[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)

Hello, can u post a theoricall gear for the best damage on this build? Thanks!
What would be the best 5 links setup for just starting out on maps. See quite a few variations.
Ownlirh wrote:
Hi, i'm 76 on normal league, I have a insane clear speed (doing t6 maps) but i have a lot of problems facing boss because i dont have enought damage, any help?

You need to allow people to view your characters in your account settings somewhere, Can't really tell what might be wrong since I can't see your items/tree. In general you want to try and get the boss near a corner/box and pop your orb of storms or storm brand with pCoC and then use vaal spark and spam your regular spark that should kill most of the bosses you're dealing with.
ribrand1974 wrote:
What would be the best 5 links setup for just starting out on maps. See quite a few variations.

Take the 6-link setup and remove faster projectiles for the most damage but you lose a fair bit of utility... I think this is still the best outcome for dps though. Probably want to try for a tabula unless your 5link is an inpulsa in which case your dps should be fine regardless.
ascendancy node sanctify is changed to Sanctuary do we still take it ? augury of penitence seems better

Build still shows to take it. The real question is whether Pious path is better than instruments of virtue, and the answer is probably yes but I haven't tested it yet.
Why use Controlled Destruction support when we go for all the crit? Aren't we kinda screwing ourselves over? Never understood this
vektson wrote:
Why use Controlled Destruction support when we go for all the crit? Aren't we kinda screwing ourselves over? Never understood this

I think it's because the gem gives one of the most "more" multipliers available to us, the other being elemental focus but being able to freeze enemies is very significant for clear speed/safety. On my character I lose 5% crit chance with controlled effect on but gain 80-1200 added lightning damage essentially which turns into 15000 dps tooltip with no flasks/charges/other buffs. Kind of hard to replace that and 5% less chance to crit doesn't hurt too badly in the long run.
vektson wrote:
Why use Controlled Destruction support when we go for all the crit? Aren't we kinda screwing ourselves over? Never understood this

No, it's not, you lose just approximately 5% of total crit. Google for better explaination
Now my profile is public,so... Atziri its impossible with this build really?
Ownlirh wrote:
Now my profile is public,so... Atziri its impossible with this build really?

Yea really. So a few things stand our very prominently. One is that you are still using a 4link at level 83, understandable but you could probably afford to go farm a tabula if you have had exceptionally bad luck or aren't farming rares for the chaos recipe to just buy one. That would help your damage a lot. Another thing that would help is dropping faster projectiles for Controlled destruction. I mentioned it in another reply to someone above but that would make you have the best possible 4link setup for spark, remember that the 40+% MORE damage from controlled destruction is significantly more damage than 30% INCREASED damage from faster proj. Second your wand is trash vendor it and buy a "singularity" wand for 3c gives way better stats for you. Replace your gloves for something with as much resistances as possible because you are going to want to replace the ring on the right hand side with a call of the brotherhood. Also change the CWDT setup in your gloves to have tempest shield instead of enfeeble, your shield already puts enfeeble on enemies so you are overkilling it, similarly you can't have 2 curses applied to the same enemy with our build so warlords mark or enfeeble will basically chose one and the other will do nothing. You are legit using a level 18 health flask at level 83 you can afford to pick up a divine life flask and roll that one to instant/freeze of bleeding removal. If you go for a 6link body put a "storm brand - power charge on crit - increased critical strikes - arcane surge" setup in your helmet. If you aren't going for a 6link right away stop leveling up the other gems in your body and put that setup in there instead, this setup gives you arcane surge in one quick cast as well as power charges against bosses (use this instead of orb of storms because storm brand follows the enemies around for you). If you currently use the herald of thunder in your body recolor your boots and put it in the open slot there, the other spells in your body are doing nothing. Also use a jeweller orb or two to put 3 sockets in your offhand weapon theres no reason to not have 3 sockets for the extra gems you're leveling.

Ok wow that was only your items. You didn't follow the build faithfully. You have 2.8k hp this makes you 1shot material for most monsters especially at higher tiers you are probably reaching. Unspec alchemist and put those 3 points into the hp node directly to the left of it, you will get more hp and 5% all res to help you rebalance while you change your gear around. going into phase acrobatics is a bit costly but it does add a lot of defense if you are lucky, maybe keep maybe don't it's probably a lateral movement either way. When you level up next you should be trying to stretch down to the marauder life wheel, genuinely the main thing holding you back aside from your damage is the fact you are extremely squishy, and thats coming from me who is also extremely squishy at only 4k life.

Hope all that helps, gl and feel free to ask more questions. One last thing, atziri is always difficult because getting hit by anything basically kills any build, you have to get really good at dodging the stuff in order to do it. Actually thinking about it atziris will always be impossible for this build because we can't possibly avoid targetting the mirror version of her which means we will always kill ourselves while fighting her ><
Last edited by Raiito on Mar 11, 2019, 12:25:36 AM

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