[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

sneakys wrote:
Noob question: How do i increase the speed of the pizza expanding ?

With Cast Speed.
Got a question for fellow pizza makers...

I am 72, 5linked blast, nearly 6k ES and running T1, T2 maps.
Maps and bosses are a breeze, but I have another problems - breaches.

As this build has no ES regeneration/leech (which is obvious with totems), I very often die as the breach starts expanding and all the mobs converge on me.

So my question is, how do you deal with breaches? What is the strategy? Because sometimes they spam a lot of AOE and basically cover most of the breach with things like vortexes/pillars of fire or other over time effects preventing ES regeneration.
Siliarus wrote:
So my question is, how do you deal with breaches? What is the strategy? Because sometimes they spam a lot of AOE and basically cover most of the breach with things like vortexes/pillars of fire or other over time effects preventing ES regeneration.

Make a portal near the breach, set up totems and power charges generation.
Activate breach.
If you manage to clear it in next 2 seconds, proceed to clean it.
If you get overwhelmed, jump the portal and wait it over.

Spam heat and staunching, if necessary.

Though my pizza build is very worse than OP's (4 times less damage) it's a viable strategy for breaching.
Hmm, thanks for input.

From my experience its the frost ones killing me very quickly, the rest is *somewhat* manageable.
But those frost are just crazy, they keep chilling freezing me even with Auxium belt with just DoT effects :-/ (ofc after I deplete my flasks).

Gotta get at least vaal discipline I guess.
vaal haste + vaal discipline = epic win in breaches
Siliarus wrote:
Hmm, thanks for input.

From my experience its the frost ones killing me very quickly, the rest is *somewhat* manageable.
But those frost are just crazy, they keep chilling freezing me even with Auxium belt with just DoT effects :-/ (ofc after I deplete my flasks).

Gotta get at least vaal discipline I guess.

If you are CI you NEED Vaal disc, it is your "get out of gaol card".

FB totem build is God aweful in breeches if life or sub-par gear.

Only now am I happy to open T16 breeches, but I have 12.260 ES and fairly decent gear (check my stuff on my profile).

Damage is great even with fairly shitty gear, but random breaches can be just cancer (also bear in mind there are tons of other builds people use that struggle just as much with breaches)
OCEANIC EXILES https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/581434
Last edited by VenGanZa9 on Feb 3, 2017, 8:27:01 PM
what ascendary nodes do i get?

following your build, having a lot of fun with it, wrecking shit

Also, if i want to go dagger and shield instead of dual weild, is it still viable versus boss's? if so what stats i want on shield?

thanks in advanced :D
Last edited by SKEGGER on Feb 3, 2017, 9:36:06 PM
Played my Flameblaster to 40/40. Really enjoyed clearing all content. It was the first time doing the guardians and shaper alone which was quite a challenge but very manageable after 2 failed tries. Doing vaal tample and Hall of grandmasters was fun as well, all the breach bosses done solo as well.

Went for CI, dual wielding crafted misery daggers. ES at 10.5k felt good. Didn't want to go for shield cause of the reduced cast & movement speed.

Thanks for writing this guide viperesque. Going for the increased radius enchant on the hubris enchant and a lvl 21 flameblast made a lot of fights easier.
Wow. 40/40 that's great. Is 21 lvl flameblast that important? And can you tell little bit about flasks, I'm really struggle, wich ones to use. Thanks a lot.
These are my 5 flasks:

I should have redone the silver flasks as charges dont work for totems getting the crit. Exchanged the Atyiris promis with mana flask with extra charges for no regen maps.

My other items:

As I had quite low spell damage on my daggers I went for fingerless silk gloves. Yes the added flameblast level did add more damage, at least I felt it improved my killspeed. Didn't do any calculations though...

I went for higher movement speed on boots & belt as I feel it makes sidestepping easier in case I didn't want to use whirling blades.
Last edited by Maaarc on Feb 5, 2017, 4:53:15 PM

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