2.6.0 Area of Effect Changes

no aw nerf phew
Glacial Hammer now has 3-5% Chance to Poison on the character select screen.
Last edited by HQuality on Feb 27, 2017, 1:00:02 AM
Oh my god the helmet enchant +12% increased Reave radius is gonna be so so OP OP. I'm so glad I already have one XD
RIP melee builds. RIP earthquake. RIP dreams. i see no buffs to life based chars. sigh :(
Nice manifesto though.. .__.
So explosive arrow gets shafted?
Well, there goes the: "I'll play Reave if Blade Flurry gets nerfed too much".

Basically, any kind of melee (not just "true melee") is now going to have worse clear speed than spells/projectile attacks.

The only reason Reave/EQ felt as good as spells was because of the AoE. The drawback has always been that you can't really invest into AoE nodes, especially with Reave, since you're playing on the right side of the tree.

Oh, and, melee splash got a buff, which is nice. But the problem with namelocking skills wasn't the area with the splash. It's the awfully clunky mechanics of how they work when compaired to spells/projectiles.

I can still do a spectral throw build, I guess... -_-

Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior
Looks like cyclone and lightning strike back in menu bois !
Just wonder why GGG said "Melee Splash now gains significantly more increased area" in other thread, while according to the information in this thread, the aoe of melee splash is quite similar without aoe gems. In fact, 38% more area is smaller than 19% more radius at level 20 melee splash. Seem like it's not the case that "much closer to equivalent area skills". Why it's not simply have +base radius as other skills do?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Last edited by WillisTheWillis on Feb 27, 2017, 1:21:45 AM
So much rage in this manifesto post. Can't wait to hear what GGG replies back with. Hopefully they clarify some things, or at least explain the logic against some of these nerfs. This post seems to have derailed the Hypetrain, at least for me.

I was going to start the 2.6 league with EQ or Reave and now my dreams have been shattered. -_-
vbNexvii wrote:
So much rage in this manifesto post. Can't wait to hear what GGG replies back with. Hopefully they clarify some things, or at least explain the logic against some of these nerfs. This post seems to have derailed the Hypetrain, at least for me.

I was going to start the 2.6 league with EQ or Reave and now my dreams have been shattered. -_-

I can maybe understand the reave rage because the nerf was massive for max stacks+vaal reave, but whats with the EQ complains I hear ? its not that big of a nerf at all for EQ. EQ is still a top 2 melee skill.
This just looks like it will actually force people to get all the AoE on the tree instead of settling.

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