How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Levelling wand. Crafted this Carved Wand during Act 4.
hardcore casual.

Playing PoE for years and having fun despite GGG.
Last edited by AbilityPoints on Jan 3, 2020, 7:03:42 AM
Died again, Sulphur Vents boss in a metamorph. He stoned me and I thought I could just wait it out instead of logging out. I forgot about the little bomb things that chase you occasionally.

I'm gonna try Decoy Totems now.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Its time to make cremation build.
CoC character going well. I got the Thread of Hope jewel from Awakener so I wanted to integrate it. Pretty proud of my gear considering SSF lol.

Funny, right?
May roll melee just for the hell of it.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Got my 6th trial with only 3 duplicates this time. Will try for Izzy after diner.

Didn't go well. First room slammed me. Need to work on that. This character sucks at just about everything. Really needs a better bow.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Dec 31, 2019, 8:36:01 PM

Thought I'd try farming for Uber Hillock. Took about 5 hours total, got it within about 10 minutes of hitting level 7 on the characters. Going to use this with my
though I haven't chosen the exact build yet.

Useless to me.
de99ial wrote:
Never been so bad as it is now. Never.

I blame memory leaks.

memory leak rly so bad... hope for fix
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crafted this bad boy now im sitting at 4.8k life at lv90
Last edited by Aetherium on Jan 1, 2020, 12:48:37 PM

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