Lightning Strike

Displayed DPS is for the melee hit, which is not a projectile. The projectiles are a secondary effect of the skill.
Mark how do you feel about point blank shotgunning being more damage than actually hitting the mob with the melee attack?
Mark_GGG wrote:
Displayed DPS is for the melee hit, which is not a projectile. The projectiles are a secondary effect of the skill.

But is the damage from the projectiles affected by support gems and passives that increase projectile damage even though it's not shown?
Srsbznz wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Displayed DPS is for the melee hit, which is not a projectile. The projectiles are a secondary effect of the skill.

But is the damage from the projectiles affected by support gems and passives that increase projectile damage even though it's not shown?
If a weapon has an additional 20-45 fire damage on it (or any other bonus elemental damage). Is that damage added to the projectile of lightning strike as well?
Mark_GGG wrote:
Srsbznz wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Displayed DPS is for the melee hit, which is not a projectile. The projectiles are a secondary effect of the skill.

But is the damage from the projectiles affected by support gems and passives that increase projectile damage even though it's not shown?

Thanks Mark. I was a little worried that I had wasted a few passives.
Any chance of of having the lightning strike show both damages, the regular one that is shown now and one for the projectile damage?
zeuz wrote:
If a weapon has an additional 20-45 fire damage on it (or any other bonus elemental damage). Is that damage added to the projectile of lightning strike as well?
Yes. The projectiles are dealing the weapon damage, with the appropriate modifiers.
It seems that when the projectiles go over a ledge, or any path you can't walk through, you can still see them, but they do not hit targets at all.

Not sure if this is a known bug or not.
In Wraeclast, if someone tries to kill you... you just kill them right back.
Not sure if stated or only for Lightning Strike but when the projectiles hits a crate/barrel or so, it will stop on client. The mobs in that direction still take damage though so the projectile must continue on serverside it seems.

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