Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

The nerfs will change the meta so we will find some other new builds. Don't you think you would get tired of the same meta builds that show up over and over again? Time to get the thinking cap on. I'm more excited over skill tree changes that are finally happening. Hope the double dipping thing is remedied in 2.6 but most likely will be 3.0
now that i think about it you didn't even nerf es i never felt the need to use vaal discipline you f***** actually buff it by changing shadows leech this has to be the most retarded balance changes ever i mean: you don't change vaal pact in any way, no numerical buff to life, no nerf to op flasks like vinktars is still in the game are you serious!
Inc Radius% Area Scaling
0% 1.00
10% 1.21
20% 1.44
30% 1.69
40% 1.96
50% 2.25
60% 2.56
70% 2.89
80% 3.24
90% 3.61
100% 4.00

I do not understand. Why does a 50% gain in iAoe translate to 2.25 area scaling?

If my skill has a base area of 10. Then 50% would give me 15 or a 50% increase.
Then a 100% would give me 20 or a 100% increase. The gain is linear.

Am I bad at math or did I misunderstand how iAoe works in the first place?
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
the aoe nerf is straight fucktarded
the aoe nerf is straight fucktarded

wtf double post,
forum code agrees with me i guess
Last edited by CaoMengde on Feb 22, 2017, 7:12:44 PM
I feel people are over-reacting.
CI was nerfed slightly via the Vaal Discipline nerf, and frankly, I feel the gem was *way* too strong.
I'm glad they are wielding the nerf hammer instead of bringing up *every* other skill; powercreep is very real after ascendancy. Some skills obviously need buffs to make them viable, but I think that nerfing the strong builds is the way to go.

The buff to one handed is very much needed, and a wonderful thing to hear is being implemented this patch.

Also, we don't even have numbers yet for all the changes; this is simply the manifesto. I'm honestly more excited about the 100 uniques and the fun I can have with that (Asphixia's Wrath finally? Hrimburn? Theif's Torment?). There are going to be so many new things to play with hopefully.

Nice work as always GGG. Can't wait to start the new league! :)
How fail they nerf blade flurry I just did normal build no double dip for poison and now u nerf the one good 1h wep so u nerf my skill my wep I don't buff life or amour it's dumb u just nerfed everything now it will be impossible to do anything think about wtf u guys are doing
Nephalim wrote:
Inc Radius% Area Scaling
0% 1.00
10% 1.21
20% 1.44
30% 1.69
40% 1.96
50% 2.25
60% 2.56
70% 2.89
80% 3.24
90% 3.61
100% 4.00

I do not understand. Why does a 50% gain in iAoe translate to 2.25 area scaling?

If my skill has a base area of 10. Then 50% would give me 15 or a 50% increase.
Then a 100% would give me 20 or a 100% increase. The gain is linear.

Am I bad at math or did I misunderstand how iAoe works in the first place?

Because the 50% applies to RADIUS, not Area.

The whole point of the changes is the removal of the word "Radius" from what inc aoe is affecting.
Last edited by Qiox on Feb 22, 2017, 7:15:54 PM
Vigilant Strike's Threshold Jewel now grants allies Fortify for 20 seconds, up from 3 seconds, and is limited to 1.

so VS threshold jewel will be for summoner?
9 out of 10 boyz crying about BF or Vaal Disc nerfs...
I think GGG is hitting the righ spot. :)

Wonder how it will be when 2.6 patch notes finally come.
I'm Razielim, son of Raziel.

"Raziel, you're worthy..." - Elder God
Last edited by jplimab on Feb 22, 2017, 7:17:21 PM

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