[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

can u explain mechanichs of wise oak? Do i have to keep resistances uncapped or just fire 50 more then other resistances

Wise Oak compute based on the number from your overcap resistance (greater than 75).

If your:
Fire resist: 125
Cold resist:75
Lightning resist: 75

Hitting Sapphire flask + Wise Oak flask, your resistance will become:
Fire resist: 160
Cold resist: 160
Lightning resist: 110

Both fire and cold damage will gain extra elemental penetration while lightning will gain reduced lightning damage taken.


Igorius wrote:
sry for the stupid question but how the "Gain 5% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage" from The Red Dream works with avatar of fire? do we get any damage or the jewel is just for the charges?

The build is 100% fire so you don't gain any benefit from that extra chaos from Red Dream. Red Dream is just for getting endurance charges on kill.
Currently running this again. Have around 1.5ex ATM for upgrades, have tabula on ( You can check my char ArgusLT)

So what chest do I go for with 1.5ex? Bronn's 5l? Save up a little more money for belly 5l?
What about jewels in this league?
Abyss or standart?
Argus137 wrote:
Currently running this again. Have around 1.5ex ATM for upgrades, have tabula on ( You can check my char ArgusLT)

So what chest do I go for with 1.5ex? Bronn's 5l? Save up a little more money for belly 5l?

After taking a quick look at your gear, you REALLY need to upgrade your gloves, helm, belt, boots, rings etc to actually get some +life on them before even thinking about chest armor... As of right now with your gear you're going to die the second anything even looks at you in yellow maps with some damage mods.

Stick with your tabula for now, and upgrade all your other pieces for as much +life / resists as possible.. Aim to spend about 2-5c per piece you're upgrading.. Then once that's done save up to buy a belly of the beast with decent rolls, then 5-link it yourself. Ones that are already 5-linked are typically overpriced and not worth it to buy.
Last edited by Enzymaticc on Mar 10, 2018, 7:18:03 PM
Enzymaticc wrote:
Argus137 wrote:
Currently running this again. Have around 1.5ex ATM for upgrades, have tabula on ( You can check my char ArgusLT)

So what chest do I go for with 1.5ex? Bronn's 5l? Save up a little more money for belly 5l?

After taking a quick look at your gear, you REALLY need to upgrade your gloves, helm, belt, boots, rings etc to actually get some +life on them before even thinking about chest armor... As of right now with your gear you're going to die the second anything even looks at you in yellow maps with some damage mods.

Stick with your tabula for now, and upgrade all your other pieces for as much +life / resists as possible.. Aim to spend about 2-5c per piece you're upgrading.. Then once that's done save up to buy a belly of the beast with decent rolls, then 5-link it yourself. Ones that are already 5-linked are typically overpriced and not worth it to buy.

Yeah lol, I keep it on a low budget. I can run every map until t5 with ease. So I wanted to buy chest first. I guess I should upgrade other stuff first.
Argus137 wrote:
Currently running this again. Have around 1.5ex ATM for upgrades, have tabula on ( You can check my char ArgusLT)

So what chest do I go for with 1.5ex? Bronn's 5l? Save up a little more money for belly 5l?

I would get a cheap Bronn (at least 45% damage to movement skill) for 1 chaos and buy Jeweler's Touch prophecy and do a self 5L.


What about jewels in this league?
Abyss or standart?

Depending on the rolls, standard jewels can outperform abyssal jewels. You will want life rolls on both type of jewels.

Check abyssal and jewels section for preferred roll.
kira1414 wrote:
Argus137 wrote:
Currently running this again. Have around 1.5ex ATM for upgrades, have tabula on ( You can check my char ArgusLT)

So what chest do I go for with 1.5ex? Bronn's 5l? Save up a little more money for belly 5l?

I would get a cheap Bronn (at least 45% damage to movement skill) for 1 chaos and buy Jeweler's Touch prophecy and do a self 5L.


What about jewels in this league?
Abyss or standart?

Depending on the rolls, standard jewels can outperform abyssal jewels. You will want life rolls on both type of jewels.

Check abyssal and jewels section for preferred roll.

Managed to buy bronn's lithe 50% movement for 1 chaos and make it 5l 5socket with 1 orb each. ( Jesus christ I'm lucky )
And around 150chroms to get it 2r, 2b, 1g.

I now have around 2137 armor and 5451 evasion. Should I take the perk that converts evasion into armor?
Last edited by Argus137 on Mar 11, 2018, 1:07:55 PM
What's wrong with my gear?(AuroraLightningz character)
What should i get next?
Last edited by AuroraLightning on Mar 11, 2018, 2:12:25 PM
Is there any way to make a tombfist with 2 abyssal socket works with this build ? i dropped some and i was wondering if i should sell them or keep them. Thank you !
Can i take vaal pakt in this build?

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