Lightning Strike

Tyronis3 wrote:
Because Melee really needs to be nerfed more?

Implying Lightning Strike is a melee skill.

EricRoachTS wrote:
Wow, finally another viable build, yep, let's nerf it. How Blizzard of you.

Right now it's ridiculously broken, you can double your attack speed without any drawbacks.

xenolithic wrote:
I'm a level 88 elemental cleaver

Elemental Cleave is broken too. Don't know why they don't fix it.
Last edited by dspair on Apr 17, 2013, 1:45:02 AM
Last edited by EricRoachTS on Apr 23, 2015, 5:01:08 PM
How does the nerf 'ruin' anyones build? Doesn't multistrikes damage reduction go away after you level it for a while?
Mark_GGG wrote:
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

Please consider changing Multistrike's leveling bonus to 'Increased Physical Attack Damage' instead of melee damage so it's still viable with lightning strike instead of overpowered. Otherwise Lightning Strike+Multistrike will be totally useless.
EricRoachTS wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Baristo wrote:

I have been using multistrike with LS+GMP and it was a really nice way to farm end game with a semi-mellee.

From these 2 quotes, and no GGG response/changes on this skill since December 10th 2012, I can believe that multistrike does not nerf the dmg from projectiles. Because it causes the skill to do 40% less Melee Damage.

Can anyone verify this, or come with a way to check it? I could download Fraps and playback etc etc.
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

Wow, finally another viable build, yep, let's nerf it. How Blizzard of you.

Oh no, going down from easily reachable 6000+ AoE DPS with a crap weapon will totally kill that build in its foundation.
And we are back LA/EK/FP..

Rly, LS without multistrike is shit.

LS projectiles dont get dmg from str or melee dmg nodes. And now when LS get great support gem, u change LS to get projectile dmg on str or melee, and then multistrike is shit, but LS is better(dont need iron grip).

I think Im almost done if u nerf LS/multistrike.. Its not bugfix, its nerf. Why nerf new viable skill? Nerf FP or LA and BOOOOST OTHER SKILLS.

This is sooo wrong.
IGN: Wanderiin
The projectiles aren't even that strong.. why nerf?
sweet my weapons are going back down in price. Those saying that LS is melee have obv never seen someone using it.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Baristo wrote:

I have been using multistrike with LS+GMP and it was a really nice way to farm end game with a semi-mellee.

From these 2 quotes, and no GGG response/changes on this skill since December 10th 2012, I can believe that multistrike does not nerf the dmg from projectiles. Because it causes the skill to do 40% less Melee Damage.

Can anyone verify this, or come with a way to check it? I could download Fraps and playback etc etc.
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

Granted, it was a major buff to Lightning strike. But it is still so so far away from Lightning Arrow, Freezing Pulse or Ethereal Knives ... -so why nerf it?

It was finally something that worked with Lightning strike, unlike Melee Physical damage and Melee damage on full Life. Because if Projectile damage doesn't benefit, you obviously don't want to use it.

The wording actually looked like you wanted it to work with Lightning Strike.

MangLiWang wrote:
sweet my weapons are going back down in price. Those saying that LS is melee have obv never seen someone using it.

well, I've been using it for a very long time now and I really don't consider my character being ranged.
IGN: Nyxea
Last edited by GutenTag on Apr 17, 2013, 4:19:13 AM
So it took you 2 weeks to "test" all the skills with Multistrike and you didn't think of this?

Lightning strike is annoying to use as it is. Every small rock and piece of garbage caught in the way of the projectiles stops them. While AGAIN Freezing pulse, LA and other ranged abilities don't have this issue.

Why do you make the game not fun Mark? Is that your job?

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