Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

This is a promising development.

The problem with playing self-found isn't that you don't get epeen points from doing it though. Although, acknowledging the people who do this opens the way for implementing a league catered around this in the future, I suppose.

I just really wish there would be a better way of acquiring specific items when you play self-found. I had hoped that the cards was a way to do that, but in the end it was little more than yet another trade-centered item type cluttering up my stash tabs.

If self-found has its own chat channels, that would be pretty cool.

In any case, since you say that playing like this is increasing in popularity, do you actually have statistics for the % of characters that engage others in a league? Either by trade, or by playing co-op? Could be interesting to see!
It's a shame there's no real party finder for mapping. Instead, you're forced to go to a player made global 820 because of lack of the game's features.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
i have played semi-soloselffound the last few leagues and really enjoy it.
With "Semi" i mean that me and my friends in a small party (3-4 players) is only trading internal within the group and never trades/party outside this party. Could the SSF somehow implement PSF (PartySelffound). Guess it could be to complicated to make though.
I can see this going a couple ways without the need for too much extra design effort...

They could do a GSF (guild self found) league wherein items can only be transferred through guild stash, though that comes with complications, and with 250 members in some guilds, this waters down the self-found element.

They could do a PSF (party self found) league wherein items cannot be traded or dropped on the ground in any location (just like in town), but people can party freely with anyone and set allocation (PA, SA, FFA) as they please.

Or people could just play as they please in the normal leagues. Personally I often cave under the temptation to trade eventually.
GkSanchez wrote:
Pilgrame wrote:
Think this will bring PT back?

lol, who gives a fuck

Absolutely not me. The most self entitled cockhead in the game.
My Youtube channel! Path of Exile bits and pieces!
Thanks for this
I like doing self found but yeah trading can make life so much easier.

PT is that somebody i should have heard of?
Last edited by Kleintje on Jan 31, 2017, 8:26:42 AM
Kleintje wrote:
PT is that somebody i should have heard of?

I wasn't aware of the existence of Solo Self-Found, and I like the idea. Could you guys at GGG add some rewards for playing that mode? Things like hideout items/trophies as milestone achievements, like beating a difficulty, reaching end-game levels (70, 80, 90), etc.

Maybe even a special MTX if you manage to beat the Shaper!

You see, every league I love to grind currency, gear and my way up the Atlas from scratch, but once I beat the Shaper and get the challenges done at mid-league I stop playing because of no other possible reward... if I could start SSF at that point to get even the slightest rewards I would be delighted ^^

look at my character name. very unrealistic to think ssf would get anything either. they will simply change a few flags, put in a checkbox to select the mode, and that is all the effort they will spend on it.

then they will post statistics about how only 5-10% of players tried out the mode in the next league (since there's no reward) and rub it in your face. "MEH MEH MEH, I TOLD YOU SO"

mark my words! this is exactly what will happen
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
LMTR14 wrote:
I wasn't aware of the existence of Solo Self-Found, and I like the idea. Could you guys at GGG add some rewards for playing that mode? Things like hideout items/trophies as milestone achievements, like beating a difficulty, reaching end-game levels (70, 80, 90), etc.

Maybe even a special MTX if you manage to beat the Shaper!

You see, every league I love to grind currency, gear and my way up the Atlas from scratch, but once I beat the Shaper and get the challenges done at mid-league I stop playing because of no other possible reward... if I could start SSF at that point to get even the slightest rewards I would be delighted ^^

look at my character name. very unrealistic to think ssf would get anything either. they will simply change a few flags, put in a checkbox to select the mode, and that is all the effort they will spend on it.

then they will post statistics about how only 5-10% of players tried out the mode in the next league (since there's no reward) and rub it in your face. "MEH MEH MEH, I TOLD YOU SO"

mark my words! this is exactly what will happen

Well thats because the league is targetting the wrong people. Many people that play SSF don't care about the ladder and don't need to be legitimized by one. Which means that they can play SSF just fine without the league. Giving perks of some kind would probably attract *new* people to try SSF, and not just give the current SSF league players a new hangout. But I don't think GGG is interested in getting people to try SSF, being self admitted to not allowing new players to attempt the mode.

So the few and proud people that play the new SSF are probably the same ones that were participating in the makeshift SSF ladder. With maybe a few new people that think the SSF ladder is more fair to them. Thus leaving behind anybody that plays SSF in standard, which if you're intending on doing any kind of long term goal SSF you kind of have to be in standard. Leagues are too short to acquire everything you could possibly want without trading, even if you no life it. Granted, some SSF players in standard may opt to play the new SSF league if they're interested in bragging rights, because I think there will be a standard SSF league -- but you're talking about potentially throwing away years of work in SSF for bragging rights to a person that by and large probably doesn't give a crap about them. You would probably see more migrations if they allowed people to dump into the standard SSF league rather than remake into it though. However, since it has a ladder I doubt they'll do that, because they risk tainting the pool with people that have groupped, and items that have been traded for.
Last edited by ghoulavenger on Jan 31, 2017, 11:42:47 AM
I'm not sure why the word 'support' was used in the subject line?

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