Lightning Strike

How much damage does LS deal on the monster being directly hit by the meele?
GGG Best Game Developers
Last edited by alex3064 on Nov 3, 2013, 1:54:08 PM
The damage listed on the [C]haracter sheet, modified by the target's damage reduction and all of that.
With spectral throw depending on how far the cursor is from your character determines the spread of the projectiles. close is wide spread and far is more focused.

Seeing as LS projectiles do not go over anything or cross voids/gaps. Could we at least be given this bit of spread control?

and/or/also let the projectiles cross level gaps?. (realizing that asking for the projectiles to go up and over obstacles is dumb because its a ground level projectile.)

will there ever be an improvement in the grafix?

if im in a party the global fps drops for at least 20-30% and many are whining that its lagging and nearly unplayable..

yeasterday i was in a 77map and at the end i ended up doing nothin but spamming curses and switching on the next map to crappy cleave.. because they told me on temspeak..

its really sad that such a powerfull attack also attacks fps so deadly ;)

for me it could only be a blue laser like line and thats it
krassi3000 wrote:
will there ever be an improvement in the grafix?

if im in a party the global fps drops for at least 20-30% and many are whining that its lagging and nearly unplayable..

yeasterday i was in a 77map and at the end i ended up doing nothin but spamming curses and switching on the next map to crappy cleave.. because they told me on temspeak..

its really sad that such a powerfull attack also attacks fps so deadly ;)

for me it could only be a blue laser like line and thats it

There are MUCH more laggy skills, believe me. Try to use LMP instead of GMP, and replace multistrike and/or faster attacks with damage gems.
People can blame your for lags, but the fact is, mobs is Sceptre of God cause far greater lags with their skills.

You told you swapped for cleave? What weapon are you using with it? Lightning strike in nothing without shock, caused by crits, and that means you need dagger/claw/staff. Otherwise, Spectral Throw will be far better.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Nov 11, 2013, 4:00:22 PM
Which support curse is better with LS conductivity or a mid quality projectile weakness?

It would be pretty awesome to have both, but I'm not going Whispers of Doom.
I am a bit confused about something.

When I gem Echarge on Stun to LS, it procs endurance charges from the projectiles of LS, even when NOTHING is in melee range. Based on the wording of Echarge on stun, this implies to me that LS projectiles do "melee damage".

Ergo, a Melee Phys Gem should enhance the damage of LS projectiles.

True or False?

mrpetrov wrote:
I am a bit confused about something.

When I gem Echarge on Stun to LS, it procs endurance charges from the projectiles of LS, even when NOTHING is in melee range. Based on the wording of Echarge on stun, this implies to me that LS projectiles do "melee damage".

Ergo, a Melee Phys Gem should enhance the damage of LS projectiles.

True or False?

then someone should try using the support on spectral throw as well.

almost relatedly, you can still stun if your damage is simply high enough unless that was an old confusing of mine. that "old confusion" fixed spells from having stun threshold mods to them.
soul4hdwn wrote:
mrpetrov wrote:
I am a bit confused about something.

When I gem Echarge on Stun to LS, it procs endurance charges from the projectiles of LS, even when NOTHING is in melee range. Based on the wording of Echarge on stun, this implies to me that LS projectiles do "melee damage".

Ergo, a Melee Phys Gem should enhance the damage of LS projectiles.

True or False?

then someone should try using the support on spectral throw as well.

almost relatedly, you can still stun if your damage is simply high enough unless that was an old confusing of mine. that "old confusion" fixed spells from having stun threshold mods to them.

Thanks soul - but I'm not sure if you agree or disagree with my question..?

Do LS projectiles hit more then once? They seem like they would be long enough to do so.
Last edited by Godmonkey on Nov 17, 2013, 11:15:21 PM

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