Energy Shield and Life

SonicPLD2 wrote:
kuddman wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:
I have 12 000 ES with all stuff buffed and I can barely play on the latest maps.
While 4000 Life build have no problems at all.

I am again witness another game taking the nerf train against the casters.

Just remember - if You angry the casters - your game will die, and it will become dead and forgotten.

The casters is the main driving force of any online RPG game.

Disregarding how cool is your game - it will die if you try anything against them.
There is none known case any negative action taken against the casters to went unpunished severely.

I am just stating the reality.

And no - this is not a balance. this is mind cr*p.

Nice point of view. You don't think there is a connection between most people playing caster/avoiding melee and the fact that they are op?

And you don't start doubting your playstyle if you, with 12k ES, can't do the maps but a player with 4k life can?

It's just one of my warnings. You can check my history of posts.
So far i have made considerable small amount of mistakes in my predictions.
Nowdays I am just writing short answers, and this is very short, because i am very angry of the Path, which Path of Exile start walking on.

My playstyle is fine. ( At least I am finding it fine ).
I am currently on 19 accounts, and about 40 high characters ( not sure how many tbh ( neither i care anymore ) ). The only thing which I am trying is to avoid another game which I love to turn into a c*ap. I've been playing RPGs since 1995 and I am really boored from all of this switching, jumping from one to another game which is about to die..


This is an axioma which so far is proven to be 100% in the cases.

Strange that such an 'incompetent' team has created a game that you like so much. Well maybe they were only lucky so far.
So far we have only seen guardians that can reach 25k ES.

I made a seperate thread to address this fallacy:
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
relax boys, its just a testing phase for beta. No one is dumb enough to let these changes to es go thru.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh on May 22, 2017, 2:05:01 PM
relithh wrote:
relax boys, its just a testing phase for beta. No one is dumb enough to let these changes to es go thru.

Yea right, like we thought about the AoE nerfs.

If they are dumb enough to propose these changes, they are dumb enough to let them go through.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
The amount of salty tears in this forum section is so satisfying.
Nemesis IGN: [Removed by Admin]

The best way to solve the problem is through introducing soft caps.

Once total ES reaches a certain number introduce a scale of diminishing returns on ES stacking.

Then there needs to be no nerfing of CI or ES nodes or gear.

People with good ES gear will reach the cap faster and can either stack more ES at an increasing rate of diminishing returns or put the points into something else.

The same thing could be done for life builds.

But... this is simply a bandage for GGG's broken game mechanics. Gamers will gravitate to whatever is best to defeat the content, and GGG has engineered an end game system that forces players to go to extremes. Be it stacking DPS through "double dipping", or stacking ES or health.

Balanced builds based on equal levels of life/dps/mitigation simply can't do the end-game content.

The weird thing about this proposed nerf is that I thought GGG had figured out balancing based on how they handled the changes to AoE radius.
how about a support gem that makes leech work for ES instead of life
Mfer wrote:
0 leech ES... why not remove it from game... I was excited for beta but now I feel like quitting is a better option...

This kind of nerf is bad for the game. Especially Ghost Rever getting nuked. GGG, listen up, you're axing off a large chunk of your player base. STOP doing this BS.

Lot's rumblings of people getting fed up. I doubt GGG will listen, just more nerfs until the game isn't fun and most of the player base quit.
teketoria wrote:
A well rolled char has 9-10k ES now... someone with lots of exalts to burn may reach 15-17k. Where did that 25k ES come from?

Also, why not just buff life???

They pulled that number right out of their rectums. only the leetest gear, completely maxed out can even come close to this.

GGG has went off the deep end and will wreck this game into oblivion.

On my HOWA Raider, I don't use discipline in favor of other auras for end game boss killing. (and it's no cake walk for powerful bosses) I'm currently sitting around 9.4k es with no damage reduction at all. ALL my f'ing survivability comes from Ghost Reaver.

Now that's DOA. TOTAL and UTTER BULLS**T.

I'm convinced this game will die if these morans (purposely spelled wrong) actually commit to this excessive and unfounded change.

GGG, I will not support you anymore if you do this draconian, stupid and unfounded gutting of ES. You will lose 50% of your financial support, literally, over night on this one.

Diminishing returns on ES is the proper way to fix this problem. WOW, just WOW.
It's a good idea to destroy this game

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