Content Update 2.6.0 Balance Changes

Hey GGG you forgot to nerf Mjolner again. That shit is OP and breaks the game. 6 nerfs are not enough, it should definitely be nerfed again in 3.0.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
No CI nerf news..... yet :^)

Feels good man.
"Dead DPS is 0 DPS"

- Rules of Gaming
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SUNDER WAS MY SHIT why would increase the direct hit but nerf the shockwave makes no fucking sense I might as well use cleave then :/
love the AoE chance <3
Lul, just made an Ice Crash character. Well-well-well.
There is a sure way to die.

Билды - это листья на дереве Path of Exile. C каждым патчем одни опадают, и каждую лигу вырастают другие.
Elementalist Wild Strike/Elemental Hit is a thing now as you can level Wild Strike fully with increased Elemental Damage. Mastermind of Discord will trigger for every element with every attack. Bonus points: Near Reflect immunity with the changes to Ash, Frost and Storm next to Elemental Equilibrium. Meta confirmed!
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
No life buffs? Really? Same meta again...........CI blade vortex......again.

Vaal Haste and Vaal Disc nerfs were way overdue. But, maybe some life love? A least a little, for the love of god!
Rory wrote:

We'll reveal the full patch notes and skill tree for Content Update 2.6.0 a few days before it launches on March 3rd. Due to the number of changes being made, all players will receive a one-time full passive reset at that time.

Are you f**** serious!, a few days before the league starts... atleast give us the skill tree to play with if you can't do a race season or anything else in this dead time... every league same story not enough time to plan stuff always starting new season already tired and by the 5th day of the league gotta take a break... bullshit few days !!!

Edit: forgot to mention no numerical buff to life = another es league witch i'm not that interested in after a "few" weeks.
Last edited by mirificel on Feb 22, 2017, 6:46:03 PM
Thats HYPE!!
IGN : WalkOnTheEarth
Hi, balance life/es, noone gives a shit about anything else.

Seriously, it's already been 2 leagues, are you going to make us wait a third?

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