Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

Yay for ruining yet another gave us Reach now are concerned about its power if Prophecy becomes a lingering thing. Better sell those 6L Reaches now gents...I'm fairly sure they will be nerfed to an usable or unwanted extent.
Great news! Very glad to see Prophecy enter standard.
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
Adding prophecy into core game is great. About time you actually add some new content into the standard game in a meaningful way, especially since you spend so much time and money developing them.

Now add some of the other leagues content.


Warbands, darkshrines and tempest all need some love also. Fun content that could use some more meaningful integration into the core game. They all have some interesting and unique way of playing/transforming zones that would only add to the overall gameplay experience. These things shouldn't be relegated to flashback leagues or zana mods.
Lab is 0 fun. Free the ascension points from lab
I'm really happy to see Prophecy elements move into the main game. It added a whole new way to play from levels 65-ish to 80. Instead of rushing my characters to maps I was able to explore areas of Wraeclast that I have always loved and never spent a lot of time in. This is excellent news!
This sound really well and logic


One thing I hope is more Fated uniques, such a great addition to the game, but mainly a rework on "kill x powerful monster"

Like kill a powerful frost priest... Make the unique reward a random cold themed unique, that would give this prophecy so much value
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
I'm really glad prophecy is is staying, I felt all the way through it had a huge design space.

My greatest problem with prophecy has been half solved as well, access to prophecies. They have really broken the flow of gameplay, and navali being allowed in hideout helps with that in mapping.
However it's still an issue for levelling. Why not make it so you always have 7 prophecies, and seal with silver coins? Or even axe siler coins altogether, there are plenty of other underutilized currencies.
Best thing said by GGG ever. I have just one issue - with reduced coin drop, shouldn't sealing price be a little bit (or a lot) lower than we have now? Because for people without resources to buy a lot of coins - it might be a bother to even try prophecies.
My Nerf Rant
Another league, another (planned) nerf to an item I, as casual player, worked most of the time towards, now just about to be ready for the end-game content. That counts as 2 * time_wasted.

I would prefer you guys think _ahead_ and think hard about what you do before you introduce op'd stuff into the game and then slam it with a nerf-hammer after tons of people like me invested tons of time into it. I wanted to continue with my perandus league toon in standard, but could not due to the Voltaxic nerf. The same is going to happen now again with RotC it seems.

Well, I should probably stick with (very exciting idea of) playing some cheap self-found starter char all league long, every league, making it to yellow maps at most (char non-viable for higher content), as items are too expensive and, even if I manage to get my hands on some end-game gear by the end of the league, it will be nerfed right after, so forget standard.

Looking forward to more details about the new league.
I know it's not true, but it could be.
Qarl wrote:
Prophecy worked well as a league, with high player engagement. Players enjoyed having new things to do during the levelling process, as well as some of the new rewards, such as the very popular fated uniques.

Did it now? ''High player engagement'' - lol. The process you're talking about lasts for 6 to 12 hours depending on how good you're are leveling your character. It is no secret that doing prophecies is a waste of time while leveling and don't add any value to the process, and I dare you to deny that. Outside of 'Reach of the Council' and handful of fated uniques, this league offered the least amount of fun I have had since Rampage. Prophecy should have NEVER been a stand alone league.

One thing though, as a side content prophecies work well, however, reducing coin rate drop makes absolutely no sense to me. I'd much rather see reworked prophecies that would not devalue mid-tier unique items(Windripper, Drillneck, etc.) than reduced coin rate drops. As it is right now, outside of 4 or 5 prophecies that are actually obtainable, majority of players will simply leave those 'rare' coin drops on the ground unless they are worth close to 1:1 chaos orbs. Please, stop making Path of Exile content even worse than it already is with the power creep we're in right now.
I don't care with new leagues not any more after Talisman League. I completely aborted this GGG phylosophy: You need to create new chars to have granted access to new features! It's a way to try to maintain players always locked in game with the promise of better rewards!

Instead, I prefer to upgrade all my chars to TRY to reach highest levels!

Rare drops in maps are worse than ever! This is very frustrating ... :(

The search for top Uniques is mandatory and not optional!

Prophecies coming to Standard is well done, but will not be my focus!

A few friends that I have will not play PoE again because is too difficult upgrade fast a char after 80 levels with only common rares or without six-linked sockets or top Unique items!

This is becoming very frustrating ...

I expect the modifications in the core game to elevate again rare items make possible to reach highest levels without be locked to acquire Unique items.

For example, think about it: Why is mandatory play Righteous Fire with Rise of the Phoenix, despite fire resistances?

Many features in game should be revised, including the system to manage MTX.

I expect to not become disapointed again in 2.4.0!

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