[2.6] CI Vaal Fireball

Like others have mentioned, Ive almost got the same exact build and yet I struggle with T11 shaped strand bosses...

DiabloBlew wrote:
Like others have mentioned, Ive almost got the same exact build and yet I struggle with T11 shaped strand bosses...

Craft a horror helm. Your Fireball is only lvl 18 too...
Last edited by eXecut1on on Apr 1, 2017, 7:40:12 AM
DiabloBlew wrote:
Like others have mentioned, Ive almost got the same exact build and yet I struggle with T11 shaped strand bosses...

Taking a quick look at your profile I can see a few problems already.

- Level your gems up and craft a horror hubris like eXecut1on said.
- Not sure why you're using overcharged and victario's. The only reason to use overcharged would be if you had no other way to generate power and frenzy charges. Dropping that will free up a jewel slot for more damage.
- You haven't taken any power charges on tree so I'm guessing your crit is garbage.
- You don't have a shock immunity flask. This means you're taking 50% more damage whenever your vinktar's is up, and the strand bosses can easily wreck you at that point.
- You're not stun immune.
- I'm guessing your ES is low. I'd consider taking at least the Witch nodes until you have better ES gear (300+ helm, 180+ gloves, 400+ shield, crystal belt).
Is dying sun necessary, or is it mostly luxury?
gurulaghima wrote:
Is dying sun necessary, or is it mostly luxury?

I suppose you could make it work without Dying Sun or Death's Door if the rest of your gear is good and your gems are leveled. Craft a nice horror hubris and use LMP instead of increased crit damage in your fireball 4L. Run a ruby flask with staunching on it instead of Dying Sun and pick up some rare boots with res/MS/ES. Make sure you keep your power charges and diamond flask up always, you're not going to do shit for damage if you don't crit.
To preface this, I know the build is expensive.

Any tips on making a more budget friendly version?

From what I gather so far you could do without dying sun and death's door just from the post above.

Also Vaaling your own Sac Harvests and Chill of Corruption can potentially save some currency.

I also see Victario's Acuity as a core unique however there's mention of +1 curse karui charge and if that;s not possible you get Doedre's Ring?

Watching Bakedchicken today he was talking about giving up Vinktars and using Eye of Innocence + Mokou's Embrace, obviously a cheaper alternative. Thoughts on this?

Lastly, I'm a bit confused as to why we run 3 curses? Poachers and Assassins on curse on hit but Warlords Mark in CWDT setup, any insight on this would be great.

Any other info that might make this a bit more accessible to people with a little less currency would be great. I've go to believe there is a less expensive starting point and then a path to build to having all the great gear that makes this build ridiculous.

When you can clear strands in 30 seconds, is it worth it to pick up currency like chaos or fuses? Because you can't clear in 30 secs if you pick up fuses , chaos, 6 sockets, alchemy, vaals, even with a build this fast I don't think you can pick all this shit, so instead of clearing in 2 min and picking up those items, you clear in 30 seconds and push for higher value items like exalts or relic keys... question is, at the end of the day who will have more money? the guy pushing for exalts clearing in 30s or the guy picking up the chaos and clearing in 2 min?

It's hard to know since the fastest you kill the mobs the closer you get to an exalt drop or something of similar value, but how consistent this method would be? I mean even going this fast you might go hours without exalt drops while the other person already got a bunch of mixed currency

Let me know what you guys think, I'm prob gonna try this out, clear strands in 30 sec for a week or so and see what I get :)
I would still pick up currency that's worth ~1c. I don't think bruting for Ex, Divines etc. is a reliable farming method
Killzu wrote:
To preface this, I know the build is expensive.

Any tips on making a more budget friendly version?

From what I gather so far you could do without dying sun and death's door just from the post above.

Also Vaaling your own Sac Harvests and Chill of Corruption can potentially save some currency.

I also see Victario's Acuity as a core unique however there's mention of +1 curse karui charge and if that;s not possible you get Doedre's Ring?

Watching Bakedchicken today he was talking about giving up Vinktars and using Eye of Innocence + Mokou's Embrace, obviously a cheaper alternative. Thoughts on this?

Lastly, I'm a bit confused as to why we run 3 curses? Poachers and Assassins on curse on hit but Warlords Mark in CWDT setup, any insight on this would be great.

Any other info that might make this a bit more accessible to people with a little less currency would be great. I've go to believe there is a less expensive starting point and then a path to build to having all the great gear that makes this build ridiculous.


Non-legacy chill is ~ 3c at this point in league. Just use one of those with 2 sac harvests (24-25% are around 25c). Don't waste your currency trying to make your own, it could take a very long time.

I wouldn't worry about double curse on a budget. Run poacher's mark-HoI for the flask charges and drop assassin's mark. You should still run Warlord's on cwdt for the extra leech if your vinktars drops in a sticky situation. The random extra endurance charges aren't bad either.

On a budget I'd pick up:

- Skin of the Loyal 4B 2G (2ex)
- Victario's acuity (6c)
- brightbeak (1c)
- spell crit shield (80+ crit and 400+ es) (40-60c)
- decent pair of insanity sorcerer or fingerless gloves (40c-1ex)
- horror hubris (lighting golem enchant is pretty huge but if you can't afford it then 40% fireball damage)
- diamond rings if your crit is low or opal rings with es/res and potentially fire% damage

Use these rare slots to fill out your resistances. If your ES is low then pick up more es nodes on the tree. After you have this basic setup you can work toward getting a 700+ es 6L regalia, opal rings, Death's Door, Dying Sun, etc.
Last edited by Avensurha on Apr 2, 2017, 5:58:48 PM
What is the best way to deal with reflect with this build?

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