a few hundred ES. I haven't run into anything (other than avoidable wind up mechanics) that comes close to one-shotting that yet. And I can use potions. 3 seething potions, 2 life, one Mana means that as long as I'm not one shot, I have an effective life pool comparable to 17k es. (1k life/charge*6 charges, 400 Mana/charge*5 charges.)

And this is in beta hc, which is comparable to ssf. I have purchased almost none of my gear. This is not a character that had to spend multiple ex on anything.

Now my build is a bit extreme on the defensive side. But my point is that ggg has done more to create options for tanky builds that can survive high level content than many of you might believe right now.
STEAM GUIDE " Easy Fix for Energy Shield Nerf in 3.0 by a guy i agree with (except the mocking in early post about New Zeeland on how PoE is inspired by it's history etc, BUT most of the complains about FUCKING RUNNING ENERGY SHIELD DOWN IN THE GROUND,yes i agree. ( i din't fully read it caz TLDR but i do have my own opinion about ES nerf)
BTW his fix is Uninstall From Steam pictures :D go figure ^_^

"The tragedy is Path of Exile is an excellent ARPG. It's fun, charming, and they've done a lot of things well. Nobody really cares that the majority of the game is just recycled content when they're having fun, but they care when the builds they've spent hundreds of hours grinding for is broken. ARPG's are all about getting the best possible gear and building ultimate bad♥♥♥♥♥god-slayers. No one wants to play a ♥♥♥♥♥ mediocre DPS build. The whole point is to trivialise endgame. Watching mobs explode into fountains of gore is fun. Smashing bosses is fun. Grinding and farming isn't fun, but that's the price of admission we pay. Having achieved some measure of commercial success, GGG seems to have forgotten this. Whether it's due to hubris and/or avarice, they no longer understand the product they're selling. It's no longer about building customer trust for the long-term, but about recklessly squandering customer goodwill and maximising profit in the short-term. If the only long-term reward players can expect is a broken build, then all the grinding and farming is a complete waste of time just like Path of Exile is right now."

NOW,MY humble opinion

NOT EVEN REGENERATIVE Energy Shield builds will be viable, everybody here and anywhere that saiz otherwise is mega stupid and jealous on ES builds pre-3.0 patch,pffff
GHOST REAVER not leeching life leech into Energy Shield anymore and Vaal Pact (and any other insta leech item ) wont leech instantly anymore ,wont leech at all into ES actually,
WITH ADDED NERF TO ES => today's 900 ES armors becomes 700 ES in 3.0 patch , today's 700 + ES armors become 500 + ES, today's 500 ES armors become 300 + es drops in the future when 3.0 lands, ADD ALL that and it makes Energy Shield COMPLETELY USELESS, everybody who is stupid enough to say otherwise,please go do an ES build in 3.0 with the changes mentioned by GGG if they don't change the current plan for RUNNING ENERGY SHIELD DOWN IN THE GROUND 9001 METRES UNDER.
People in EVE ONLINE space-ships mmorpg for example like Shield-Tanking more than Armor-tanking because it is cooler, more beautiful visuals + audios effects etc ( especially with more recent patching of Shields on ships ) , et cetera.
The stupid angry mob complains about things,they will always complain and GGG listens to everyone of the dumb monkeys who asks for unneccesary nerfs .
I don't blame at all players like the one who had character name Path_Of_Nerfing , GGG ruins their game each day. ONE THING IS GRINDING,which i don't disagree with,and enjoy in good games, like poe USED TO BE,
ANOTHER THING IS LACK OF CONTENT (See Metin 2 ,which has that,a lack of content " disguised " as gridding ",or at least it used to many years ago,doubt it has changed) ,
Sure GGG adds 6 more acts ( Though from what i read they add 2 or 3 more and the rest are repeated forms of the first acts just in sort of " morphed " ways)...
So i call Bullshit to anyone who saiz ES nerf is neccesary in this hellish manner,heck no,
DOUBLE-Dipping Poison/Burn DotS etc combinations sure those needed nerf maybe, like that Witch build with 10 + millions dps fire nova mine ,but Energy Shield nerfed almost completeley lik this, they might as well throw Energy Shield in the garbage bin and start " nerfing caz needed " to the other defenses - armor, evasion,dodge.

nice job GGG


there goes potential PvP/co-op future players base
THERE GOES PoE nice players and hello 80-99% Toxic players community left, NIIIIICELY DONE :D

AND A HUGE CHUNK OF EXISTING Energy Shield players will ragequit too :D AS EMPHASISED BY THAT GUY ON TH GUIDE - PATH OF NERFING AND NERFING, people make builds,you ruin them , they start new , well that "forced reset/grinding" will eventually bore people out who want to play long-term on standard league and keep their character builds.
in my humble opinion , I REPEAT, EVERYBODY AND THEIR MAMAS SAYING THEY ENJOY THE NERF and " Oh we feed on your tears ES users " , let me see them ditch Life from 3.0 and try energy shield ,not even regenerating ES with legacy Soul Stryke quiver or normal quiver occultist witch, won't be as tanky and farm-able as Life builds so there goes nothing,nicely done everyone, GGG Path of Nerfing AND toxic kids crying for nerfs and nerfs and 38257325372523753253 nerfs *claps hands*
as i said before, ONE THING is nerfing Double-Dipping ,that WAS neccesary to not keep PoE a DragonBallZ game with lots of millions DPS,
BUT COMPLETELY ruining a game's defensive mechanic , REST IN PEACE ENERGY SHIELD,a moment of silence everyone in the memory of Energy Shield .

*Rubs palms in anticipation of Armor + Evasion + Dodge RIP nerfs too, assuming GGG's all about balance and being impartial ye ye?sure?* ,everyone time to preepare for next funerals of Dodge + Armor + Evasion and tehn why not attack stuff and spells and who knows maybe the game evolves in Alien vs Predator or other games since kids suggest stuff on the forum,why not ^_^ .
Last edited by thegamingkage on Jul 13, 2017, 7:15:06 PM
me mad, me no play no more!

im not kidding
Now that I've had some time in the beta, I think I can confidently say:

This is the right direction, but nerfing CI is completely idiotic and you should either revert that or buff chaos damage from monsters by like 1000%.

I am following a 2.6 CI build guide in the 3.0 beta. It expects CI, it doesn't even have a low life shav's variant.

There is literally no point in speccing into CI now.

I have no life investment at all. But you still just _hand_ us enough life that I can just *gasp* choose to not run any blood magic-powered auras. And then suddenly... I'm fine without CI. Because CI doesn't actually do anything anymore.
Last edited by codetaku on Jul 15, 2017, 7:59:57 PM
Es needed to get the nerf hammer, but this looks like using a sledgehammer instead of the regular framing hammer that was needed.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Want to see some more buffs to life builds and even extra bigger buff to life for melee life
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
TreeOfDead wrote:
Want to see some more buffs to life builds and even extra bigger buff to life for melee life

I see just another random words with zero backup of the statement in order just to troll more the topic.
Fellow, we are not living anymore in 2001, and such short statements without any reasons behind is not well accepted on the net.
Joined: Jan 18, 2014
Total Forum Posts: 15

3 Recent forum posts was a reply to me... nice, hope you was paid enough.
Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Settlers veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
TreeOfDead wrote:
Joined: Jan 18, 2014
Total Forum Posts: 15

3 Recent forum posts was a reply to me... nice, hope you was paid enough.

Yeah. Here is the mighty russian empire where peoples is "paid" for such a deeds.
Dude. Please ! I am just really sick of such pointless profanity.
ThorTX wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
Joined: Jan 18, 2014
Total Forum Posts: 15

3 Recent forum posts was a reply to me... nice, hope you was paid enough.

Yeah. Here is the mighty russian empire where peoples is "paid" for such a deeds.
Dude. Please ! I am just really sick of such pointless profanity.

You're a person whose highest-level character is apparently 77 talking to someone who has gotten the full 40 challenges for the last *several* leagues and has at least one level 100 character.

Other people with TreeOfDead's experience may disagree with them (that is, TreeOfDead's opinion isn't necessarily "authoritative"), but in terms of reasoning for gameplay changes, their experience speaks for itself. You can be confident that there is a basis for what they are saying because they actually play the game.

So don't just randomly accuse them of having no basis--make a substantial counter-argument. Because when it comes to inherent credibility on the topic of game balance, TreeOfDead beats you by a few million parsecs.
Last edited by codetaku on Jul 17, 2017, 3:44:01 PM

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