Power Siphon

How works quality bonus on Power siphon?

+8 quality must give 8*0.75 bonus to dmg = 6%% (same in description).
But when I replace this two 1 lvl gems - I recieve only 2.2% increasement.
And it's not phisical increasement, because
with 64% physical gives even less then 2.2% overall dmg of skill.
increased damage, is any and all damage. physical damage is just physical, which wands have very little of.
Also of note, it's Increased Damage. All Increased modifiers stack additively, and you likely have a bunch of those.
thx :)
Could anyone that played in CB why sound of power siphon was changed?

I mean. in 0.9.13 or so when you killed something with power siphon the sound was great but now is hardly to hear again. Maybe is my sound config?

Thanks in advance
Late game lvl80+

LMP+Chain or GMP+Chain?
waggypants wrote:
Late game lvl80+

LMP+Chain or GMP+Chain?

I have leveled both LMP and GMP on my siphon. I switch between them, LMP for indoor areas, GMP for outdoor. It's not set in stone, different areas and mobs require different things. Large pack size and open areas, GMP is great. Smaller pack size of tougher monsters, or more confined spaces, LMP works wonders.
Just my 2 cents.
Power Siphon needs accuracy to land hits?

Thinking on creating a funny physical damage + ele damage wand witch. But I'm afraid of having low accuracy :/

And what are the best supports gems for Power Siphon? LMP+Chain is ok?
paulosousa12 wrote:
Power Siphon needs accuracy to land hits?

Thinking on creating a funny physical damage + ele damage wand witch. But I'm afraid of having low accuracy :/

And what are the best supports gems for Power Siphon? LMP+Chain is ok?

Power Siphon is an attack (rather than a spell), so yes it requires accuracy.
The amount of Dex required for the gems you will likely use, should minimise how much added accuracy you actually need.

Faster attacks is great, as is weapon elemental damage. The new power charge on crit gem may be useful for bosses, I haven't tried it yet.
If they made this skill work with staves it would be awesome - its currently unusable with a Kaoms heart due to limited sockets!

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