Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

I promise if you guys did a poll on how many people wanted this league to roll into the core game, it would not be here #bringbacktalisman
Hype! I like it!!!!
This is best PoE content update since beginning of PoE.

hm not too happy about this :/ I only activated prophecies like twice because they disturb the flow of the game too much for me, now it'll always feel like I'm missing out on something... this might honestly be a game breaker for me

Quite the opposite, they add something to do while leveling.

Instead of just rushing through early game areas to get forward, you actually have something to do in them.

Yeah, some prophecies are PIA, but nothing game breaking. (don't like prophecy you got? seal it and discard it/sell it)
This is horrible news for me.
Playing to get coins so I can seal the crappy prophecies I have and get new crappy ones that I have to seal . . . 300+ coins later . . .

Very few of the prophecies are interresting and for me this might be the end of the game.
I do dailies and then switch to standard.
Now I have to live with the crap?

There must be another game out there worth playing . . .
also prophecy chains are anoing. when you complete them they start over...
maby when you ones completed the chain once. you can onely get the last prophecy of that chain?
Last edited by Rekill on Aug 10, 2016, 5:00:13 AM
suwapsychodad wrote:
This is horrible news for me.
Playing to get coins so I can seal the crappy prophecies I have and get new crappy ones that I have to seal . . . 300+ coins later . . .

Very few of the prophecies are interresting and for me this might be the end of the game.
I do dailies and then switch to standard.
Now I have to live with the crap?

There must be another game out there worth playing . . .

Or you could pretend it doesn't exist?

I honestly don't get the people saying they're quitting/leaving because an optional function is being added to the game that some other people like. Not to mention a function they have been participating in without quitting up to now from the looks of it.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion on Aug 10, 2016, 4:57:08 AM
Sounds good. Just keep your hands off the legacy bows! (I'm still annoyed over the voltaxic treatment)
ropumar wrote:
Them silver coins.

My suggestion is:

Make silver coins not drop anymore, but that every day (together with master reset) prophecy slots get reset automatically. So every day people would have 7 new prophecies.

While coins last, people that hoarded coins could buy new prophecies on same day (being the excpetion of more than 7 prophecies per day) until the silver coins run out and everyone has to wait for a lucky day with good prophecy rolls.

The sealing of prophecies would be gone since everyday they would be reset if not completed.

I like your ideas but I think we should be able to seal prophecies so we can sell them and we should be able to seal prophecies for free since we only get new prophecies by daily reset
Integral Questing Experience? Do you guys even play your own game or just make these manifestos up while fiddling with something else?

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