[2.6] CI Vaal Fireball

So what are the conclusions for playing this in 2.6 with the AoE changes. Does it feel worth it over something like vaal spark?
Loocid wrote:
So what are the conclusions for playing this in 2.6 with the AoE changes. Does it feel worth it over something like vaal spark?

I'm also interested in it's viability compared to vaal spark. It doesn't seem like anyone's really playing this build unfortunately. I would assume though that the build is built pretty much the same as vaal spark, except with a few minor changes.

Last edited by Jouchebag on Mar 20, 2017, 8:15:43 PM
I'm playing it right now and I would say it's better than Vaal Spark. Didn't play Vaal Fireball before AoE nerf so I can't compare but it's pretty good.
-10 rarity ring, shit build wouldnt do it.
I'm having a tough time getting this build going. I'm pretty bad at the game but I figure I should at least be able to kill the boss of shaped strand. My damage (especially single target) is pretty sad atm. I'm wondering if anyone could check me out and let me know what I could consider changing up.
pickysticks wrote:
I'm having a tough time getting this build going. I'm pretty bad at the game but I figure I should at least be able to kill the boss of shaped strand. My damage (especially single target) is pretty sad atm. I'm wondering if anyone could check me out and let me know what I could consider changing up.

Let me clarify first that i am just lvling this build and have no idea of its endgame.

But if its like Vaal Spark you suck vs bosses and WILL suck for ever compared too clear speed.
Its a clearspeed build not a boss killer
pickysticks wrote:
I'm having a tough time getting this build going. I'm pretty bad at the game but I figure I should at least be able to kill the boss of shaped strand. My damage (especially single target) is pretty sad atm. I'm wondering if anyone could check me out and let me know what I could consider changing up.

It would help not having a private character tab...

Rossko wrote:
Let me clarify first that i am just lvling this build and have no idea of its endgame.

But if its like Vaal Spark you suck vs bosses and WILL suck for ever compared too clear speed.
Its a clearspeed build not a boss killer

With good gear it takes like 1-3 seconds to kill Strand bosses. Spark doesn't have bad singletarget either. The horror crafted helm really does a great job. Nevertheless, Fireball does way more damage.
I found 2 examples in my clip list from last league (both were with suboptimal gear at that time): https://clips.twitch.tv/SpookyDeadSharkOSkomodo
Last edited by eXecut1on on Mar 29, 2017, 1:36:58 PM
pickysticks wrote:
I'm having a tough time getting this build going. I'm pretty bad at the game but I figure I should at least be able to kill the boss of shaped strand. My damage (especially single target) is pretty sad atm. I'm wondering if anyone could check me out and let me know what I could consider changing up.

You're doing something wrong. Fireball has great single target even on a 4 link when you have this much crit multi. Most bosses t11-15 take 1-3 seconds to melt.

Open up your profile and I'll take a look.

edit: let me add that by switching a few gem links to focus on your fireball ignite (slower proj, etc.) this build has no problem taking down any of the end game bosses that aren't ignite immune (shaper, minotaur, hydra, chimera).
Last edited by Avensurha on Mar 29, 2017, 5:44:59 PM
Can someone help me out here?
Comparison Elementalist - Inquisitor..

I can't really find much on which version to choose.
Both can clear packs: elementalist: proliferation, inquisitor: herald of ice

What i found so far:

-faster attack speed for shield charge from ascendancy

-reduced reflect from ascendancy -> more map mods

Is there a better ascendancy or just use what you prefer?
I would take elementalist, if reflect is an issue for that build...
One version cheaper, better for endgame strand, atoll?

Last edited by DarkerTimes on Mar 30, 2017, 6:37:40 AM
I've played both this league and I personally prefer inquisitor if you want to MF or chain easy strands, but Elementalist is better for beyond/-max/reflect/sextanted crazy maps. Some inquisitor advantages in my opinion:

- Shattering nullifies a lot of dangerous effects (detonate dead, porcupines, etc.)
- Extra jewel slot (or two if you have a legacy chill of corruption) since you only need 1-2 sac harvests.
- +++ flask up-time with Poacher's mark
- +++ attack speed, movement speed, and cast speed
- extra damage link in both your 4L and 6L since you don't need to use fire pen
- with HoI, dying sun and fork you get plenty of AoE coverage. I actually think the AoE nerfs made HoI more viable because it doesn't seem to lag nearly as much anymore. Or maybe they optimized something about it, but it feels a lot better than previous patches.

I don't find reflect to be that big of an issue since you have plenty of vinktar uptime with poacher's mark. That being said, elementalist doesn't have to worry about it at all, and if you wear a Sibyl's Lament you can do -max ele reflect maps easily.
Last edited by Avensurha on Apr 14, 2017, 2:36:07 AM

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