How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Prizy wrote:

Console has SSF mode, why not just play there instead of claiming you are SSF in trade. :)


Because...I made my character in standard and don't give a rat's behind wut ya think :)
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Royella wrote:
Prizy wrote:

Console has SSF mode, why not just play there instead of claiming you are SSF in trade. :)

Because...I made my character in standard and don't give a rat's behind wut ya think :)

You're welcome to hold that... and to play the way you wish. But you should also respect the format of the thread. It's the wrong place for you to show your achievements. Grats on the reward. We're not taking that from you. But you're trying to participate in a club that has specific rules... mainly so we don't have to get into this type of discussion every time someone tries to post about their SSF awards.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Jan 2, 2020, 1:08:54 PM

First one this league, considering how gawdawful they were to find in Blight, I am a little surprised.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
My character hasn't been able to full-clear a blight yet. Just doesn't do enough damage. Hope a real bow comes his way. I'm making do with this:
Royella wrote:
Prizy wrote:

Console has SSF mode, why not just play there instead of claiming you are SSF in trade. :)

Because...I made my character in standard and don't give a rat's behind wut ya think :)

Yeah but then we dont care about Your posts here.
blighted maps still seem pretty uncommon. though still more common than blight overall probably
Last edited by xMustard on Jan 3, 2020, 3:14:19 AM
My first time playing SSF on PS4 and have just started mapping.

I found/crafted the wand in A4 and haven't found or crafted a replacement yet.
hardcore casual.

Playing PoE for years and having fun despite GGG.
Last edited by AbilityPoints on Jan 3, 2020, 7:01:27 AM
Doing alright so far I think.

Made a Loreweave even though I'm probably not gonna use it

Also got my first new exalt:

Wonder why they added "new" to the description of the item... that only begs the question as to how long it will be before they have to remove it.

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