Power Siphon

I'd roll with something simple: LMP - Weapon Elemental Damage - Crit Damage - Leech.
LMP so it's not single target.
WED because Wands are inherently pretty swish with Elemental damage, and WED is overpowered.
Crit Damage -- You're getting Power Charges and use Wands, which have enormous base Crit Chance. Duh :P
Leech; either Life or Mana, depending on what is neccesary. Most likely Mana.
Does powersiphon deal physical damage, projectile damage or spell damage?

Also which weapon stats (from weapons such as wands) affect the Power Siphon skill gem.

The implicit "Spell damage" mod or the affix "increased physical damage" or the "increase weapon elemental damage"?

The gem is confusing to me and any help from the devs or fellow players would be appreciated.
ign: Redrummm
projectile, which includes physical and elemental if the given attack has either or both. it is NOT a spell, so spell boosts do not work on power siphon.
Is it any good to use power siphon on a pure caster which (meaning 14 dex and no accuracy nodes)? Or is the chance to hit so low that you'll not get powercharges up reliably?
The biggest issue will be actually killing anything with your Wand, because it deals fifty damage or something. Culling only gets you so far...
Not worth the trouble.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 17, 2013, 5:09:13 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
The biggest issue will be actually killing anything with your Wand, because it deals fifty damage or something. Culling only gets you so far...
Not worth the trouble.

Well I just want the 50% crit chance for my spells per charge, plus 4% spell damage.

I don't want to kill things with my wand.
Cronos988 wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
The biggest issue will be actually killing anything with your Wand, because it deals fifty damage or something. Culling only gets you so far...
Not worth the trouble.

Well I just want the 50% crit chance for my spells per charge, plus 4% spell damage.

I don't want to kill things with my wand.
you need to (kill someone with wand) via this skill to gain said charges.
Yeah I kinda thought the "culling strike" function would get some kills, and that "killed shortly afterwards" actually meant I could "debuff" the enemy with a wand hit and then kill them with a spell.

Apparently it doesn't work like that. Too mana intensive and you loose too much DPS trying to keep the power charges up.
dev said that works if there are other things doing kills as you are trying to. this might be wrong.

otherwise yes you cannot just swap to kill with a spell yourself.

edit: don't listen to me, read his comment below as it is clearer =p
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Feb 25, 2013, 11:06:14 AM
The 'debuff' that gets you Power Charges is 0.5 seconds long. It's indeed intended to get you Power Charges if your attack is just slightly too weak and something else nabs the kill shortly thereafter.

You can get a Power Charge from the debuff without Power Siphon, but you need to be incredibly quick. :P

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