Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Arcis wrote:
afaik, the main reason people want a SSF league is so the game doesn't have to be balanced around the fact that trading will always be much more efficient than soloing. if there are no additional benefits to playing SSF, i think this has missed the poinwt.

The fact that you missed the point its why it is not mandatory and players like yourself can opt out.
Hello everyone:)

As others have said before me, this game has been balanced around trading... heavily.
Everything from item drops to map drops to the exp masters gain from doing their missions has been modified with the economy in mind.

So, in my opnion, for this SSF experiment to work and not be a stillborn, it'd require some... tweaking.
I'm not saying 6-links being handed to you, I'm saying small tweaks:)
Ofc these tweaks could be changed as the league goes and depending on the feedback of players.

I also want to say that I agree with those that say that the items collected from your SSF characters should not transfer to the normal/corresponding leagues so as there isnt any descrepancy from the increased drop ratio in SSF league.

If no changes occur to drop rates I'm afraid this league/experiment is destined to fail from its very beginning:(

Finally, I'd like to say that I'm hyped for this one and I havent been hyped for anything in POE for quite some time now...:)

Best wishes to everyone and ty for taking the time to read this post...:)
"Too Wierd To Live... Too Rare To Die...."
Personal Motto

Finally made it to lvl 100... Only took me 3 years...:) :(
This would be awesome if you disabled transferring characters to standard leagues and increased drop rates and xp gains.

More of a fun, casual gamemode instead of a leaderboards grind, even though there will still be a niche for that.
I don't know if it has been said, but keeping the self-found leagues separate from the rest of standard after the league ends would also be nice, regardless of the configuration.
DisoRDeR418 wrote:
I don't know if it has been said, but keeping the self-found leagues separate from the rest of standard after the league ends would also be nice, regardless of the configuration.

Oh.. I was just going to ask what happens to league SSF when it finishes - I was hoping it would live on as a separate Standard SSF =/

If not.. that's terribly disappointing.
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
rararaputin wrote:
This is great. No more rmt, significantly reduced botting(maybe eliminated completely?) And I don't have to deal with trading anymore, flippers, fixers and other crap, yay!

kudos to ggg.

You never had to deal with this stuff.
You might see me in global as STFU_IM_----_OK :^)

Would it be possible to make SSF offline? One of the things that make me not play the game that much is the frequent desync and lag problems I have in my region.
Biggest problem that we will see - splitting players even more... dont think its a great idea to make it, as it will take more resources and more time to balance and fix everything with more leagues and more splits.
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TreeOfDead wrote:
Biggest problem that we will see - splitting players even more... dont think its a great idea to make it, as it will take more resources and more time to balance and fix everything with more leagues and more splits.

People that currently play SSF are already split off from the main community. People that take interest in the new SSF league have the ability to opt out, and I'm sure 90% or more of them will returning to their parent leagues. I think you're a little too worried about the division of the leagues. And as far as balance goes, I'm not aware of any plans nor was it stated, to make the SSF league any different other than enforcing SSF parameters.
ghoulavenger wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
Biggest problem that we will see - splitting players even more... dont think its a great idea to make it, as it will take more resources and more time to balance and fix everything with more leagues and more splits.

People that currently play SSF are already split off from the main community. People that take interest in the new SSF league have the ability to opt out, and I'm sure 90% or more of them will returning to their parent leagues. I think you're a little too worried about the division of the leagues. And as far as balance goes, I'm not aware of any plans nor was it stated, to make the SSF league any different other than enforcing SSF parameters.

I hope that you right about 90% or more of them will returning to their parent leagues, i hope so.
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