Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

Attlus wrote:
I'd get it, if like, the base AOE was like, current AOE+added AOE. But it's looking more and more like I'll have to have increased AOE on at all times....or not at all if it's diminishing returns?

This is confusing.

Yes, I guess it does mean that if you need AoE in your build you're gonna HAVE to get every AoE node on the tree to be viable. GGG has created what they tried to stop it seems, unless I am as confused as you are.
WizBlizz1994 wrote:
Attlus wrote:
I'd get it, if like, the base AOE was like, current AOE+added AOE. But it's looking more and more like I'll have to have increased AOE on at all times....or not at all if it's diminishing returns?

This is confusing.

Yes, I guess it does mean that if you need AoE in your build you're gonna HAVE to get every AoE node on the tree to be viable. GGG has created what they tried to stop it seems, unless I am as confused as you are.

From my understanding, the values on all existing aoe modifiers are going to be increased, so only builds with heavy aoe stacking will be affected by diminishing returns. (RIP Pillar builds showcasing max aoe abilities?)
Damn that cryfest from ES users.
"OMG they nerfed vaal discipline, it's useless now, what will I do?!"
"OMG they nerfed AoE, my flameblast or other skill with giant-ass aoe won't be screen wide anymore, what will I do?!"

Every league Im just waiting for those crybabies that come to forum because they nerfed their build ^ ^
So you butchered blade flurry

No life changes
No CI changes
No ES changes
You fucked vaal disc in the ass
You fucked vaal haste in the ass

Like holy fucking shit wtf lol

I'm basically going to be doing the same fucking shit what the fuck uyou know ufck it I'm ma go punch a fucking teddy bear.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Feb 22, 2017, 6:58:10 PM
Is the blade flurry nerf necessary? I feel like the reason its damage was out of control was because of its double dipping into poison. I have tried inquisitor and assassin, and I notice on single target inquisitor doesn't do nearly as much damage without that poison, infact I wouldn't put it above alot of the other skills. I just think the double dipping problem and how well assassin does it is the major problem of blade flurry, not the skill itself.

Also Vaal Haste nerf okay cool, it was alittle too strong. "Vaal Discipline no longer grants any bonus shield". What? Whats the point of the skill now? Doesn't seem to be worth using anymore at all. I really dislike nerfs that decrease the usefulness of skills completely because I feel like the game already has a smaller pool of gems that feel "good" to use.
Last edited by ProdigyToby on Feb 22, 2017, 6:59:25 PM
Aynix wrote:
Damn that cryfest from ES users.
"OMG they nerfed vaal discipline, it's useless now, what will I do?!"
"OMG they nerfed AoE, my flameblast or other skill with giant-ass aoe won't be screen wide anymore, what will I do?!"

Every league Im just waiting for those crybabies that come to forum because they nerfed their build ^ ^

It's really amusing when you're the kind of player who never goes for the meta broken builds :D
vexray wrote:
I sincerely hope that there's a lot of good changes because the current dev manifest looks to be nearly a global nerf. And while I'm ranting, fix your fucking game.

I don't think GGG even plays Poe, rather just does math computations to determine how to balance, which is always a nerf.

This is very disconcerting. How could they think the threshhold jewel nerf would go over well? Honestly.
One suggestion GGG, you should update armour damage reduction to attack hit and not limited to physical damage reduction.
So you butchered blade flurry

What a suprise! They nerfed build that was as popular as BF in essence! :o
Aynix wrote:
So you butchered blade flurry

What a suprise! They nerfed build that was as popular as BF in essence! :o

I really don't give a fuck about that it's just I'm going to be playing the SAME EXACT thing.

CI and ES as usual there's no major changes to it as it's listed AT ALL.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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