Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

Looks like mostly good changes, but I'm afraid the change to damage conversion uniques will mess up build diversity. Used to be if I wanted to do a fire build I could pick from any fire, lightning, or cold skill. That was awesome and gave me a lot of opportunity to come up with some weird builds. If elemental conversion isn't gonna be 100% anymore, many of those builds won't be viable anymore (they weren't usually super viable before, but they were fun).
Last edited by The_Wuggly_Ump on Feb 22, 2017, 7:34:31 PM
RIP Daggers


See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
LOL seems like name calling, could be more go live!
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
Kroughfire wrote:
but I think that nerfing the strong builds is the way to go.

The buff to one handed is very much needed, and a wonderful thing to hear is being implemented this patch.

They're not the just the "strong" builds dude they're the only VIABLE builds currently. Like that one guy said no one is killing Shaper with Ice Crash. With less "strong" builds to start the league I'm guessing we now have to pick specific builds or just get screwed. Only until the new meta reforms can people start rebuilding what was taken down.

Also if one-handed weapons can potentially hit as hard as two-handed weapons now in 2.6, what's the point of using a two-handed weapon then?

Methinks you need to re-examine what you mean by "viable". Cos I haven't played any of these nerfed skills in Breach. And I count my builds as viable. And I know loads of other builds in the same category. It might help your sense of perspective if you extended...well, it's a bit much to expect a whole foot, but even just a toe, maybe?...outside the meta. I mean, Pohx is handling endgame content with Blight, of all things. And that's not even considering that players have widely different goals with their builds.

P.S.: Oh look! A wild 2.5 Ice Crash build appeared! -

Oh look! Another wild 2.5 Ice Crash build appeared! -

Is this my lucky day?! (Spoiler Alert: It's not.)
Last edited by Exile009 on Feb 22, 2017, 7:40:56 PM
Simply waiting for this weapon to shine.

Expected the nerfing...not sure if Vaal Discipline nerf is a little too harsh or not..depends on what else GGG has in mind. Not too sure about Blade Flurry either...really think that thing got most of its power from the whole 'double dipping' mechanic that's been around for way too long.

The AOE nerfs make sense...GGG is finally learning that diminishing returns are actually a good thing in games and aren't so 'build killing' as they might've thought originally. Limiters are a good thing and don't stifle creativity, they just keep power in check, which is something GGG has done rather poorly with for a while now.

That said, will be interesting to see what else they have in mind for the unique rebalancing and other things. Nerfs are certainly fine, but hopefully the other stuff that constitute as buffs are decent as well.
Hey GGG, I think the Frenzy/Endurance branch of the Gladiator class for the Duelist is kind of lackluster compared to the Bleed and Block one. Would be nice if you buff the skill itself, or add another nod after that further develops the Frenzy+Endurance potential of the Duelist.
How have I not seen concern over literally the second sentence.
"Our primary intent is to better enable a larger selection of powerful build types and skill choices."

I feel like this is exactly what the game DOESN'T need. The double-dipping and 5second boss fights should go away and not become a standard by buffing other abilities to be able to do the same.
Boskiero wrote:
How have I not seen concern over literally the second sentence.
"Our primary intent is to better enable a larger selection of powerful build types and skill choices."

I feel like this is exactly what the game DOESN'T need. The double-dipping and 5second boss fights should go away and not become a standard by buffing other abilities to be able to do the same.

More strong builds = more diversity. Strong != broken.
Im prety sure they didnt mean they want more builds to trivialize content, but to be more competitive.

They want to enable more builds to kill shaper, and less builds to insta-gib him in each phase. Which is good.

Last edited by krilox on Feb 22, 2017, 7:45:35 PM
Boskiero wrote:

The double-dipping and 5second boss fights should go away and not become a standard by buffing other abilities to be able to do the same.

I agree xD

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