Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

Crebstar wrote:
Also, some changes to end game monster damage. /quote]

You want them to hit even more? Because that's the only thing that GGG would make with monster dmg - make it higher!
Nice to see you balance the game ! keep up the good work
tom38 wrote:
Hi, balance life/es, noone gives a shit about anything else.

Seriously, it's already been 2 leagues, are you going to make us wait a third?

I give a shit more about making armor and evasion work better as defensive stats instead of the only alternative being stacking es.
Is this GGG's way of saying that they think life builds are OK as is? I find that extremely troubling.
Abyssal cry radius buff (corpse explosion) plz plz plzzzzzzzz ggggggggggggg plz
I just wanna give a big thank you GGG for announcing that you will nerf BF but not disclosing how bad the nerf will actually be. It's just that my life-based build is so goddamn powerful that i could barely kill the Chimera in a party of two members let alone the other guardians and the Shaper.

So basically you aim to cripple the meta builds so that everyone will have to rely on Aurabots to get the job done, is that it?

Way to go, now i have to rethink my build! Thanks Chris, you're the best!

good thing they'll update the area of blasphemy curse, so useless with range characters you can only curse enemy in melee range.
Area of Effect Changes
All sources of "Increased Radius of Area Skills" have been replaced with an increase to area. This means that rather than the area of the skill increasing geometrically as the player invests in the modifier to area scale, the radius gained per point of the stat will be lower and lower as heavy investment occurs, similar to diminishing returns. Many old radius increases that have been changed to area increases provide a higher numeric value to compensate for this change. The goal of this change is to make investing in the size of your area skills to be less rewarding the more you invest, so players don't feel like they need to gather every single point of area radius to reach their character's full potential.

What? No, I WANT to get every single point of area radius! eccch.


Blight, which gains +1 area radius every 5 levels of the gem

Immediately forgiven.
Last edited by Commoble on Feb 22, 2017, 6:46:44 PM
WillisReed wrote:
No life buffs? Really? Same meta again...........CI blade vortex......again.

Vaal Haste and Vaal Disc nerfs were way overdue. But, maybe some life love? A least a little, for the love of god!

they are placing Blood Magic Close to CI is it enough :D
and nerfed AOE
These have got to be the worst patch notes I've seen in a while. If you're gonna add elemental conversion for ranger then why are you then nerfing the items to go with it? Isn't that just nerfing all the other classes/builds BUT ranger? You've added diminishing returns Area of efect because... "so players don't feel like they need to gather every single point"? It's not the players that need Area of Effect, it's the BUILDS that need area of effect! I won't need to feel like gathering every single point of AoE anymore. Not because my build needs it, but now because it's a trash stat not worth getting.

I don't know I might be over-reacting but these patch notes are infuriating.

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